Take That: April 16, 2011


Take That: April 16, 2011

In Regards to the Tornatta Debate Challenge:

“After 40yrs of decline, a Better Evansville begins with tossing the “Darkside” Democrats to the sidelines.” Crash Larue

“There is no debate about Tornatta’s campaign platform he is the 2nd coming of Weinzapfel only angrier and not as intelligent. The voters will send the same message as was sent him last November we don’t want you Troy.” USA1975

“That’s because they (Tornatta and Weinzapfel) blackball CCO. They should not. CCO keeps the pot stirred and the candidates on their toes.” CRAZ1

“The better course for the city of Evansville is for it to form and install a type of government that is so attractive to county residents that they would willingly join the city in a consolidation. Put your house in order first Evansville, then we can talk about CONSOLIDATION. So what is the position of the candidates running for mayor on CONSOLIDATION? Have all of them stated their positions publicly?” Pressanykey

“Tornatta only wants a debate at this late hour because he is losing so badly. He is grasping at straws trying to stop or steal his opponent’s momentum. Davis doesn’t need the debate.

“The Democratic Committee picks Tornatta as their candidate for Mayor. He couldn’t even win his last election. If Tornatta becomes the Democratic candidate through this primary, it virtually guarantees a Republican victory later.” Big Pappa

“Davis is a coward!” Taxpayer’s Friend

“Come on Davis, stand up and show some fight! We don’t like or need obfuscators. And whether you like it or not, you cannot be a good Mayor communicating only one on one with little ladies down the block! But I do agree that you’ll have a challenge on your hands with these DC handlers that apparently are in the mix. But if you don’t like the TERMS… DEMAND the debate be a CCO – E-DEBATE!” Eville Taxpayer

On Opus One-McCurdy Revisited

“Restoring the McCurdy to a World War II themed hotel (the hotel’s heyday) would create many jobs, add a much needed hotel to the downtown area, and be a drawing card for many history and military conventions (of which there are thousands that Evansville misses out on each year). Much of the hotel’s WW2 era decor is still intact and would be authentic.” Mike Whicker

“Don’t sugar-coat the actions of the EVV Convention and Visitors Board! If they had been able to push the baseball complex down our throats, they would not have been the “bargain” you describe!” NoMoDoh

“It’s disheartening to see that the Opus One Party remains an effective smoke screen for the real agenda that lays behind it all. Good job guys, you apparently are going to pull it off before anyone realizes what’s happening.” Soon2B

And Lastly to the call for a Jobs Plan

“The Weinzapfel “JOBS PLAN” is to fund Mr. Tornatta’s election so all in the Weinzapfel regime keep their jobs.” Joe Biden

“Just what I thought. Of the four candidates for Mayor of Evansville, there has never been so much as one decent job created by all of them combined in their entire lives. What an indecent situation to have to deal with. This reminds me of Weinzapfel’s statement about what he liked about being Mayor when he said it was learning to manage because he had never managed anything before.” mapmaker


  1. I have a challenge for Troy Tornatta:

    Explain why the Vanderburgh County Assessor’s website shows Troy and Ann Tornatta as owning three homes in center township in Evansville and two of those three homes have homestead exemptions for 2010/ pay 2011?

    Home #1.

    3011 Ridgetop Drive (Center Township)
    (homestead exemption)

    Home #2.

    509 Wyndclyff Drive (Center Township)
    (homestead exemption)

    Home #3.

    501 Reliance Drive (Center Township)
    (no homestead exemption)

    I would ask you readers to double check these entries on the Assessor’s website and see if you can provide an explanation.

  2. I might add that Troy and Ann have been married since Nov. of 2008, so this has nothing to do with any sort of mix-up in that regard.

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