The 10 things the CCO is most pleased to have played a role in: It is really just Common Sense


The calls and emails that we received this morning advising us that the City County Observer had been compared to Fox News by Tim Ethridge, Editor of the Courier and Press at the Green River Kiwanis Club gave us all pause to think. Of course given the domination of cable by the Fox News Network we are flattered to be considered by a lifetime journalist to be worthy of such comparison. Knowing what other outlets think of Fox News though we suspect that the comparison was not meant to show the CCO any love or respect.

What we unquestionably do have is a large number of loyal readers of local news that is sourced in local government. It is easy to get caught up in the growth of online traffic but at the end of the day what we want to do is to use our platform to promote good public policy and responsible local government action. After learning of Mr. Ethridge’s comparison to Fox News we decided to do a little self-examination for the things that we are most pleased to have been a part of. Here are what we consider to be our 10 most significant contributions to the betterment of Evansville.

1. Exposing the SNEGAL attempt by the Weinzapfel Administration to eliminate Homestead Tax Credit: The CCO broke this story that lead to the reinstatement of $5.7 Million per year directly into the pockets of Vanderburgh County taxpayers.

2. Reporting on the dense pack technology fee increase of $32 Million sought by Vectren in a way that lead to an IURC field hearing in Evansville and the rejection of that fee by the IURC. The ratepayers of SW Indiana benefit to the tune of $32 Million over the next 20 years.

3. Earthcare Energy: When the rest of the local media was fawning over the prospect of loaning $5 Million without vetting the recipients, the CCO was busy aiding in the vetting process and reading the business plan that GAGE should have been doing. Eventually, Mayor Winnecke saw the light but the end of this has yet to play itself out.

4. Exposing the SNEGAL contract that the Weinzapfel Administration and GAGE used to pay former DMD Director Tom Barnett. The benefit from this is that someday there may be competitive salary schedules in local government and sneaky deals like this one will most likely never happen again.

5. Exposing the excessive price of the $18 Million Roberts Stadium ball fields that was proposed by the CVB as compared to other ball parks across the country. The result was that the project was halted saving the taxpayers $18 Million. By the way if the price had been realistic the CCO would have supported the project at another site.

6. Exposing the dilapidated state of the cemeteries and parks owned and operated by the City of Evansville: The result is a new awareness on the part of the Winnecke Administration to make a commitment to keep the cemeteries presentable for what is a very token amount of money.

7. The analysis of the valuation of the downtown Convention Hotel: Our analysis that was conducted in four hours on a Saturday morning was validated almost to the dollar by the $105,000 spent by the Redevelopment Commission on the Hunden Study. This is a case where the CCO could have saved the taxpayers $105,000 if only the two most recent administrations would have had the good sense to listen.

8. Exposing the financial debacle and neglect of the McCurdy project: The project is now slated to be completed with private money as it should have been all along.

9. Exposure of the financial failure of the Front Door Pride program

10. Financial analysis of the Vision 1505 (Safe House) project where the Evansville Housing Authority is spending $7.6 Million to complete a project that could have easily been done in another way for well below $1 Million: Once again, the City Administration did not listen to the CCO analysis and is essentially wasting over $6.5 Million of tax dollars. The best result here is that this type of senseless spending is ended in the future.

So, there you have it. What we are most pleased to have been a part of are the times that we have exposed government malfeasance to save the taxpayers of Vanderburgh County significant sums of money. This was the first time that we have ever written the numbers down but all things considered it is not a stretch to state that our watchdog efforts and willingness to report without fear of repercussion will be saving the people of SW Indiana nearly $100 Million over the next 20 years. Would the Homestead Tax Grab, the Vectren fee increase, the $18 Million ball fields, the Earthcare loan, etc. have been stopped in their tracks without the CCO? We shall leave that up to you our readers to decide.

It should also be obvious that community health, cleanliness, and tidy appearances are important to the CCO. We praise the leadership for cleaning the city and thrash them when things like the cemetery disgrace and needles in the parks are neglected or swept under the rug. There is much work to do in this department so stay tuned. We must say that Mayor Winnecke has been a breath of fresh air in the cosmetic problems that Evansville has suffered from for many years.

Our MOLES keep us ahead of the other new outlets and we can’t thank them enough for doing so. Our Moles also know they can trust us to expose things that need to be exposed without compromising them personally.

So to the question of the day, are we like a local version of Fox News? We do not endorse political candidates or party agendas, while Fox clearly does. We thrive on saving taxpayers money through exposing waste, fraud, abuse, and stupidity. All supposed news outlets have this as a goal. We promote actions to make Evansville more appealing. National news does not even give good lip service to such things.

The CCO is nothing more and nothing less than an online publication with three part time people who are not on salary that wants to see good public policy on a local level. We take it a step further in that this policy needs to simple enough and practical enough that people with common sense get it.

To paraphrase the great President Harry Truman, “the CCO does not give anyone hell, we publish the truth without fear, and the purveyors of rotten public policy think it is hell”. Keeping government accountable is the only reason that a free press exists.

So Mr. Ethridge, the CCO may have the ratings of Fox News locally, but we are not like Fox News. We are much more like Thomas Paine’s pamphlet called Common Sense. If there had been more common sense in Evansville in recent history there would be no City County Observer and the audience question this morning would have never been asked.


  1. The civic center employees were dancing in the halls today because they realized that the CCO has finally been realized as a bone fide news outlet by the Courier.

    In case the upper management of the Evansville Courier don’t realize that the rank and file public employees located at the Civic Center don’t respect and trust you any more.

    Courier and Press you blew it!

  2. When is the CCO going expose the excessive salaries being paid to newly appointed employees that are serving in newly established positions within the Evansville Water and Sewer Department?

    If the CCO decide to do so, please look at the wages paid to some employees of the past Mayor who now work in the Water and Sewer Department.

    Word at the Civic Center your (CCO) readers will be extremely upset to find out what the newly hired employees of the Water and sewer Department are making!

    Talking about political patronage.

    Can’t wait to see how Mayor Winnenke and City Controller, Russ Lloyd are going to explain this issue away.

  3. Enough is enough there is no way what your saying is correct. The Salary Adminstration Board of Evansville would never approved of this type of thing from happening.

    I shall be completely stunned if these charges are correct.

    If so, the new Mayor will have a lot of questions to answers from all the hard working city employees working at the Civic Center.

    This shall be a major political fire storm ready to happen if your correct.

  4. Rick Davis was trying to stop this from happening-political firestorm wont happen–we’re all lulled by the smoke being blown up our butts-it’s already too late. We might as well elect Chris Cooke for Mayor, what we’ve already done is that ridiculous.

  5. I’m curious if anybody has questioned the proposed sewer price increase by the city. Maybe an acounting of the cost to maintain and repair and the income stream. It sure seems that when the sewer charge is twice the water charge there should be enough funds. I hope to see some reports on the new 10% per year increase over 6 years and where it will go.

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