The City County Observer has received numerous complaints vie e-mail concerning substantial property tax increases that the Vanderburgh County Tax Assessor Bill Fluty has forced on Homeowners of this community. We are hearing annual trending have increased between 10% to 20%. We wonder who gave Vanderburgh County Tax Assessor Fluty the order to make these substantial property tax increases? Did the County Council, City Controller or the Evansville Mayor put political pressures to force Mr.Fluty to put unreasonable financial burden of the majority of homeowners in Vanderburgh County. This is a developing story please stay turned. BELOW IS THE E-MAIL THE PRESIDENT OF ORCHARD PARKE SUBDIVISION SENT TO ALL MEMBERS OFHIS ASSOCIATION Dear Neighbor: You have or will soon receive a State Form 21366 from the Vanderburgh County Assessor that will reflect a substantial increase in your property assessment. The annual trending increase for homes in Orchard Parke Subdivision is greater than 10%. After searching the Vanderburgh County Assessor website, it was discovered that our neighborhood code (212050) has now been expanded to include the new Jagoe Subdivision. Most of the new Jagoe Homes are 1200–1600 square feet and selling for approximately $115-$125 per square foot. The Assessor is using new Jagoe Home sales in The Orchard Subdivision to increase the property tax assessments in Orchard Parke Subdivision. Further, Jagoe Homes offers smaller homes, one dollar down mortgages, free upgrades, free moving service and free utilities for a year.These factors in addition to extensive marketing drive up the overall cost of new Jagoe Homes. The Assessor did not include older surrounding subdivisions when establishing the Orchard Parke neighborhood code almost 20 years ago, as we were assigned one unique code. Recent sales in our subdivision since 2012 reflect more realistic values for an aging subdivision with larger homes between 2,000 - 3,500 square feet of $95 – 110 per square foot. One home in our subdivision that sold earlier this year for $209,000 has a new assessed value of $231,800. Another home that sold in April, 2014, for $197,000 is now assessed at $224,800. A home that sold in October, 2012,for $235,000 is assessed at $247,500. These discrepancies exists for all homes in Orchard Parke. However,no homes sold in our subdivision during the annual trending period of January, 2013,to March, 2014.
Please contact Bill Fluty, Vanderburgh County Assessor at 812-435-5267, Â and request justification for including new construction
Regards, Jeff Whittinghill President Orchard Parke Subdivision FOOTNOTE: Jagoe Homes in The Orchard Subdivision in our neighborhood code. When contacting his office last week, I was informed that the burden is on the taxpayer tofilea Form 130 and conduct their own research on property values. The neighborhood code assignment error is too obvious and should be immediately corrected.  Regards, Jeff Whittinghill President Orchard Parke Subdivision
During the city budget hearing, Russ Lloyd stood before us and clearly indicated that the property tax base increased by 4%…many of us on council believe that the assessor’s goal is to negate the 1% property tax caps by over valuation your homes. This administration needs all the property taxes it can assess. At the end of Oct 31st the most resent financial statements available,their General Fund, were your property taxes end up together with the Park & Recreation Fund, were upside down by $16,700,000 and $1,160,000 respectively. I have been tracking their deficit spending and the year ending October 31, 2014 that amount of deficit spending was $9,500,000,  so why are you surprised to see that Mr. Flutey may have marching orders to over value. Please recall that the council voted down his out of balance budget and only received criticism in doing so we cut $6 million dollars out of the crazy spending but as you can see the assessments are still climbing.
As a CPA, anytime one of my clients brought in their notice of an increase in assessed value, IÂ Instructed them to file form 130 and indicated to them, they must get a certified appraisal.
I strongly urge you to appeal, if you feel that your assessment is incorrect. As always, please feel free to contact me should you have questions or concerns. John Friend, CPA 5th Ward Councilman THE ABOVE E-MAIL LETTERS ARE POSTED BY THE CITY COUNTY OBSERVER WITHOUT EDITING OPINION OR BIAS.
Copyright 2014 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, Â broadcast,
rewritten or redistributed.

Flood Fluty’s office with appeals and don’t let him lose the paperwork and never respond like he’s known to do. Follow up and keep pressure on the republican.
So close Ghost. If you could only broaden your views.
Or maybe it is YOU who needs to broaden his views!
What republicans are you talking about? This is a democrat administration supported, controlled and elected by key democrats, Williams, Robinson, bagbey, Weaver, Mosby, wedding, and the local unions. Winnecke has done absolutely nothing that requires a tax increase. This is nothing but smoke and mirrors, Winnecke wants to do some stupid things but paying for the stupid things done by Weinzapfel is the money eater. Now Friend is a piece of work, a while back he admitted that Winnecke was left with a mess, Winnecke needs to come clean and spill the beans on the mess democrats have created in this city. We have one party in this city and it’s the good old boys and girls. Unless someone comes up out of the blue and makes a grass roots effort to re take our city everything will be the same. I see absolutely no chance of that happening. The editor indicated that the union influence in this area was eroding, not hardly, the last election for mayor indicated the true influence of unions. Almost all city and county employees are controlled by unions, specifically the Teamsters, notice I didn’t say represented by unions. Yes, I’m upset, I planned on retiring in a couple of years, selling my house and moving to another state, I’ll end up giving my home away the way things are going in this city.
There’s one good Ole boy machine party and you seem to be unhappy with that, yet you STILL defend Winnecke because he’s a repub.
Winnecke is not a republican, he was funded, campaigned for, supported, defended and elected by union controlled votes and dishonest local democrats. If Winnecke was a republican he would have already exposed the weinzapfel regime for their theft and misappropriation of our tax dollars. This whole local political thing is nothing short of organized crime. A longitudinal study of Friend, Robinson, Weaver, Mosby and previous democrats show the real facts. Bagbey sure got out before the chickens came home to roost.
You get on here all the time and defend Winnecke. Trying to have it both ways as usual.
“Union-controlled votes” are a favorite fantasy of yours. They don’t exist. People don’t vote they way their unions want, most of them don’t even bother to vote. Unions still donate generously, but they don’t deliver votes anymore.
Hey, Pov-vit
Winnecke does not know how to spell truth…he says the reason for the financial chaos is the Ford Center…well since when does the General Funds (police and fire etc ) pay for the Ford Center…it comes from the same pot that the Hotel (Vanishing Hotel as it seems) the downtown TIF which by the way has decrease by over 50% in the last twelve months, not the General Fund…Weinzapfel left Winnie with 4.4 million in the General Funds according to the audited financial statements filed on the State Board of Accounts Website..24 short months later….700k…..36 months later $16,700,000 over drafted…stop drinking the euphoric Kool-Aid…STOP BLAMING WEINZAPFEL and accept the fact that Winnecke is a financial moron….just like Obama needs to stop blaming Bush and start taking responsiblity…unions, are you intoxicated? The unions spent over 150 million dollars to get 10 governors elected…and let’s see, Mass no cigar….Ill no cigar…Maryland…no cigar…was successful in Penn…no other place…Senate…no cigar… cigar…so, let’s look locally the Teamsters were after Kiefer…no cigar…pathetic…Gail was the only Dem elected…now, the union better belt up….prevailing wage….gone….right to work..permanent…Green, McNeely, Russell, Higdon, Biard better start learning their trade all over again…their betrayal of Gail will haunt them over and over again…Winnecke’s Hotel…ridiculous…hitch his wagon to clod hoppers, HCW clowns, charlatans… of course, Hafer has received part of the one million Huffman refer to in the CP articles…suckers!!! Viva Owensboro…no union controls…no over the top building regs….forward thinking…Home Rule…Thank you Ms. Robinsion….and shame on you Winnecke…. Kool-Aid anyone????
My Dear Mr. Arnold….
How insightful
Why would anyone think that Mr. Winnecke is a Financial moron. Wasn’t he a banker? My sources says that he was clueless in regards to analyzing cash flow, value of collateral, and especially the character aspect…three out of five of the “C” in credit analysis. But, when it came to selling toasters, well, mediocre at best. People wore their shoe out falling behind him.
He was NOT a banker. He was a PR man who was owned by a bank. His wife, being a real estate mover and shaker, probably had enough influence t to get her trophy husband a job in a bank she could favor with some good mortgage business.
This is ridiculous! Everyone knows a Jagoe home never increases in value!
Total crap housing.
Vandy Republican: Bill Fluty and his puppet masters are republicans. Look in the mirror?
Dead on…Mr Joad..
It doesn’t take any special gift to make gratuitous nasty comments.
Humm, dead wrong. Here’s your call out “prove it.” We’d say maybe, unless, its in Vanderburgh county, if you really want the numbers you’re Mr. Fluty must cover you’d just best shut up, moron. We’ll sport’em for you if we must. That’s all supposed to be a “easily accessed” these days, isn’t it? Well isn’t it?
Try some peanut oil on the foot of choice, the taste experience might be more bearable. If what you say is true then considering the amount in numbers of that contractors builds (Jagoe Homes) gee would your dumb comment be liable? If not, in that county, a realigning of assessments should most definitely be in order for those that own the Jagoe built properties. And then! They, dutifully pay they’re taxes on them! Got that dumbass!
Shoot, we’ll even buy the ammo if you happen to feel like blowing off another toe or two, all the medical associated with such feats stimulates the local economy rather nicely , as well.
Those stinking local political machine driven “marching orders” include the sewn facial aspects , if not, those idiots are dumber than we thought. Your likely gonna get a “well looky here type experience” after that stupid crap , that’s a given, in that places realm of historically rotten politics as observed from, afar.
Want a quick site for candy flavored stiches material, you can find that on the web also.
Short tutorial:
tu·to·ri·al t(y)o͞oˈtôrēəl
(adjective) r/. 1. of or relating to a tutor or a tutor’s instruction.
“tutorial sessions”
noun: tutorial; plural noun: tutorials
r/. 1. a period of instruction given by a university or college tutor to an individual or very small group.
synonyms: lesson, class, seminar, training session
“We will give a tutorial for those unfamiliar with our new spreadsheet”
Click on the “Neighborhood Factor”
Are we really any better off with the 1% cap? People wanted the 1% cap in exchange for an increase in sales tax, I think we got took. The tax has actually increased on my house and I know the actual selling price has decreased. It’s not uncommon for homes in my area to stay on the market a year and drop as much as 25% from the original asking price which has always been less than the assessed value.
Once again, you can thank republicans for that! Maybe you need to rethink your party affiliation. You’ve been doing some serious bitching about republican policy today!
Here is a “republican” you might actually like ghost:
E WAYNE PARKE (BLACK BEAUTY COAL CO), (Zip code: 47715) $1000 to EVAN BAYH COMMITTEE on 06/05/02
Politics makes strange bedfellows.
How about you stay on topic? The regressive shift of the tax burden to the working man under dirty piece of trash “the Iraq war will cost $5 mil” Mitch Daniels?
This is one of the more sage individuals you will ever listen to discussing the possibility of removing Indiana’s property tax. He had it NAILED. He knew that NOTHING short of total elimination would fill the bill. He knew exactly what would happen with any other system that was being touted as the answer to holding down property taxes. When he says in this video has come to pass. we are right back at square one.
So, as Friend indicates, the hocus pocus increase in property values in a disguise to circumvent the Indiana Constitution regarding the 1% cap of fair market value is a diabolical scheme to rob the homeowners. Imagine, Mr. Flutey and Wineecke behind close doors of course Mr. Park is in the adjoining room to confer, discussing property tax over valuation. And as the discussion proceeds, “we can’t do the elimination of the homestead credit, they have caught onto that and Weinzapfel isn’t in office to pen it on” and in the meanwhile, Winnie and Russ just keeps on writing the checks….and they call this Evansville!!!!
The Tax Rate increase is total Bullroar, housing values in Evansville are on a decline thanks too the Realtors Assn who en masse have sold out the homeowners by convincing them their home values are down, all in a concerted effort to generate home sales. Older homes are being crucified, pitiful state if being in the Picket City. We might as well just call Johnnie to build our downtown hotel, that’s what’s behind the recent bondiggle, what a commedy. The deep seeded culture of
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