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  ![]() VCRP Monthly Breakfast will be this Saturday, July 20, 2019. What: VCRP Breakfast
Date: Saturday July 20, 2019
Where: C.K. Newsome Center , Room 118A-B
100 Walnut Street, Evansville, IN 47713 7:30 – Doors Open (Complimentary Continental Breakfast)
8:00 – Program
> Guest Speaker: State Senator Jim Tomes
> Chairman Parke provides update on political happenings
9:00- Adjourn  Let us know if you plan on attending.
 Contact Mary Jo Kaiser at 812-425-8207 for more information.
Christmas Fundraiser this Thursday, July 18, 2019
 Holcomb announces re-election bid :
 Gov. Eric Holcomb kicked off his re-election campaign Saturday (July 13, 2019) with a rally at Knightstown’s Hoosier Gym.
   Learn more :  Gov. Holcomb announces reelection campaign
 Combined Cash-on-Hand of $7.23 Million Also Sets New Record:
 Show your support for Republican candidates next week while attending the Vanderburgh County 4-H Fair and visit the VCRP Tent. The VCRP Tent is located near the 4-H Industrial Building (building #9). The 4-H Fair will run July 22 – July 27, and the VCRP Tent will be open 4:00PM – 9:00PM daily. We will be distributing candidate information, passing out balloons to children, and promoting voter registration.
If you would like to help at the VCRP 4-H Tent contact :
Mary Jo Kaiser at 812-425-8207, email
 City Council Meeting-  Date: Monday, July 22, 2019
  Time: 5:30 PM
Location: Room 301, Civic Center Complex
        1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
 For more information visit
EVSC Board of School Trustees Meeting-
 Date: July 22, 2019
       Time: 5:30 PM
 Location: Board Room, EVSC Administration Building
         951 Walnut St., Evansville |
 County Commission Meeting-  Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2019
  Time: 3:00 PM
Location: Room 301, Civic Center Complex
        1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
 For more information visit
  VCRP Central Committee Meeting – Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Time: 11:30 AM
Location: GOP Headquarters
815 John Street, Evansville
 Meetings are open to all Vanderburgh County Precinct Committeemen
 County Council Meeting-  Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2019
  Time: 3:30 PM
Location: Room 301, Civic Center Complex
        1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
 For more information visit
 Save the Date:
Watch for more information.
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 Summer committee will look at infrastructure, traffic flow:
(from 071219 News Update)
The summer and fall months are excellent opportunities for Indiana lawmakers to study and examine important issues facing Hoosiers and our community. I was recently selected to serve as vice chair of the Interim Study Committee on Roads and Transportation, which examines issues impacting Indiana’s transportation infrastructure and recommends potential legislation. I was also appointed to serve on the National Conference of State Legislatures 2020 Legislative Summit Host Committee, which will prepare and plan for the national legislative summit taking place in Indiana in 2020. Hearings and meetings typically occur at the Statehouse in Indianapolis, and can be viewed online at Members of the public are welcomed to attend and testify. To learn more about what I will be examining in the coming months, click here. |
View bills from the 2019 legislative session that Governor Eric Holcomb has signed into law.  click here
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 Veterans Seminar & Resource Fair – Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Hosted by 8th District Congressman Larry Bucshon
Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm EST
  Location: Vincennes University - Green Activities Center
120 W Harrison St., Vincennes, IN. 47591
Review Event Agenda HERE
Braun announces bipartisan “Build America, Buy America” Act :(from 070919 Press Release)
U.S. Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Mike Braun (R-IN), Gary Peters (D-MI) and Rob Portman (D-OH) today announced they will be introducing legislation this week to apply Buy America rules to all taxpayer-funded infrastructure and public works projects. Currently, Buy America rules have not been fully implemented with respect to all federal programs that provide grants for the construction of infrastructure. This means American-made iron, steel and manufactured products are required for some infrastructure projects, but not all. When Chinese- or Russian- made steel and other products are used instead of American products, it steals jobs from U.S. workers. The Senators’ bipartisan bill, the Build America, Buy America Act, would implement Buy America rules across the board – ensuring that American taxpayer dollars are used to buy American-made iron, steel and manufactured products for any federally funded infrastructure projects.
 Americans walked on the moon 50 years ago this Saturday –
Fifty years ago today, July 16, 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, and Michael Collins embarked on the Apollo 11 space mission to place a man on the moon. Four days later , July 20, 1969, Armstrong relayed to mission control:
“Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed” .Â
 Across the country and around the world people stopped to watch in awe as Neil Armstrong became the first person to set foot onto another planetary body on July 20, 1969. Upon placing his feet on the lunar surface, Armstrong radioed back to Earth, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
 Putting a man on the moon should rank as the greatest feat in human history. No other nation has repeated what America accomplished 50 years ago. The only foot prints you will find on the moon were made by Americans.
Stay in touch with GOP members of Congress representing our area at these links:
 Mark Your calendar        CLICK on event for more information
 Make sure you add to your address book so we’ll be sure to land in your inbox!
     If you have any questions, contact Mary Jo Kaiser, VCRP Political Director, at or (812) 425-8207.
for more info. Thank you.
Paid for by the Vanderburgh County Republican Party, Farley Smith, Treasurer