FOOTNOTES: Our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Monday.

Todays READERS POLL question is: Who would you vote for If the election was held today for District 77 State Representative seat?

Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. S. Spoon is seeing the score in the CCO straw poll run up on him, which is as it should be. Johnny Kincaid is a good candidate on several levels. Judging by his level of activism and concern for the community, he will be a good representative. He can also show these well-funded candidates that they can’t just write a big check for obnoxious signage and skate into office. Spoon got a little taste of that in the primary and should be given another dose in the general.

  2. I think the Silver Spoon crowd might learn that it takes more than big signs to win a general election in Evansville. Things like being a well-known name in the community for decades and being on the Republican ticket in a presidential year count.

  3. The same straw poll that had Riecken by a landslide? I’m sure he’s terrified.

    JK&Co. needs more than this perfunctory anti-establishment myth. That wave crested cycles ago. As for SS….even if JK were running against a true silver spoon—and not a public school kid who has worked his whole life and now prosecutes child molesters for Joe taxpayer—JK still needs to show voters what he brings to the table (I mean, the sliders were great….but c’mon). I’m not opposed to the GOP taking the 77th, but JK/PD will not gain traction with this faux “outsider” resentment. Just do better. More substance. Less “woe-is-me” and my non-political last name.

    • PAK….posting what?
      Gray links. All gray links. You’re bleeding out of your behind Pressanykey.

  4. “I”m self-funding. I am not beholden to the Donors. Those guys own Jeb. Not me. I’ll say it again, I’m self-funding my campaign.” (Donald Trump)
    APPLAUSE!!! CLAP!! CLAP!! CLAP!!! CLAPP!! Make American Great Again!! CLAP!!!

    TODAY…..this is Trump:
    “Trump’s donor managers see an increasingly bleak situation. Trump’s fundraisers think he’ll struggle to top $300 million, a figure that’s less than a third of what Romney raised in 2012 and a small fraction of what Hillary Clinton is expected to bring in. One option, Trump’s campaign said, is for Trump to accept PUBLIC FINANCING. Under federal election laws, that would allow him to receive a lump sum of government funds while capping how much he’d be able to spend.”

  5. On the agenda of the Bilderberg group this year is the subject below:

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group.
    “the theory that high-rise architecture leads to anomie in the residents”

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    It is precisely the efforts of the Frankfurt School’s agenda of “Cultural Marxism” that has created rot in Western Society.

  6. Good article in Politico yesterday about Trump’s fundraising woes.

    If he takes that public money he risks being outspent like McCain was. I think he’s had his fun, now it’s gone south on him. Doubt that he’ll be tossing much of his own money, such that it is, in at this point. As long as there is someone to stick a microphone in front of that nectarine he’ll be happy, a winner, the greatest ever.


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