Dear Friend,

In preparation for the 2017 legislative session, which begins in January, interim study committee members meet to examine assigned topics, gather testimonies and identify potential legislation.

I have been selected to serve on the Funding Indiana’s Roads for a Stronger Safer Tomorrow Task Force (FIRSST) and on the Interim Study Committee on Roads and Transportation. The FIRSST committee will be researching and identifying long-term solutions to state and local road funding needs. A comprehensive list of topics assigned to each summer study committee can be found here.

Interim study committee hearings, which typically occur at the Statehouse in Indianapolis, can be viewed live online at iga.in.gov. This site also provides committee calendars and meeting agendas. Members of the public are also welcomed to attend. If you have any input on the topics, please join us for these meetings.

Please contact me at h78@iga.in.gov or 317­-232­-9648 with any questions.
Please keep in touch,

State Rep. Holli Sullivan


  1. Dear Friend,
    Will you be debating any opponent you might have before you run to hold your seat or will you be ducking debates again, like Ron Bacon advised a couple of years ago?

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