Vanderburgh County Councilman James Raben Announces Opposition to Roberts Stadium Ball Fields Project at this Time


Vanderburgh County Councilman Jim Raben has made his intentions to vote no on the proposed Roberts Stadium Ballfields project that was resurrected this week in a last ditch effort lead by County Councilman Tom Shetler Jr. to form a coalition of public investors to go forward with the Ballfields Project with a lower bond issue to be serviced by the Innkeeper’s Tax. This coalition of the willing was made up of the City of Evansville that was financing the demolition and associated tasks, the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation (EVSC) that expressed a willingness to contribute to the project in exchange for one of the softball fields being designated as Bosse’s home field, and the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau. Some adjustments were discussed in reducing the scope of the Ballfields Project to do less of the deferred maintenance to existing facilities within Wesselman Park.

Councilman Raben’s declaration will make passage of this project in the short run extremely difficult. When interviewed by the City County Observer for this announcement, Councilman Raben stated the following.

“I spent much time and effort reviewing and analyzing the feasibility of the Roberts Stadium Ballfields project during the last couple of weeks, I spent more time in deliberative thought on this project than I need to on most projects that the County Council is tasked with considering. My conclusion is that the ECVB should concentrate its resources on getting the underutilized facilities suffering from deferred maintenance issues that we already have up to acceptable standards. Numerous reliable sources have told me that the Goebel Soccer Complex is already in need of maintenance. During times like this as a businessman, my conclusion is that the economics are not right to go forward with the Roberts Stadium Ballfields project as proposed at this time”.

Councilman Raben also expanded on the number of existing entertainment venues within the City of Evansville that are either underutilized, in dire need of maintenance, or both. He included the following facilities on his list of properties with unused capacity and in need of routine maintenance.

*The Centre

*New Stadium Arena

*Mesker Zoo


*Mesker Amphitheatre

*Victory Theatre

*The Museum

*The Children’s Museum

*LST 325

*Goebel Soccer Complex

*Burdette Park

*Vanderburgh 4-H Center

*Swonder Ice Arena

*Angel Mounds

*Lloyd Pool

*Reitz Home

The City County Observer would like to commend Councilman Raben for his thoughtful consideration and for making his position known well in advance of the December 1st meeting where this issue is scheduled for discussion. We hope that the members of the Vanderburgh County Council that have not yet announced their intentions will do so in the near future so as to spare us another two weeks of posturing on behalf of this much discussed proposal.


  1. Thank you Mr. Raben. Please see my full comment after the next article about the City Council Resolution authored by Mr. McGinn and Dr. Adams. It is refreshing to hear a common sense opinion.

  2. Thank you Mr. Raben , your reasoned vote of No is appreciated, and applauded by the citizens.

  3. Thank you Councilman Raben for making public your negative position regarding this project. Your objective explanation of your reasons is highly appreciated.

    Now, will one more councilperson please stand up for sensibility and reason and promise to vote “NO” to this project?

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