The City of Boonville to Award Bid for Solar Field


The City of Boonville to Award Bid for Solar Field

The City of Boonville announced it will be awarding a bid to install a “Solar Field” during the Boonville Board of Works meeting on January 3rd at 4:30 PM.

The project is set to be installed south of the Boonville Sewer works off Millersburg Road, and is expected to cost approximately $1.7 million.

Officials say the estimated cost savings will be $17,000 a month in electricity. Officials also say the solar farm will ultimately keep sewer costs and rates lower for Boonville’s sewer customers in the future.

The installation process will include all site grading and drainage work, electrical work, racking, and foundation work.

Future expansion of the project will be possible when the need for sewer plant expansion is warranted.
