Two USI students receive scholarships from Indiana Space Grant Consortium


Two students from the Pott College of Science and Engineering at the University of Southern Indiana are the recipients of scholarships for 2011-12 from the Indiana Space Grant Consortium (INSGC).

Chelsea Heibel, a chemistry major, and Logan Storrer, an engineering major, have each received a $1,500 scholarship. INSGC funds scholarships for students pursuing careers in STEM (Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology) fields. Recipients are chosen on a competitive basis.

A member of the women′s cross country team, Heibel is a junior from Fort Wayne, Indiana. She is secretary of the student chapter of the American Chemical Society and a member of the Honors Program. She enjoys tutoring high school students in chemistry, math, and physics.

A senior from Boonville, Indiana, Storrer is receiving the INSGC scholarship for the second year. A member of the USI chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, he attended the organization′s district Student Professional Development Conference at Kansas University in the spring, where he and two teammates placed in the top 10 in the Student Design Competition. The contest required participants to create a device to harness the energy from falling water and transfer that energy to propel a model car. Storrer also is a member of the student chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Storrer was selected in 2009 as one of the first participants in the Pott College′s Early Undergraduate Research Program, funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Dr. Ronald W. Diersing, assistant professor of engineering, was his faculty mentor for the program. Storrer completed an internship at ECS Solutions in Evansville during summer 2011 and continues to work there this semester.

The Indiana Space Grant Consortium awards scholarships to students at its affiliate institutions. INSGC is one of 52 consortia that are part of the National Space College and Fellowship Program, initiated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in 1989. Each consortium includes colleges, universities, businesses, and other private- and public-sector institutions working to further aerospace education and career training.
