Statements from Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel Regarding Ongoing FOP Contract Negotiations


(EVANSVILLE, IN) – September 22, 2010 – The City of Evansville has been made aware that the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) distributed a news release on September 21, 2010, regarding ongoing contract negotiations between the City and the FOP. The following statements from Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel are in response to statements and allegations made by the FOP in said release:

“Contract talks between the City and the FOP are continuing and ideas continue to be exchanged.

It is highly disconcerting and unfortunate that the FOP has broken a long-standing tradition of
conducting contract negotiations with the City in private.”

“The FOP’s primary focus in these contract talks has been to shift their financial responsibility
for retiree medical costs to the City and thereby to the taxpayers. Contrary to the suggestion in
the FOP’s news release, the City has offered wage increases as a part of our multi-year proposal
to the FOP. The current starting salary for an Evansville Police Department (EPD) officer is
among the highest in the state. The proposed change by the City to decrease officers’ starting
salaries would help offset the shift of the financial responsibility of the retiree medical costs as
demanded by the FOP.”

“While the FOP has never previously shown any interest in taking the lead with regard to
enhancing the EPD’s ability to recruit minorities, we welcome any positive change in the FOP’s
position regarding minority hiring.”


  1. Weinzapfel made threats against FOP when he ran for election the first time, telling the FOP that if he did not get their endorsement they would be sorry when came time for contract talks. After he was elected he threw them under the bus, and he continues do so.

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