The Left Post Trump Victory


The Left Post Trump Victory:
Liberal Heads Explode

By Richard Moss MD

It has been entertaining to watch leftists flailing frantically since the election of Donald Trump. Their contempt for their country and the democratic process could not be more obvious. And nowhere in the media, the Academy, or the Democrat Party, is there even a trace of soul searching or acknowledgement of possible miscues under President Barack Hussein Obama or the Hillary Clinton campaign. In the face of Trump’s historic upset victory, the loss of traditional blue states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and Republican control of both houses of Congress, the left responds as they always have, by mindlessly burping out yet more insults and slurs against Trump and his supporters – those millions of Americans who had once been the backbone of the Democrat party.

The left wing media, in particular, has been apoplectic. They are now an openly corrupt institution that has long since given up the pretense of objectivity. Instead of government watchdog and pillar of democracy charged with overseeing government, the press has become an arm of the government and propaganda wing of the Democrat Party. They exist to flatter one another and advance the PC, leftist narrative. The newsflash is they no longer matter. Reduced to the status of annoying left wing hecklers, they influence no one beyond a shrinking slice of Americans who read the New York Times. Their power to sway the outcome of elections has ended. The wicked witch is dead. Hail to Dorothy! This is great news for the country.
The left didn’t see the wave coming that would inundate them. Their inflated self-regard and contempt for the great unwashed and their quaint notions of nationhood made it impossible for them to recognize it. They didn’t see it in Germany, France and throughout Europe. They didn’t see it in the UK and Brexit. And they didn’t see it in the US.

Americans, like most Europeans, reject transnational globalism, and the effort underway to repeal national identity and culture. Most people, unlike leftists, admire their national history, language and culture and want to preserve them. They also want to maintain their borders. They reject PC tyranny and identity politics that balkanize the country. They shun victimhood and “multiculturalism.” They abhor the pagan Marxist effort to purge differences between the sexes for the benefit of tiny, perpetually aggrieved sexual minorities. They repudiate amnesty, sanctuary cities, Obamacare, and the war on fossil fuels. They reject Syrian Muslim refugees, fake “hate-crimes,” and bad trade deals. They have also had it with being called racist, sexist bigots because they oppose transgendered bathrooms and mass third world immigration.

But the angry left lashes out. The ones who whined about Trump not accepting the results of the election are now denying the legitimacy of his victory. They demand recounts. They condemn the Electoral College. They harass electors. They engage in a moronic witch-hunt against Steve Bannon. They blame the Russians, “fake news,” and Jill Stein. They liken Trump to Hitler while worshipping Castro. George Soros-funded goons riot in the streets. Infantile students demand “safe spaces.” And Democrats are poised to nominate radical, former Nation of Islam member, and anti-Semite, Keith Ellison as their leader. Learning nothing from their defeat, they move further to the left.

The alt-left, the media, and the Democrat Party see their country through the prism of bigotry and oppression. America, for them, is a sweltering cesspool of racism and intolerance. They are the army of saints that will cleanse the nation of its sins. Anyone opposing their noble efforts is by definition, a bigot. The one tool in their toolbox is to slander anyone disagreeing with their failed policies as racists, misogynists, or bigots. They can never grasp the good in America because they are blind to it. For them it is morally stained from its inception. They despise its founding, history, culture, and economic system. They loathe whites, Christians, and heterosexuals, and especially the reviled “straight, white male.” They denigrate coal miners, cops, and the military. But it is they who are the racists and bigots. And they wonder why they lost.

Here is some “real” news for the left. America is the greatest nation in the history of human civilization. It is the most tolerant and least racist country on earth. It embraces the individual, limited government, private property, religious freedom, and free markets. It is the pinnacle of western civilization and model for the rest of the world. If you live in this country, whoever you are, you have won life’s lottery. But the left will never see this.
My sympathies go out to crazed thought police and PC commissars, frantic social justice thugs and student “snowflakes,” and outraged diversicrats and identarian racists everywhere. But after eight years of hardline leftism under Obama, the “deplorables” have had enough.
The joyous sound you hear ringing across the land is leftist heads exploding.

Brief Bio: Richard Moss MD is a practicing Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon, author, and columnist who resides in Jasper IN. Find more of his essays and blog posts at Also find him on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.


  1. I hope you are a good doctor because you seem a little short sighted in your prose. I can remember when Obama won and all the chest thumping, howling, run to buy guns, birth deniers, banners hung from I-64 overpass calling for his impeachment. I am going to sit back and enjoy the next 4 years because your whines may turn out to be howls of pain before this idiot leaves office. Oh, you did get one thing right the democrats did ignore the public. Bernie Saunders would have whipped Trumps ass.

    • If, If, If. Bernie couldn’t beat Hillary and he would not have beat Trump.
      What was rejected was not the person but the politics she represented. And Bernie represented the same failed ideas plus.

  2. Watching too much Fox News. I remember when alt-right exploded when a black man was elected president. Including the banners that used to hang from I-64 overpass “Impeach Obama”. I will reserve my laughing until the end of the next 4 years. Then I will smile while I watch Trump try to blame you for his short comings. I will agree the Democratic Party failed in their rush to annoite HRC. You appear to have been a learned man at some point in your career or did your ego grow to the point you no longer have the ability to have empathy? God help your patience

  3. Great analysis, Dr. Moss. Let me add to it a little bit

    Much has been said about fake news. Some refer to it as false, made up stories reported to the public. “Fake news is,” according to Andrew Hoffman, a monetary commentator, “economic propaganda, lies, and news manipulation through omission and a focus on trivia rather than content.” He continued to say that the November jobs report “…theoretically ‘beat expectations’ with 178,000 ‘jobs’; and a jaw-dropping unexpected plunge in the ‘unemployment rate’ to a new nine-year low of 4.6%.”

    “In a nutshell,” he said, “the reason the ‘unemployment rate’ plunged by a whopping 30 basis points, from 4.9% to 4.6%, was because the labor force contracted by 446,000, yielding a record-high 95.1 million able-bodied Americans that have given up on looking for a job, atop the 7.4 million who are technically ‘unemployed.’ Worse yet, manufacturing jobs again contracted, whilst the part-time jobs surged, and multiple jobholders hit a new all-time high. In other words, it’s highly likely many of the ‘jobs’ were actually the same people holding two, or even three part-time positions. And putting the icing on the spoilt cake, average hourly earnings actually declined….” So what the MSM claims as a happy story, is actually more bad news.

    Unfortunately, the American people will need to set our sites for visible success out a couple of years before we can see real, concrete progress. The implementation of Trump’s plans and the arrival of beneficial effects will take time.

    It is my hope that the reforms that the Trump administration implements will be put in place before what I warned about in Drain the Swamp. “…a century of economic distortions…worked… through the forces of depression,” takes time to resolve. Hopefully, we set in place the arrangements of Austrian economics before a depression like the 1929 depression hits us. Then we’ll begin to make the American economy great again.
    A Financial Trend Forecaster guest contributor described the Austrian school of economics as “Human beings are an integral piece of economic activity, Austrian economic followers don’t believe any scientific methods are applicable to economics because “humans are too complex for such a treatment because humans are not passive and non-adaptive subjects. There are no statistical characteristics to human behavior. It is purposeful rather than random, and changeable rather than constant.”

    In other words, Human beings are blessed with free will. They are not predictable. People are going to do what they want to do. Any economic theory which tries to predict the decisions of billions of economic actors is doomed to failure. It is impossible, even with big data.

    In the meantime, let’s resist the false news attacks against President-Elect Trump, which aim to derail his administration’s agenda. Just as Progressives opt to abort people, they also want to abort his positive revolution as well.

    Charles Hugh Smith makes an important contribution to understanding the dynamics of this drive towards censorship by the media and political elites. He advises us “We should ponder… [why] the mainstream media’s increasingly frantic cries for censorship fill the airwaves and print media.” He provides fascinating insight into the struggle between the Progressive status quo Establishment and the Conservative populism movement in “Fake News,” Censorship and Democracy

    Mr. Smith explained how the wealth and power of the elites is tied to pushing the fake news narrative that allows them to control peoples’ thinking. He observed, “What the ruling political elites and their mainstream media fear is a wide-open, chaotic and very Darwinian competition of concepts and ideas.”

    “They fear this so profoundly because they all know, somewhere in their hearts and minds, that their narrative is bankrupt, and that it no longer explains the world around us. It has failed, and this failure is now self-evident.

    “Why should we,” he asked, “trust a centralized institution that has parroted policies and narratives that haven’t produced the widespread security and prosperity that its proponents promised?”

    My response: we shouldn’t!

    • You and the doc seem very well read Lewinsky but you both voted for this exact same situation in 2000 and 2004 that led us to a net loss of jobs for the first time since WWII. You kept the swamp the same this time, you just changed dummies.

      So why the utopia?….

  4. Nice article Doc. It’s fun to watch how the left is agonizing over their loss of relevance.

  5. Great column Dr. Moss.
    The cry baby Dems will never stop whining.
    They no longer represent the working class.
    They are the corrupt establishment.
    Our beloved President Trump is the true revolutionary.
    Bye, bye P/C police.

  6. right on ……………right on ……..Dr.Moss………………. ignorant gruber goober little paul just validated every last word in your article………………Mr.Trump will make America great again………………..

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