3rd Ward City Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley
To view her resignation statement , go to our video section on right side of paper and scroll down to middle of page and you will see her resignation video.
Stephanie I salute you ,I still feel you did nothing wrong,you are truly watching out for the taxpayer
Numerous other council people are only looking out for themselves and they will be dealt with accordingly
Thanks again Stephanie
+1 You have a lot of support SBR!
Great job! Brief, classy, and sincere statement that you can show your children when they are older, as proof that their Mom is a lady to be reckoned with.
Stephanie, you resigned in your own style, good for you.
When the Audit report is finally released, and it doesn’t match the Exit Conference tape, the wisdom of your actions will be apparent.
In the final analysis, the sin of whitewashing a municipal audit is far greater than that of preserving evidence.
I admit my tech stupidity but where is the “video section”?
Bottom right hand side of the home page. It’s underneath the banner ads.
The video section is located on the right side of the page. Scroll Down the page.
I am shocked… I so did NOT want her to do this!!
She really had no choice when Lindsey sold her out, so she left with class. I do hope there is a good Democrat in the Sixth Ward, (not a Mosby) that will take him out in the primary.
We will now see if the voters of Evansville are interested in making this a town worth living in.
Please explain how Lindsey sold her out?
He was going to vote to strip her of the VP position. Considering how he’s been treated by some of the people who wanted her gone, I’d have thought he knew better than what they were up to. I don’t know if he was offered something to vote that way, or if he actually believed the garbage that has been thrown at her. In either case, he needs to be gone from the City Council.
After the voicemail Dan and Al really had no choice. As much as I completely understand her frustration and anger, you just can’t do that.
What voicemail?
Why doesn’t Friend play all of his archived voicemails? He especially likes to play the ones from Steve Melcher and Jonathan Weinszapfel at gatherings.
I am almost 99.99% sure Lindsey did not say that. However of course you would want him to not be on the council. Why would anyone want someone that stands up for the taxpayers?
I was also shocked,she did it to help her fellow council members Lindsay for sure she didn’t want to put those people on the spot the one’s she still cares about if she had city council could never get anything done.
That not you Johnny the rat
Weaver the weasel
Promiscuous Missy
Great job Stephanie !
Loved the video…
That was an EXCELLENT video by Stephanie. The position is nothing more than honorary and pointless which sums up why Friend is president in the first place. Now there is nothing Weaver and Friend can throw a fit about.
Simple question: If Stephanie had gone on Facebook and called Friend a fraud would John still be looking to remove her? Past history says there would not have been one word from anyone at city hall.
Lastly, I’m glad someone is working to better Jacobsville because the new Jacobsville group isn’t getting the job done. Thank you Stephanie and fight on!
Thanks guys and thanks Stephanie. She is a really classy lady who I hope stays the course in Evansville government for a long time. She has much to teach others about how a city government should be not how it currently is in Evansville. If anyone is sorry that she released the audit report early, these are the people we need to watch out for. She also makes clear that there are many important government tasks to be carried forward right now. Evansville is very lucky to have her. She is one smart lady!!
Great video, Stephanie. You are a winner!
I agree, Gail. It looks like the next generation of strong Democratic women has another member in the person of Stephanie!
Maybe she will have a little extra time to come hang out with you in Champaign.
Your are a winner, Stephanie!
Nice job SBR. As you said, it’s an honorary title. You shined some light on our local government and we should all be thankful for that. I know I am. We’ll see how much honor the next occupant of that honorary seat shows, you have set the bar high.
Wow, what a different set of comments from the CP where people are shouting “cut off her head” and comparing her to Robespierre while portraying Whinny as Louis XIV. If it wasn’t so ignorant it would be funny. And MrsDoGood ( GAGE lady) just gave SBR a stern talking to, LOL! I like the mindset here much better. Wonder how SBR could be drafted for mayor?
I wish she would run for Mayor, but I think she’s hesitant to give up her law practice. She also has twin pre-schoolers, so she’s juggling a lot. Cleaning up the Civic Center will be a huge job, and I think it would be very hard for the mother of two young children.
Now that’s certainly a sexist viewpoint. Hesitant to giving up her law practice I get, but why is being a mother of two while being mayor any more difficult than a man with two kids becoming a mayor? I think SBR or any woman, just like a man, would be capable of raising children and being a mayor.
As the mother of five, who always held a full time job, (mostly in social services) and helped run a business, I can tell you that rearing children and having a career is more difficult for a mother than it is for a father. That is, unless the father is an exceptional man.
I believe her husband does a fine job of keeping the house, like a spouse should when the other has such an important task to do; like helping make this city become a better place for future generations. Her children included
Are you really that uninformed about what it takes to be a good mother of two kids? If so you surely must be a single lonely man. I feel sorry for your. When you grow up maybe you will understand what your mother has to put up with.
Try being a lawyer and a mother and then go though all the BS that she just went though the last few weeks.
We need more people like her
I guess only those in the executive session will know exactly how the other city council members said that they would vote in a vote had to be taken. I was pretty shocked to learn that she resigned. But she did so with Great Class.
The COURIER and PRESS did it’s dirty work for the Friends of John Friend. If you don’t understand why their is a huge divide between the readers of the Evansville Courier and Press and the City-County Observer just check out the pictures of SBR that appeared on each of these two web sites.
One the ECP they have a picture of SBR caught in the middle of a gesture that’s not very flattering. One the other hand the CCO has a picture of SBR that a perfect symmetrical smile.
That tells the entire story about this stupid fiasco.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. And they are right. If you want to vilify someone just post a picture of them where they look unsymmetrical and are caught in an awkward moment of time. They photo-journalist earned his pay on that picture. Of course that could do that to any public official at any news conference. It’s the trick of the trade that’s been used by many a fowl news man.
Drafted for Mayor ?
3 or 4 tall Amber Bock’s and I think she’ll sign on !
Don’t give up on Al Lindsey just yet , he is as popular as Stephanie
I wish he had voted differently also but I’m sure he had his reasons
Lindsey voted to accept the resignation she offered because he was going to vote to remove her. In no way is he popular city-wide, the way SBR is. He doesn’t make such a great impression outside of the Sixth Ward, where, as I hear it, he doesn’t really live.
He needs a primary, and he needs to lose it.
I was being sarcastic ,,,Al is as popular with mosby and weaver as Stephanie is to friend and the winike
Al voted to accept the resignation that she had already offered, not to kick her out. SBR did the gracious thing and resigned before it got that far. The VP job is a no authority joke anyway. I am very disappointed in Dan Adams, I thought he had more character than he has shown. I am proud to count both Stephanie and Al among my friends.
“I am very disappointed in Dan Adams, I thought he had more character than he has shown. ”
Please explain. In all I’ve read here and the C&P the past few weeks, I don’t remember Adams name even mentioned. Can you tell us what he’s said/done regarding this matter that prompted your comment?
He was quoted in his standard condescension that the Exit Conference was not a presentation of the findings but a preliminary report. He should know since he’s never been to one. The findings are preliminary only in that the City’s wriiten reply has not been added.
You are a good man, you GET IT !! All this bullshit put forth by Paul Joyce of SBOA that ” a lot has changed since the Exit Conference” is just that . . . bullshit !
You are correct that an Exit Conference really is the END. It’ s not a “step in the process” as Winnecke, Friend, Adams are suggesting. There is a reason that they call it EXIT, as in hit the door, write a commentary and we’ll publish.
But not this time ! The SBOA changed Audit Supervisors AFTER the Exit Conference. It went from some guy named Allan to long-timer Charlie Pride.
Honestly, why would that be done ?? Has that ever been done before ?
I talked to a State Board auditor once about the Ford Center ‘review’. The auditor said the writeup provided by the municipality AFTER the Exit Conference was just for the Muni to add their point of view. KEY POINT: the SBOA Auditors didn’t even READ what the municipality wrote, since that was not part of their scope. Wow !
Here’s the Test: out of all of the Exit Conferences ever held in Indiana, how many have waited 2 1/2 months later to publish the audit opinion ? My guess: 1 .
Dan Adams should never judge anyone. Curt John and Missy Mosby tell a story about Adams inviting Curt’s barely teenage daughter to his hot tub. He also makes demeaning sexual comments about women.
Curt and Missy are the prom king and queen on the island of liars.
If they told me water was wet, grass was green and the sky was blue I would look out my window again just to be sure.
Seriously man, those two are the most vicious rumor mongers in SW Indiana.
Yea I’m very disappointed in Doctor Adams. He and the other’s should have supported Stephanie and questioned why Friend is so obsessed with SBR. I’m wondering what they have to hide?
It’s just a sad day for Evansville – – all the way around.
Noitall, Might, have that wrong, The day was just fine. Evansville Indiana isn’t.
I believe she took the right path not putting the council men and women that she respects in a position of having to choose. Now she doesn’t have to answer to anybody but her constituents. No more drunk calls from friend,that he doesn’t remember. I don’t see a downside
There’s not a vote to accept a resignation. That was a trap for her supporters. It gave the appearance of a vote for her removal.
Is it true that City Councilman John Friend is the treasurer-accountant and stock holder of the downtown Maingate Bar? Is it true that some of the original investors also were contractors, vendors and consultants doing business with the city of Evansville? Is it true that it’s been alleged that many elected and appointed officials had a share of part ownership (original investors) in the Maingate Bar.
Stephanie I salute you ,I still feel you did nothing wrong,you are truly watching out for the taxpayer
Numerous other council people are only looking out for themselves and they will be dealt with accordingly
Thanks again Stephanie
+1 You have a lot of support SBR!
Great job! Brief, classy, and sincere statement that you can show your children when they are older, as proof that their Mom is a lady to be reckoned with.
Stephanie, you resigned in your own style, good for you.
When the Audit report is finally released, and it doesn’t match the Exit Conference tape, the wisdom of your actions will be apparent.
In the final analysis, the sin of whitewashing a municipal audit is far greater than that of preserving evidence.
I admit my tech stupidity but where is the “video section”?
Bottom right hand side of the home page. It’s underneath the banner ads.
The video section is located on the right side of the page. Scroll Down the page.
I am shocked… I so did NOT want her to do this!!
She really had no choice when Lindsey sold her out, so she left with class. I do hope there is a good Democrat in the Sixth Ward, (not a Mosby) that will take him out in the primary.
We will now see if the voters of Evansville are interested in making this a town worth living in.
Please explain how Lindsey sold her out?
He was going to vote to strip her of the VP position. Considering how he’s been treated by some of the people who wanted her gone, I’d have thought he knew better than what they were up to. I don’t know if he was offered something to vote that way, or if he actually believed the garbage that has been thrown at her. In either case, he needs to be gone from the City Council.
After the voicemail Dan and Al really had no choice. As much as I completely understand her frustration and anger, you just can’t do that.
What voicemail?
Why doesn’t Friend play all of his archived voicemails? He especially likes to play the ones from Steve Melcher and Jonathan Weinszapfel at gatherings.
I am almost 99.99% sure Lindsey did not say that. However of course you would want him to not be on the council. Why would anyone want someone that stands up for the taxpayers?
I was also shocked,she did it to help her fellow council members Lindsay for sure she didn’t want to put those people on the spot the one’s she still cares about if she had city council could never get anything done.
That not you Johnny the rat
Weaver the weasel
Promiscuous Missy
Great job Stephanie !
Loved the video…
That was an EXCELLENT video by Stephanie. The position is nothing more than honorary and pointless which sums up why Friend is president in the first place. Now there is nothing Weaver and Friend can throw a fit about.
Simple question: If Stephanie had gone on Facebook and called Friend a fraud would John still be looking to remove her? Past history says there would not have been one word from anyone at city hall.
Lastly, I’m glad someone is working to better Jacobsville because the new Jacobsville group isn’t getting the job done. Thank you Stephanie and fight on!
Thanks guys and thanks Stephanie. She is a really classy lady who I hope stays the course in Evansville government for a long time. She has much to teach others about how a city government should be not how it currently is in Evansville. If anyone is sorry that she released the audit report early, these are the people we need to watch out for. She also makes clear that there are many important government tasks to be carried forward right now. Evansville is very lucky to have her. She is one smart lady!!
Great video, Stephanie. You are a winner!
I agree, Gail. It looks like the next generation of strong Democratic women has another member in the person of Stephanie!
Maybe she will have a little extra time to come hang out with you in Champaign.
Your are a winner, Stephanie!
Nice job SBR. As you said, it’s an honorary title. You shined some light on our local government and we should all be thankful for that. I know I am. We’ll see how much honor the next occupant of that honorary seat shows, you have set the bar high.
Wow, what a different set of comments from the CP where people are shouting “cut off her head” and comparing her to Robespierre while portraying Whinny as Louis XIV. If it wasn’t so ignorant it would be funny. And MrsDoGood ( GAGE lady) just gave SBR a stern talking to, LOL! I like the mindset here much better. Wonder how SBR could be drafted for mayor?
I wish she would run for Mayor, but I think she’s hesitant to give up her law practice. She also has twin pre-schoolers, so she’s juggling a lot. Cleaning up the Civic Center will be a huge job, and I think it would be very hard for the mother of two young children.
Now that’s certainly a sexist viewpoint. Hesitant to giving up her law practice I get, but why is being a mother of two while being mayor any more difficult than a man with two kids becoming a mayor? I think SBR or any woman, just like a man, would be capable of raising children and being a mayor.
As the mother of five, who always held a full time job, (mostly in social services) and helped run a business, I can tell you that rearing children and having a career is more difficult for a mother than it is for a father. That is, unless the father is an exceptional man.
I believe her husband does a fine job of keeping the house, like a spouse should when the other has such an important task to do; like helping make this city become a better place for future generations. Her children included
Are you really that uninformed about what it takes to be a good mother of two kids? If so you surely must be a single lonely man. I feel sorry for your. When you grow up maybe you will understand what your mother has to put up with.
Try being a lawyer and a mother and then go though all the BS that she just went though the last few weeks.
We need more people like her
I guess only those in the executive session will know exactly how the other city council members said that they would vote in a vote had to be taken. I was pretty shocked to learn that she resigned. But she did so with Great Class.
The COURIER and PRESS did it’s dirty work for the Friends of John Friend. If you don’t understand why their is a huge divide between the readers of the Evansville Courier and Press and the City-County Observer just check out the pictures of SBR that appeared on each of these two web sites.
One the ECP they have a picture of SBR caught in the middle of a gesture that’s not very flattering. One the other hand the CCO has a picture of SBR that a perfect symmetrical smile.
That tells the entire story about this stupid fiasco.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. And they are right. If you want to vilify someone just post a picture of them where they look unsymmetrical and are caught in an awkward moment of time. They photo-journalist earned his pay on that picture. Of course that could do that to any public official at any news conference. It’s the trick of the trade that’s been used by many a fowl news man.
Drafted for Mayor ?
3 or 4 tall Amber Bock’s and I think she’ll sign on !
Don’t give up on Al Lindsey just yet , he is as popular as Stephanie
I wish he had voted differently also but I’m sure he had his reasons
Lindsey voted to accept the resignation she offered because he was going to vote to remove her. In no way is he popular city-wide, the way SBR is. He doesn’t make such a great impression outside of the Sixth Ward, where, as I hear it, he doesn’t really live.
He needs a primary, and he needs to lose it.
I was being sarcastic ,,,Al is as popular with mosby and weaver as Stephanie is to friend and the winike
Al voted to accept the resignation that she had already offered, not to kick her out. SBR did the gracious thing and resigned before it got that far. The VP job is a no authority joke anyway. I am very disappointed in Dan Adams, I thought he had more character than he has shown. I am proud to count both Stephanie and Al among my friends.
“I am very disappointed in Dan Adams, I thought he had more character than he has shown. ”
Please explain. In all I’ve read here and the C&P the past few weeks, I don’t remember Adams name even mentioned. Can you tell us what he’s said/done regarding this matter that prompted your comment?
He was quoted in his standard condescension that the Exit Conference was not a presentation of the findings but a preliminary report. He should know since he’s never been to one. The findings are preliminary only in that the City’s wriiten reply has not been added.
You are a good man, you GET IT !! All this bullshit put forth by Paul Joyce of SBOA that ” a lot has changed since the Exit Conference” is just that . . . bullshit !
You are correct that an Exit Conference really is the END. It’ s not a “step in the process” as Winnecke, Friend, Adams are suggesting. There is a reason that they call it EXIT, as in hit the door, write a commentary and we’ll publish.
But not this time ! The SBOA changed Audit Supervisors AFTER the Exit Conference. It went from some guy named Allan to long-timer Charlie Pride.
Honestly, why would that be done ?? Has that ever been done before ?
I talked to a State Board auditor once about the Ford Center ‘review’. The auditor said the writeup provided by the municipality AFTER the Exit Conference was just for the Muni to add their point of view. KEY POINT: the SBOA Auditors didn’t even READ what the municipality wrote, since that was not part of their scope. Wow !
Here’s the Test: out of all of the Exit Conferences ever held in Indiana, how many have waited 2 1/2 months later to publish the audit opinion ? My guess: 1 .
Dan Adams should never judge anyone. Curt John and Missy Mosby tell a story about Adams inviting Curt’s barely teenage daughter to his hot tub. He also makes demeaning sexual comments about women.
Curt and Missy are the prom king and queen on the island of liars.
If they told me water was wet, grass was green and the sky was blue I would look out my window again just to be sure.
Seriously man, those two are the most vicious rumor mongers in SW Indiana.
Yea I’m very disappointed in Doctor Adams. He and the other’s should have supported Stephanie and questioned why Friend is so obsessed with SBR. I’m wondering what they have to hide?
It’s just a sad day for Evansville – – all the way around.
Noitall, Might, have that wrong, The day was just fine. Evansville Indiana isn’t.
I believe she took the right path not putting the council men and women that she respects in a position of having to choose. Now she doesn’t have to answer to anybody but her constituents. No more drunk calls from friend,that he doesn’t remember. I don’t see a downside
There’s not a vote to accept a resignation. That was a trap for her supporters. It gave the appearance of a vote for her removal.
Is it true that City Councilman John Friend is the treasurer-accountant and stock holder of the downtown Maingate Bar? Is it true that some of the original investors also were contractors, vendors and consultants doing business with the city of Evansville? Is it true that it’s been alleged that many elected and appointed officials had a share of part ownership (original investors) in the Maingate Bar.
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