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W. T. Grant Company


These smiling servers are standing behind the soda fountain counter at the W. T. Grant Company at 507-509 Main Street. The year is 1938, which fell during the golden age of soda fountains in the United States. They flourished in dime stores, drug stores and in similar venues, providing light refreshments for shoppers at bargain prices. (The signs behind the women advertise ice cream, pies, cold drinks, and sandwiches for a nickel each.) Evansville’s Grant store opened in 1920, the 34th in a national chain; it closed in the 1960s, soon after relocating to the new Weinbach shopping center.

FOOTNOTES: We want to thank Patricia Sides, Archivist of Willard Library for contributing this picture that shall increase people’s awareness and appreciation of Evansville’s rich history. If you have any historical pictures of Vanderburgh County or Evansville please contact please contact Patricia Sides, Archivist Willard Library at 812) 425-4309, ext. 114 or e-mail her at www.willard.lib.in.us.

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