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SS&C Chairman Bill Stone is Memorial HS Grad and Uses Silicon Valley Techniques to Motivate and Reward Employees


HartfordBusiness.com Reports that SS&C Stock Options created over a two dozen Millionaires with IPO

A local connection may have been instrumental in the attraction of SS&C Holdings to Evansville. The founder, Chairman, and CEO Bill Stone is a graduate of Evansville’s Memorial High School. When SS&C went public with an IPO on NASDAQ on March 31, 2010, Mr. Stones creation helped enable over a dozen employee option holders to become what is often referred to as “on paper millionaires”. Additionally the total who saw their “paper net worth” increase by over $500,000 was 83 employees. The stock which is traded on NASDAQ under the symbol SSNC has since risen by 32% to $19.83 adding even more wealth to the employees of the business.

The company that was founded in 1986 with four people has grown to today’s complement of 1,400 but it has not been without challenge and hard work. The success story of a classic brain drainer who started life in Evansville and left to enjoy success elsewhere has now culminated in this local product choosing to create some prosperity in his home town. Welcome back Mr. Stone, we are certain that Evansville can benefit and learn much from your experiences.

The story of SS&C’ challenges and triumphs are addressed on the following link to the HartfordBusiness.com.



  1. And here I was… thinking Marsha Abell and the smoking ban deserved ALL the credit!


    • Well it has been more than 10 years since an attraction project like this has been landed here. Two months ago a smoking ban passes in the county and poof, just like magic 500 professional jobs materialize. Imagine what would happen if the city followed that lead. Maybe it helped but I am sure that she does not deserve ALL of the credit. We suspect that the presence of AIG may have had something to do with this along with this being the childhood home of the CEO.

      • Oh, come on! FOX! FOX! FOX! FOX! Yeah, a smoking ban that, in effect, eliminates smoking in THREE bars in the county, had such a major impact it caused this company to create FIVE new jobs here with the “promise” of maybe 495 more, possibly, someday.

        As I’ve said before, if you really want credibility, how about sticking to F A C T S or at least reasonable conjecture that makes some sense.

        Actually, I attribute this announcement to the fact that the pothole in front of my driveway got filled and that the neighbor’s dog that has been running wild finally died. That makes as much sense as your nonsense.

        Sorry, but that’s the way I see it. I’d truly like to “believe” in your site, but it is going to require some semblence of reasonableness (is that a word?) and consistency on your part to do so. Prove a correlation and I will gladly retract my comments.

        P.S. I certainly hope that they don’t send any employees here temporarily to do training of new hires, acquire facilities, do equipment installations, etc. as they may be considered Indiana residents for tax purposes and be unable to vote in their true home state .

        • That last post was a joke except for the 10+ years since a good attraction project has happened. It was in response to another joke posted by Eville Taxpayer.

          • I respectfully retract my comments and emit a hearty guffaw in response to your venture into the world of humor! My apologies:-)

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