Home General News The Tri-State AIDS Holiday Project Has Served Community For 30 Years

The Tri-State AIDS Holiday Project Has Served Community For 30 Years


The Tri-State AIDS Holiday Project has served our community for 30 years. We meet the needs of low-income households in our 3-state region impacted by HIV / AIDS.

We still need donations and family sponsors! To make a donation:
– [ ] Donate online at TSAGL.org/Donate.html
– [ ] Donate using Venmo @tristateallince
– [ ] Send a check to TSA Holiday Project, PO Box 2901, Evansville, IN 47728

To sponsor a household, message us or email 3statealliance@gmail.com or call/text 812-480-0204. We have large and small households that need sponsored, and we can provide you with a wish list including clothing sizes.

Only with your help can we continue to make a difference!