Take That: August 18, 2011


Take That: August 18, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: CCO First to Break the Ford Center Naming Rights

“Keep up your great investigative reporting and FOIA requests! Wile it may on occasion displease our City adminitration and their toadies like the bumbling ERC, the CCO provides an invaluable service to the community and taxpayers.” Joe Biden

“Agreed! 100%, Wallace and crew are making a dent in the old boy network, every post here makes the hair on the back of their necks raise and their blood pressure go off the charts, you can tell by the trolls showing up and posting that the CCO is making a difference. What’s that saying about the truth setting you free?” blanger

“Keep it up CCO! Dont listen to the jackass comments coming straight from the mayors office.” Bowhunter72

“How embarassing for the Mayor’s office — more so that they didn’t follow the number one rule of journalism for official annoucements – -something even a college intern would have known. It’s pretty obvious that office, perhaps even the Mayor himself, reads this site. Leaving it off the ‘distribution list’ in an effort to censor media is shameful and frankly, in this day and age, utterly stupid.” Justathought

“Stupid? you bet, and nothing new there, just what we have come to expect out of this Administration, the Worst in our city’s history.”…” The Mayor upset? Well Done once again CCO.” Crashlarue

“I like the fact that I can’t really tell the bias of this site. I see Democrat ads but sense a Republican sentiment in content. Am I alone in this? Could it be that the site is just “pro-sense”? I’m thinking it is. In any case, I think the site is a winner and wish I’d thought of it. Maybe I could steal all the ideas and try to set it up in some other town. Man, you know, my first goal would be P’Oing some idiot off enough to complain about me in my competitor’s outlet.
Baby, that’s success!”

“That idiot mayor is a crook and the rest of media in this town is a joke. Thank God I’m out of here by the end of the year.” Davis

“The Courier Press is reporting the name Ford Center. Here is a link. I hope that you guys at the City County Observer will not remove the link to the Courier the way they removed 4 or 5 links that people put on their site this morning. Can you believe that they even had the nerve to claim they reported it first? You guys beat them by 3 hours.” TheDonald

“Hey CCO, in a week no one in Evansville will remember who “broke the story first” ! Focus on the perspective of the story, and give your invaluable interpretation of what’s going on behind the scenes. That’s why all of us visit this site, not because you necessarily report first, but you report more fully and with more insight than “those other people”.Just one beerman’s opinion, there are two sides to every story, and I happen to like the CCO’s side best.” beerguy


  1. Dear Mr. Editor: I am sending over a complimentary tube of muscle cream to releave the charlie horses you’re getting from slapping yourself on the back.

  2. If the Yo-Yos that are up the Mayor backside had nothing to say, you can find it posted right here, by the likes of Soon2b, Tom tucker, Jack or Veracity(della).

    • You once again prove your cluelessness about personalities and political alliances. I know 4 of the 5 handles you try to link together, and you are dead wrong on all of those 4 accounts.

      Stick to fashioning your daily headwear of dunce hats out of tin foil, John.

    • @crash, i’m getting ready to board a plane and don’t have time to play with you today. tell you what though. you prove i’m della and i’ll give you $5,000 with the catch that if i prove i’m not della, you give me $1,000, okay? put up or shut up.

        • look up the definition of “complement” spelled with an e instead of an i, crash. and is that your best response to a direct challenge. bye now. all aboard.

  3. And if you don’t like the CCO, Why are you here? Masochist? It’s the whipping King John gave that Nixon fellow that first attracted you, and gain your admiration for the Snegal Acts to follow.

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