Vectren’s IRP meeting – March 20




Every two years, Vectren Energy Delivery (Vectren) is required to submit its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC). An IRP is a public document that describes Vectren’s long-range plan for meeting load forecasts, generation to meet load and ensuring the delivery of safe, economical and reliable electricity. Vectren has established a stakeholder engagement process to provide an opportunity for interested parties to participate in the IRP process. Please note this is not a forum in which rates, nor customer service issues will be discussed. If you wish to participate in our first 2014 IRP stakeholder workshop, details are below.


Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014

Location: 1st Floor of Vectren’s headquarters building located at 211 NW Riverside Dr., Evansville, Indiana 47708

Time: 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. with registration and continental breakfast starting at 9:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided

Agenda: An agenda will be sent to registered attendees in advance of the workshop


Registration for the March 20 workshop is now open. Please register by Friday, March 7, 2014 in order to receive the meeting materials prior to March 20. Registration is available at:


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding the workshop.



  1. Thieves, Criminals … I wouldn’t set foot in the same room with you, I might get some of you on the bottom of my shoe.

  2. If I made so much money off the misery of others I’d have trouble sleeping at night. Only thing that gives me a little comfort is that they can’t take that money with them to hell, if it exists.

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