Take That: January 14, 2011


Take That!!!!

Take That: January 14, 2011

The Most Poignant Readers Comments of the Week

“Is it true that some members of the city council have a conflict of interest on the smoking issue? Is it true that at least two council members have a financial interest in restaurants or bars? Is it true that these conflicts of interest should be reason for some city council members to abstain from voting on this issue?”
Johnny Kincaid

“Is it true that if this body (County Commissioners) so boldly proclaims that it represents everyone in the county equally when it comes to consolidation yet fails to protect the health and welfare of those inside the city when it comes to smoking, that this body obviously suffers from an identity crisis and is, at best, acting in a hypocritical manner?

Is it true that in order to clear up this obviously hypocritical stance, the County Commissioners either needs to enact a smoking ordinance that applies to the entire county, city included, or enact threshold rejection in the consolidation voting process?”
Magic Man

“Yukon Cornelius looking for prosperity downtown: BRILLIANT !!”

“Since it’s (snow removal) the merchants responsibility, one good lawsuit should take care of the problem. Anyone want to own a building downtown?”

“If I lived in Southern Illinois, I’d be pushing for secession from Chicago right about now.”

“Were you the waitperson who got the $499.00 tip from the ECVB holiday party? How many others like that have you gotten while working there?
Did you move into the county after retiring, and is your current monthly Social Security check higher than your average month’s pay + tips from Biaggi’s?
Weinzapfel has been eroding the quality of life of the people of Evansville for SEVEN years, and has gained speed each year since he started. With his push for Consolidation he is even threatening the lifestyle of the people living in the county. Hopefully, each and every act will come back and bite him when he and his ego run for governor.”

From NoMoDoh in response to Retired Biaggi’s Waiter


  1. Is it true that Johnny Kinkaid has a conflict of interest when campaigning for stricter anti-tobacco regulations since he makes a living “counciling” violators of those regulations, and the stricter and more regulations he can get enacted means the more tickets will be written and the more violators will seek his counciling?

  2. Float like a fart and
    Sting like a dart
    Taking down corruption is
    A work of Art

    Float like a feather and
    Sting like hornet
    When you make bad policy
    The CCO will be on it

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