UE to Celebrate its 164th Founders Day on Sunday, February 18


The University of Evansville will observe its 164th Founders Day on Sunday, February 18. The celebration, which is free and open to the public, includes a worship service and convocation and a Founders Day Luncheon.

Founders Day is observed each year at UE to mark the incorporation of Moores Hill College, the move to Evansville, the charter as Evansville College, and the University’s officially becoming the University of Evansville.

The worship service and convocation is at 11:00 a.m. in Neu Chapel. The service will feature the Edgar M. McKown Lecture. This year’s speaker will be Rev. Mitchell Gieselman, UE graduate and superintendent of the southwest district, Indiana conference, United Methodist Church. His topic will be “Still Founding after all These Years.”

Immediately following the worship service and convocation, the celebration will conclude with the Founders Day Luncheon in Eykamp Hall of Ridgway University Center. Alumni Awards will be given to UE alumni who have achieved personal success and contributed exceptional services to their community and the University. This year’s award recipients are: Jennifer and David Pollock, Distinguished Alumni Award; Angela Stocklin, Young Alumna Award; Sharon and Thomas Kazee, Samuel Orr Honorary Alumni Award; and Richard Werking, Edie Bates Volunteer Service Award.

For more information, contact the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations at 812 488-2586 or alumni@evansville.edu.