Supreme Court Makes Attorney Home, Email Addresses Confidential


IL for

Amendments to two Indiana Supreme Court rules are restricting public access to attorneys’ personal contact information.

First, an amendment to Indiana Admission and Discipline Rule 2 dated March 15 provides that the residential addresses and email addresses attorneys provide to the clerk of the Supreme Court will be confidential and excluded from public access. The amendment also notes that the clerk’s annual list of attorney addresses sent to the Indiana State Bar Association can only include non-confidential office addresses.

Similarly, an amendment to Indiana Administrative Rule 9(G) adds attorneys’ residential and email addresses to the list of court administration records that must be excluded from public access.  The amendment also allows the court to provide bulk distribution or compiled information excluded from public access under 9(G) through a written contract with the Office of Judicial Administration. Finally, an amendment to Section 9(D) allows the Supreme Court’s chief administrative officer – currently former Judge Mary Willis – to establish fees for accessing public court records.

All amendments are effective March 15, 2018