A good time was had by all as the auctioneer kept things lively as he added comedy to the bidding. One person was quoted on face book as saying ” Political fundraisers shouldn’t be this much fun”
The fundraiser exceeded expectations and Bruce thanked the people who came as well as the people who donated items and the committee who planned and made the night such a success.
The crowd cheered as Bruce talked about the success of the CORE group he co- chaired in defeating the consolidation referendum. They also cheered when Bruce mentioned that he had lobbied the State legislators to change the law to require a separate threshold vote on all future consolidation efforts.
The next fundraiser is a bar-B-Q on April 5th at the lakeside cabin at Burdette park. For more information contact Bruce on face book or by email at bungethiem@yahoo.com
Hire a photographer.
Is it true that Ungethiem may be on the Woods & Woods debate by himself?
Is there are reason for the foot note and does that apply only to Marsha Bell?
Thanks for the clarification editor.
It is time for new blood and Bruce seems to be a good choice!! Everyone needs to help get the vote out to try and hinder the powerbrokers in Evansville and Vanderburgh Co. by electing good new people!
….this fundraiser could have been even more successful if all of the Tea Party Buffoons who came to the downtown IRS rally would have attended and donated.
(That’s a joke. I mean the Tea Party. They’re a joke.)
DVEATCH….you did a great job discussing the Bible yesterday. Thank you.
If there were no Tea Party representatives there why is that a problem? I don’t quite get the connection with their stance on IRS scrutiny and Mr. Ungethiem. Unless in a round about way you are suggesting he will use the same level of IRS scrutiny but I don’t think that is your implication.
Kudos to Mr. Ungethiem’s success to gather up funds. But their absence tells me they do not support his candidacy, that’s their choice.
….I was only having fun w/ the Tea Party reference. My guess is, U is off the radar. He’s not campaigning on guns, gays, getting rid of stoplights as they are a sign of government fascism, drilling for oil in Burdette Park, or that he thinks Obama was born in Kenya and is an Arab.
Hey WEINZWESTSIDE SPEAK FOR YOUR SELF I AM PROUD TO BE ONE OF THE Tea Party Person Baffoons as you are good at name calling i was at Bruce’e event and so were other Proud Tea Party people were you ? at least we are doing something thank you very much and we are not name calling and i use my real name!!!!!
All caps = bad etiquette. Typical TPer.
Typical classless post from one of the usual trolls.
If Mr. U treats people with respect and doesn’t bully people then he’s got my vote. That would be a huge improvement on the current commissioner he’s running against. She’s not very professional and treats people as though she has them over a barrel. Good luck Mr. U.
The voters need to determined who is the best qualified candidate to represent all the citizens and businesses of Vanderburgh County in the future. With Marsha Abell’s extensive business and governmental experience, she is the clear choice to be re-elected County Commissioner.
She has demonstrated long term excellent working relationships with local and state government officials to make sure Vanderburgh County gets its fair share. Her opponent has very little to no experience in this area.
The consolidation question is a closed /dead issue. It was on the ballot and the voters spoke. A new law has been past to address the issue. It will not come up again in our lifetime .
Marsha will work hard to make Vanderburgh County the best it can be.
Our County Commissioners have worked together very good. Let us keep the good team together–Marsha Abell is clearly the best choice.
Wayne Parke
Chairman Republican Party
Abell is part of the problem with local politics! Hey I have served and lived off the public dime and think I am better than you!!!
Wayne, did you ever give us the number of people that attended the Lincoln Day dinner and the funds raised? If you did, I missed it.
It would be a good article to submit here for publication.
I note in Wayne’s response his only beef with Mr. Ungethiem is his lack of experience at sucking down federal and/or state freebies/monies.
Really Wayne? I’ve known lots of people in the private and public sector with no experience in one thing or another and did a bang up job. How do you know he won’t do the same?
Your just passing judgement because he hasn’t filled your coffers to the degree you want. I know you will deny that and your free to do so. Unless of course you care to post side by side his and Abell’s qualifications then I might change my mind.
dveatch: We do not need to take the risk of electing a person with no experience. We have a person who already has years of experience that has overall done a good job. If you was going to have the engine on your car worked on–do you want a new mechanic who might learn how in a few years or a person who already has years of proven experience.
To my knowledge Bruce has done nothing ( time or money) to help the Republican Party or any Republican Candidate. On the other, hand Marsha Abell and her husband has done a lot.
Marsha has business experience.
Marsha has held the position of City Clerk,County Clerk, County Council and currently holds a County Commissioner office. The only thing I know Bruce has done is he ran against a strong Republican and lost the race big time.
Have you change your mind. You should. Please do.
Is it true that Ungetheim is that new mechanic that does not possess the old (points and condenser) ways? That the old mechanic is in there only because of cronyism?
Is it true that “time and money” to a political machine is becoming a thing of the past? Just as the political spoils jobs are a faded memory back 40-50 years ago?
Is it true that the Republican Party at State level passed the RTW law. In it, you did not have to pay dues to the union (this case, the political party) and the unions (political boss) is required to represent them?
Is it true that Bruce first taste of being a candidate in a primary election was against the long time, well respected Curt Wortman? He was so liked out here, that the Democrats would vote for him in the general election as one of their own! Heck, our township trustee and old township assessor (same person) was as well like the same way!
Is it true that Marsha Abell is no Curt Wortman?
Let me say at the start, I know nothing about Bruce save the postings by CCO, so just to be clear I am not his campaign manager or in any way affiliated.
The number of government positions held by Abell don’t really mean squat to me. I spent 17 years in the Air Force and quite familiar with people moving from one governmental position to the next and can honestly say such movements have little bearing on how well they do their job. Been there done that.
You have further cemented my view that at least in the Evansville area the Republican party is only concerned about cronyism and a grading criteria weighted heavily against a fellow Republican (Bruce) that hasn’t thrown enough money your way. Your weakness on this is further compounded by the perceived need to bolster your stance to now include her husband. I don’t give a shit about her husband, he isn’t running for office.
In fact and I’ll amend your words, his “lack of participation” with the Republican machine I consider to be a bonus. The reasons should be obvious to you.
Not once in any of your posts or rebuttals here at the CCO have you mentioned anything about either candidate how close they adhere to the founding principles of the Republican party, correct me if I am wrong.
Your car mechanic analogy falls flat. In today’s world, the shade tree mechanic needs familiarity and a background with the latest technologies used, else they are just blindly poking at the thing with a stick. I was going to use the infinite number of monkeys analogy but there’s only one of me.
You have not changed my mind at all.
On a side note, don’t even get me started on the Democratic party.
EKB: From our observation “the machine” as you all put it,must have already decided this county council person is toast. The effective crapola won’t load into the slings until after Mr Ungenthiem thrashes her in the primary.
Once the mud dries a little they will go all out to discredit him “no holds barred” meaning full on SNEGAL where ever,and how ever possible,kinda predictable as seen by recent trending.
After reading this blog for awhile now is “clear” that Wayne jerk or who ever is behind the screen name is the “crews albatross” hung to the candidate specified by the before mentioned endorsement.
This sanction as observed from afar seems more an detriment or “coercive intervention” than an actual approbation,or approval.
“it is more shameful to distrust our friends than to be deceived by them” (Confucius)
It would be nice to get a respectful post from him once in awhile. That’s why I think he should submit a piece on the Lincoln Day extravaganza.
Poor ole Lincoln,he gets his name/legacy put to allot of crapola extravaganzas. I’m thinking if he could see the politics in your town today he would crap a load longer than the marching procession at Grants funeral.
Lincoln name usage, indeed. I think that is the quote of the day.
I think he is and has been respectful. He has been very careful in his choice of words regarding support for Abell. To me his choice of words sounds so canned a P-38 is needed to read the “real reasons”, at least from my view. Oh, in case you don’t know, a P-38; http://www.georgia-outfitters.com/page52.shtml
dveatch: P-38 Used have one on my key ring when I adventure kayaked. Today the butt-heads on the ways and means committee would likely appropriate the redesign for about $7000.00 bucks a pop.
The dastardly nasty MREs of local manufacture reduced the need for the things. The guys still have one in the duck blind though,just in case some fool screws up the pull tab on the mystery meat Vienna sausage can.
Idiots, I once guided for in Arkansas started eating those one morning,when they were finished,I told them the eggs,bacon,fresh biscuits and brats on the grill behind the blind was the breakfast for the hunters,the vieners they ate were dog treats for good retrieves.
One of’em used a Barlow to open the damn can while I had the pooch out looking for a downed bird. Between the lot of’em they ruined the pull tab in the attempts to access the contents.
Some day I’ll have to tell just “whom” they were,mostly from a big law firm down there,Heh,heh,what’s said in the duck blind stays in the duck blind. 🙂
elkaybee: When you start posting with your real name I will.
@ Wayne Parke:
You are well aware of who I am. I use a nickname given to me by co-workers, because of the way I initailled memos, etc. You can dig up a better excuse than that. I’ll bet Marsha won’t show up at the Woods and Woods debate unless I start posting with my full name.
Remeber voters….. consolidation is dead, home owner tax credit is dead, holier than thou attitude is dead, and DAMMIT, I;m not qualified for a private sector job, She and Whayne think the evil way she has run roughshod over the citizens of Vanderburgh co. are dead issues and should be forgotten. The tax credit was enough to get me, all involved are on my get outta own list reguardless of party involved.
onemeover: You are wrong.
Marsha was in a meeting where Democrat Mayor Weinzapel discussed the Homestead Tax Credit. Later it was Mayor Weinzapel– not Marsha– who decided to drop the Homestead Tax program. It was later restored.
Is it true that every candidate at one time, never had that “experience” until they were elected to that position?
Is it true that Bruce had classes in the political field while going to college?
Is it true that in the 2010 primary race that had a little less then 11,000 republican voters, that Marsha Abell won with 5,700 votes?
Is it true that Bruce has the endorsement of the Indiana Farm Bureau which is said to be a 5,000 member strong voting block in Vanderburgh County?
Is it true that the county commissioners would have a broader base of “expertise” to pull from on decisions that they face, instead of “two” relators that are from your own party now?
And finally, Would it be true that Marsha Abell should be allowed to participate in the upcoming debate with Bruce with Woods & Woods? By doing the debate, this would prove to us that she could stand on her own two feet?
Eh? Abell will not be allowed to participate? IIT? Did I miss something?
Good point about the diversity of expertise.
CCO-March 13- political- article on John Montrastella- will find Marsha answer when approached for debate.
onemeover: You are wrong.
Marsha was in a meeting where Democrat Mayor Weinzapel discussed the Homestead Tax Credit. Later it was Mayor Weinzapel– not Marsha– who decided to drop the Homestead Tax program. It was later restored.
Wayne, please list Abell’s “extensive” ((non-government) business experience.
Unless she omitted a good deal of non-government business experience it amounts to this;
1. worked as a claims adjuster
2. Community Relations Representative
3. owned a freelance paralegal business
4. real estate agent
For Mr. Ungethiem his non-government business experience is;
1. President Around To It LLC
2. A Regional Tech Mgr
3. Engineering Manager
4. Senior Global Engineer
5. Automation Manager
Most people with linkedin profiles are professionals in their field of expertise.
Is it true that being a “good republican” party fund raiser/backer, with her husband “trumps” what Bruce Ungemthiem has done in the business world? Which of these two different “skills” do you prefer, as a candidate for this coming election?
Oh you also noticed he had to bolster his position by tossing in her husband, to bad her husband isn’t running for office so in my view he isn’t part of the equation.
Based on what I could find above about their business experience it would be interesting to know why Wayne thinks hers out weights Bruce’s. I’ll hazard a guess, the tipping point for Wayne is Abell’s community relations skills, you know the “I know how to bullshit people” skill set. Unfortunately there are far to many of those type from both political parties in office.
Wayne Parke owner of Parke Consulting (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/wayne-parke/b/707/602) . Nothing wrong with that, just making note.
Unless she omitted a good deal of non-government business experience it amounts to this;
worked as a claims adjuster
Community Relations Representative
owned a freelance paralegal business
real estate agent
For Mr. Ungethiem his non-government business experience is;
President Around To It LLC
A Regional Tech Mgr
Engineering Manager
Senior Global Engineer
Automation Manager
Most people with linkedin profiles are professionals in their field of expertise.
Wayne would you be so kind to send the CCO Marsha Abell’s current resume so we can read about her extensive business experiences. Also I can’t wait to review her educational credentials.
Lets see Mr. Ungethiem has a degree in engineering and Marsha has a degree in ?.
Sounds like to me his engineering degree would be very useful since some of the functions of country commissioner are;
1. Supervise construction and maintenance of roads and bridges.
2. Receive bids and award contracts for county public works projects.
Useful I would say.
dveatch: Might have come in handy,when they were in the construction phase of the poorly applied new construction out on your counties northeast side Green River road road improvement project? That thing is a mess.
Ah say boy! “Drivin that road is like boatin in a leeward blow”…”kinda choppy”. (Foghorn Leghorn)
Yeah and if/when Evansville ever gets around to fixing the sewer system having a county commissioner with an engineering degree just might be a good thing. But then I might be pushing daisies by then.
Friendly reminder that county commissioners has no jurisdiction over city sewers.
Unless Evansville city government folds or goes belly up, and its residents wants county government to take over what is left of their duplicating government?
Your are right.
I dunno, looking over the past two administrations and further back, that might not be a bad idea. 🙂
deatch;Armstrongres: You guys sure get the holy hell charged outta you by the ESWU if your on they’re beat up old service though,incrementally plenty more, and, including the, caught with they’re pants down ” lackey fee” charged for letting the CSO mandate ride their rumps pocket for the last fifty years.
Meah,You have downtown entertainment though,guess you don’t actually need a 4-H center now days, as well.
One conceptualization reason for our Changed Climate storm water plan* modeling under development right now in some other regions,revenues increase through commerce developed during construction applications and ongoing logistics management Even including more jobs in systems evolution,forward its all solid revenue growth.
“Real jobs,for real needs moved forward.” Science & Engineering is funny that way,we ‘d rather solve problems than create more of them.
You guys have some real fine skilled trades people on your regions unemployed rosters,we need to get them back to work doing “real stuff” with “long term employment forecasts.” Careers,not some “short term flash pan” cronies cribbage project.
Rebuilding America,if for nothing else for those who worked lifetimes to hand it all over to us.
It all starts somewhere and that’s really close to the base infrastructures needed to sustain the new balances.
“Deinde interveniete tempore,non veritus”
“time passes without regard”
“Daylights burning”
Bruce also has a minor in “political science”.
Armstrongres: How much polictical office experience does Bruce have. Answer: None
See March 19, 5:30 post.
Please give me your thoughts on all my other comments on this story!
That’s a good thing Wayne. Look where the lifetime politicians like Marsha, Weinzapfel, Troy, Winnecke, etc. have gotten us.
Hey Marsha can’t you speak for yourself? Why are you hiding behind Wayne Parkes coat tails? Just in case you don’t know every time Wayne post a comment on your behalf he loses you votes.
Steve R: Answer: in results See above post.
In other words the powers that be have spoken so you had better vote for the gang of cronies(aka Wiennecke,Abell,Swaim and everybody Wayne has endorsed) or else you are not a true republican!
And in my view that is exactly why the Republicans handed over a second term to Obama; you’d best vote for the candidates “we” give you.
Frankly I would like to see more of this; http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2014/03/york_county_senate_seat_winner.html and http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/03/12/republican-david-jolly-beats-alex-sink-in-florida-special-election/ .
Good post mole man. Questions of the day Is Marsha Abell going on the WOOD AND WOODS and CCO T V show with Mr. Ungethiem? Is the CCO going to do a “Readers Poll” on Marsha and Bruce? Did Marsha hire her step son to work as the Director of Vanderburgh County Soil Conservation Director?
Bruce is the best choice! Vote for Bruce it is time for Abell to go back to a private life?
Wonder if Wayne had a chance to look at the current CCO Reader Poll to see how his hand picked candidate (Pete Swaim) is doing against John Montrastelle. Can’t wait to hear how Wayne is spinning the percentage difference of the votes between both gentlemen.
I bet Mr. Swaim declining not to go on the Woods and Woods show with John Montrastelle costs him many votes with the CCO readers.
Wayne’s World: If you believe the CCO poll is representative of the voters –you are living in a different world.
Remind me again which poll you think is valid not that I consider any poll to have all that much validity. But it will be interesting to see which poll was correct.
Wayne, It’s obvious that I must live in the same world that you do because you posted that the Mayor’s approval ratings is over 70%.
Heck I think the approval rating should be at least 80% by now because Wayne says so and because he won office by a 10-1 margin!
Wayne’s World: That is a fact whether you want to believe it or not.
It’s also a fact he got all Fs on the C&P poll too.
I believe it is time for change!! Look for qualified candidates not the same old shite!!
I applaud the CCO on it’s committment to print all articles submitted on candidates’ fundraisers.
And in their “raw” form, much appreciated.
Wayne Parke “political dream team”–Abell-Swaim and Bryun. Looks like his “dream team” is in trouble because of his public endorsement of them.
Sounds like a nightmare to me.
Very funny but true.
Wayne I’m still waiting for you to send the CCO a copy of Marsha Abell’s resume so we can see her extensive educational and business background.
Wayne still waiting for you to send Wayne’s World Marsha Abell extensive resume.
Can’t wait to see her awesome business experiences.
Oh, is it true that Marsha pushed her stepson to be appointed the Director of the Vanderburgh County Water and Soil Conservation Department? If so, isn’t this political influence peddling?
Wayne I’m interested in your response to Mole Man question about Marsha Abell’s step son being appointment to a county department position.
Is It True that Marsha Abell other stepson is a practicing attorney in Indy? Is It True that Marsha Abell convinced Nick Hermann to use her step son to do legal work for Mr. Hermann in Indy?
Wayne, please stop commenting on this platform. You don’t do yourself or the party any favors. I’m quite embarrassed for you.
Awwww C’mon Dad. We were having so much fun!
Reply to Michael Lowey:
Is this your real name?
Are you registered to vote?
Do you live in Vanderburgh County?
Are you a Republican?
I agree with Michael Lowey that Wayne Parke is an embarrassment to our party. He needs to let us ( Republicans) decide who we want to be elected to the County Council and County Commissioner positions in the upcoming primary. In short I respectfully ask Mr. Parke to shut his damm big mouth.
Thanks to Wayne Parke for causing my favorite political person, Marsha Abell problems in the upcoming Republican primary. Mr. Parke has offended many of my fellow precincts committee friends by telling them whom they shall support. In fact I think Mr. Parke dictatorial remarks has caused Marsha the primary election. If Marsha loses her re-election bid I feel that the percent committee leaders should call for his resignation.
I’m not at all offended and very pleased Wayne has cited his reasons to support Abell. That’s his right on both counts and I don’t knock him for that or consider it a negative thing in that regard. I do think his reasons read like the usual canned reasons any politician uses to support their candidate of choice.
In this instance and referring to his reasons of shall I say “business acumen” he feels Abell’s to out weights Bruce’s, though I think he is wrong on that point. But again its his choice to place weighted values in any way he likes.
Though I do agree with you, he isn’t doing Marsha any favors in this thread.
The people that he is engaging on this page had their mind made up before the candidacy form was filed. I don’t think Wayne’s posts are moving the needle in either direction. The debates in the CCO comments section are essentially white noise in the periphery.
PD: You talking sones or those compounded into phons? “White noise” at the proper HZ is very effective in application of audible sound control methodology. Passing/HZ control=stealth or background suppression through inaudible passing/HZ generation. Old stuff.
Innovative fan blade technology air control devices [simple stuff]incorporate the methodology for low operation background noise. Works, lowers noise heard by the human ear.
Once designed a blade that did that so well it helped in keeping several thousand of your local people employed and actually producing positive revenues there for about an extra 15 years. References ISO 532 DIN 45631.
The Domain of Psychoacoustic’s
Mr.Ungethiem would know this,Parke,meah,maybe,Abell ?
www. sengpielaudio.com/calculatorSonephon.htm
Maybe Wayne is playing us all for saps and really wants Bruce to win.
No—I do not want him to win.
what is it about my posts you keep moderating?
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