The Real 2016 Election: Trump vs. The Media


The Real 2016 Election: Trump vs. The Media
Jeff Crouere for TOWNHALL

At this point in the race, as his poll numbers are surging and Hillary Clinton is dealing with the negative fallout over her health scare and continual lying; only the media can stop Donald Trump from being elected the next President of the United States.

The media will have multiple opportunities in upcoming debates, featuring mostly liberal moderators. In fact, in an interview this week with the Washington Post, Trump questioned the impartiality of CNN’s Anderson Cooper. According to Trump, Anderson is “very biased, very biased. I don’t think he should be a moderator.” Trump also said that Cooper cannot “be fair” and that “CNN is the Clinton News Network.”

CNN is just like the other networks, tilted to the political left. Only Fox News has true ideological balance.

Thus, it is no surprise that Americans have a very dim view of the news media. According to a new Gallup survey, only 32% of Americans have a fair or great deal of faith in the news media to “report the news fully, accurately and fairly.” Among Republicans, it is even worse with only 14% expressing a belief that the media is fair. These are the lowest media ratings in the 44 year history of the Gallup survey, dropping eight points in just one year. In the view of Gallup, these dismal results are “a stunning development for an institution designed to inform the public.”

The problem is that the media does not inform; they mostly try to persuade. For example, Republicans have certainly noticed how horribly the media treats Donald Trump and they obviously do not like what they see. Among Democrats, there is much more support for the news media with 51% expressing faith in their work. Democrats obviously appreciate how the media has covered for Hillary Clinton on so many issues.

In the last week, a video showing Hillary collapsing and being dragged into her van forced the mainstream news media to reluctantly cover Hillary’s health problems. Previously, it was viewed as a major conspiracy theory pursued by suspicious websites and crazy Republicans. The media prefers to focus on Trump controversies and found a new one this week, the President’s birth certificate, to drag back into the spotlight.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Trump was questioned about whether he accepts that Obama was born in Hawaii. Of course, with so many important issues facing the nation, it is amazing that Trump would be asked about an old controversy. It was another media trap set to destroy Donald Trump.

After first refusing to acknowledge the authenticity of the birth certificate, Trump later said that he accepts that Obama was born in the United States. Today, at a media event at his new Washington D.C. hotel, Trump said that “President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period.”

Today, Trump handled the event masterfully by first introducing military heroes who endorsed his candidacy. He only addressed the birth certificate at the very end of the event, but only after getting the media to cover his powerful endorsements. This is exactly what happened during his highly anticipated immigration speech in Arizona. He used it as an opportunity to show endorsements from “Angel Moms,” parents who suffered the loss of a child due to the criminal actions of an illegal alien.

For the next few days, the media and their favored candidate will try to trumpet the birth certificate issue as another way of calling Trump a racist. Hillary Clinton said that the debate shows “bigotry and bias” and that Trump owes the President “an apology.” These attacks are only the beginning as Hillary and the media will join forces in an attempt to sidetrack Trump’s momentum in the polls.

The good news is that the public is wise to the media’s game. The Gallup poll results show that the American people understand what side the media is on and will discount much of what is reported. Luckily, the mainstream media cannot influence the American public like it once did. There are too many alternative news sources today and, clearly, the American people are too smart to fall for the media’s tricks once again.


    • When is Trump’s continual lying going to start costing him in the polls? It seems his core of supporters don’t care what he says or does, and that is truly scary.

      • I told you a story earlier this year about my neighbor who depended on Social Security and Medicare to survive but thought Glenn Beck was the second coming of Christ. I watched Beck say Social Security and Medicare is the ruination of this country with my own eyes. I see this cluster muck that is unfolding in the same light.

        This may take a short time to start playing but it says all I need to see;

        Since the birther issue is now settled law since Justice Mop Head gave it his stamp of approval, how soon do you think Donald Just Kidding Trump will donate that $5 million to charity he promised?

        Yep, just as soon as my hump back brother straightens up….

  1. how dare Mr.Trump call a terrorist a terrorist……………how dare Mr.Trump call a bomb a bomb…………..Mr.Trump a true American Law And Order 2016 and beyond…………….

    • The second successful terrorist attack in New York in 15 years tommy, since 9-11.

      You and I agree our protectors from our military overseas who have helped kill 42,000 ISIS members to our law enforcement here are awesome, and the short time it took for them to capture this terrorist prove that.

      But Mr. Trump has suggested his family must be killed now also tommy and we can’t afford to lose any of our professionals carrying out bullshit like that so I was wondering if a True Blue Trump Chump like yourself would be willing to take on that task?

      Let me know pronto because JoeBiden is chomping at the bit to do it if you won’t.

      A shortage of heroes we do not have….

      • Robert Gates who has served 8 Presidents, Democrat and Republican;

        A former defense secretary who served under presidents from both parties says that when it comes to national security, he believes Donald Trump ‘is beyond repair.’

        Robert Gates writes in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal that the Republican presidential nominee is ‘stubbornly uninformed about the world and how to lead our country and government, and temperamentally unsuited to lead our men and women in uniform.’

        Gates concludes: ‘He is unqualified and unfit to be commander-in-chief.’

        Gates must be a college graduate tommy….

    • Check this out from your link tommy;


      Association with Russia

      In retirement, Flynn was described by the Washington Post as “not hostile to Russia,”[23] while Michael Crowley of Vox described Flynn as having “an odd affection for Russia and its authoritarian government.”[24]

      After retiring from service with the U.S. government, Flynn began appearing semi-regularly as an analyst on RT, a Kremlin-aligned English-language news outlet.[23][24][25] In 2015, Flynn attended a gala dinner in Moscow in honor of RT, where he was seated two seats away from Russian president Vladimir Putin.[25] Before attending the event, Flynn gave a paid talk on world affairs to a group; Flynn defended the Russian payment in an interview with Michael Isikoff.[25][26] Journalist Michael Crowley of Politico reported that “At a moment of semi-hostility between the U.S. and Russia, the presence of such an important figure at Putin’s table startled” U.S. officials.[25]

      This Russian oligarch orgy with Donald Jr, Flynn, Manafort and the Thumper himself is starting to get interesting tommy.

      I still say a Cossack will be our Secretary of State if Mr. Trump pulls this charade off.

      Send me another link tommy, I’m sure if it’s about a friend of Trump it’ll have a Ruskie hidden in there somewhere.

      BTW, that 6 foot tall picture of Mr Trump he used his foundation money to purchase sure seems awful rich of him don’t you think?

      Or do you think?….

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