The Fed Caused Inflation And Now Wants More Unemployment


The Fed Caused Inflation And Now Wants More Unemployment

BY Andrew Horning
Libertarian candidate for IN08

SEPTEMBER 30, 2022

Freedom, IN – Andrew Horning, the 2022 Libertarian Party candidate for Indiana’s 8th district US House, is not the only one who has for decades warned of the dangers of ungoverned government in general, and specifically, a malignant, corrupt central bank that funds it all.

The original design of The Federal Reserve System, while unconstitutional, wasn’t so bad when it’s only purpose was to be the quasi-private “lender of last resort,” and when the US Congress, via the Treasury, was still solely responsible for monetary policy and the issuance of money as constitutionally required. But The Fed grew worse and worse as it became a para-political hybrid, and anti-constitutional scheme, of hidden taxation to monetize political debt, and thus over-mortgage our future. A future, which by the way, is just about now.

The Fed’s stated role is now to control inflation, interest and employment rates. The fact is that their market interventions cause malinvestment through artificial market signals originating with their now complete power over the issuance and value of the US Dollar. The fact is that the Fed admitted to causing and worsening the Great Depression1, and is about to make that depression look like a minor kerfuffle.
Nobel-Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman said that “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.” All serious economists have understood this for some time. So it’s understandable that Fed Chairs have, up to now, issued cryptic statements about their operations, since they’ve been lying.

Now Fed Chair Jerome Powell has made a clear statement. “There will very likely be some softening of labor market conditions,” and “We will keep at it until we are confident the job is done.” He said this understanding that it will cause a recession and pain with innumerable US citizens thrown into unemployment or early Social Security…which will cost all of us dearly.

This is not just bad economics. This is self-immolation at a time when our culture, our state of law and public trust is already on fire. Agriculture and energy infrastructure is being systematically and globally ruined. Big Pharma and politicians have destroyed public respect for science. We’re heading backwards into Follow-The-Alpha authoritarianism and domestic militarism that predates Hammurabi. This is a pivotal, dangerous, and, well…stupid situation.

For too long, there’s been no electoral advantage to being right, and no electoral disadvantage to being wrong. And for too long there have been too few willing to speak truth to power.

Well, here is some truth. Our government is now our biggest, most existential threat. It’s even worse than the Chinese Communist Party’s ongoing war with us…a war that they are winning, by the way.
We will soon be very sorry if We The People don’t make new choices in the voting booth this November.
Liberty or Bust!
Andy Horning
Freedom, Indiana

*See my previous press releases at:
And please see, “Eight Steps to Success” at and
