Webs of Beauty


Many people have unwittingly walked into a spider web. It is an unsettling feeling; however, finding a spider web glistening in the sun is amazing and wonderful.

Spiders construct webs for shelter and food. There are four types of webs: tangle, sheet, tunnel, and orb. Tangle webs are just that—a tangled mess of silk often seen in basement corners.

Sheet webs lie flat and can be seen in the early morning on top of the grass. Tunnel webs lie flat and have a tunnel where the spider hides. The most iconic type of web is the orb web. This web has a circular pattern with the spider typically resting in the middle. The silk that forms the circles is sticky, so it can catch insects. The strands that go from the outside to the center are not sticky. Most orb spiders are nocturnal and spend the day hiding near their web.

At night, depending on the species, spiders will repair or rebuild their web. See how many different types of webs you can find while visiting your favorite state park.