UE Hosts Interfaith Worship Service to Commemorate 9/11


In remembrance of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the University of Evansville will hold a special interfaith worship service on Sunday, September 11 at 10:30 a.m. in Neu Chapel. The service, which will replace the chapel’s regularly scheduled University Worship, is open to all members of the UE and Evansville communities.

“September 11 and its aftermath demonstrated the importance of open, respectful dialogue among adherents of the world’s many faiths,” said Tamara Gieselman, University chaplain. “Ten years after the attacks, the need for unity and understanding is still great. The interfaith worship service in Neu Chapel will provide an opportunity for people to remember the lives lost on September 11 and pray together for a more peaceful future.”

Representatives from the local Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu communities will participate in the worship service. Other speakers include UE President Thomas A. Kazee; Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel; and Steve Bugg, a 1986 UE graduate who was living in Manhattan when the attacks took place.

The first half of the interfaith worship service will be dedicated to remembering the 9/11 attacks and their victims, while the second half will focus on looking forward with hope. Special music will include bagpipes, percussion, and music from various religious and cultural traditions.

Anyone attending the service should “expect to be surprised,” said Gieselman, “and be challenged by different perspectives.”

For more information, contact the University of Evansville’s Office of Religious Life at 812-488-2235.