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  1. Two major issues. First the national indebtedness. We are fortunate that the interest rates are at historic lows so that is not the economic tsunami it will be when interest rates rise. The second issue is the Obama/Hillary decision to risk national suicide by importing massive quantities of Muslims that have no intent to ever assimilate. Their goal is to spread Sharia law. Obama/Hillary follow the same flawed path causing the national suicides in Europe, and we will have the same predictable results:

    • Is this a serious question Joe? Are you prepared for serious answers?
      1. If indeed you say you’re voting for Trump, then let’s be clear, you care NOT ONE IOTA about the dangers of increasing US Debt levels. Why? Because Trump is on record, has a well-documented comprehensive history of, piling on unheard of levels of debt, debt, debt to try to achieve growth….and repeatedly brags that “he is the King of Debt.” “I love debt. It’s a great tool.” You may have other reasons for liking Trump over Clinton, but if you are AUTHENTICALLY concerned about increasing the national debt, then Trump won’t get your vote. Period. Cause you see? I don’t believe you that you care about debt, because Trump will mushroom the US Debt in an effort to cheaply grow US business and fund new infrastructure….at unthinkable new levels. He will even brag about it.
      2. We don’t need terrorists coming into the US. Everyone agrees on that, so stop pretending that those worried about Trump being a dangerous fool are pro-terrorists. But we DO have a Constitution, and it says you can’t discriminate based on your FAITH – ask the Mormons, ask the Catholics, etc. You are recommending that Joe. Maybe you are recommending we get rid of the US Constitution, but you won’t get much sympathy there Joe. Terrorists? We should kill terrorists, I agree with that. We should screen them for terrorism ties, and we should take plenty of time to do a thorough job.

      But the debt thing? Just stop bringing it up. A vote for Trump is a vote for more debt, a vote for the King of Debt.

      • 1) Both spending and debt increased for NM under Johnson. So you have no hook to hang your Johnson hat on concerning debt.

        2) The constitution is somewhat vague on immigration and essentially allows congress to decide our immigration policy. Foreigners outside our boundaries are not subject to or protected by our Constitution I hope they will be treated justly, but that does no include open boarders that would give terrorist access nor do we need to hamstring our security by ignoring that the greatest threat is comming from Islamic refugees. We should not allow what is happening in Europe to happen here.
        While our Constitution does protect religious expression, Johnson does not support protecting religious liberty from aggressive lawsuits that unduly burdens religious liberty and has become a methodology for religious discrimination. When our government can force one to violate one’s religious convictions under the threat of loss of home and livelihood, there is not religious liberty.

        • I like Johnson. While I don’t like everything Johnson says, “my values and my principles fare better under Johnson” than the dangerous fool, Donald Trump.
          Johnson is not the King of Debt.
          Johnson is does not own a real estate empire whose debt is controlled by Putin cabinet ministers.
          Johnson is not a NYC Liberal Democrat running as a Republican.

          But hey INDIANA ENOCH, some evangelical Christians I know have become totally unprincipled and abandoned their so-called values, character and personal integrity and will vote for this guy:

          “Trump has boasted of infidelities, profited off gambling, mocked the handicapped, cheered and offered financial assistance for his supporters who fight protesters, supported abortion (until his fortuitous change of heart before the election), called for war crimes against innocent people, demonized minorities and immigrants, knowingly played upon racist fears, promoted open racists through social media, promoted conspiracy theories, and crudely treated women.

          Oh, and he reads the Bible, or says he has at some point, including Two Corinthians.

          You’re a joke this election year Indiana Enoch. A joke. You need the election over fast.

    • Pressanykey:
      Did you know, that the poorly educated, compared to college graduates:
      1. More likely to smoke.
      2. More likely to be fat, to be overweight.
      3. They die younger. In fact, those without a high school diploma die an average of nine years earlier than college graduates.
      4. They have a higher incidence of diabetes.
      5. They make less money.
      6. Their children make less money as adults.
      7. They are more likely to own guns.
      8. They are more likely to use chaw and have a higher incidence of mouth cancer, throat cancer and lung cancer.

      • Wayne, don’t be too hard on yourself, there is always time. You could take a few classes in your spare time and before you know it with the thoughts you’d be thinking, you could be another Lincoln, if you only had………..well you know.

    • Oh for God’s sake.
      Pressanykey……You’re selling swampland!
      Trying to convince eskimos they need more ice by even ATTEMPTING to pretend Trump is not the King of Debt.
      This guy’s answer to it all is to “use debt as a tool.”
      That hunting dog your’e sellling? It don’t hunt Press. Just stop pretending.

      • The KING OF DEBT is in office now and his QUEEN wants to take his place. Democrats lecturing about fiscal responsibility is like Hitler lecturing about diversity.

        • ….get serious. So, you are making the leap of faith that the King of Debt (who every single person in America knows is Donald Trump), Press, you’re trying to sell he is not, that someone else actually is?

          Ha! Spit! Spew! Lie!

          (BTW, Trump IS a Democrat. Trump is a liberal, NYC Democrat running as a Republican. And you just validated the King of Debt is Trump. Stop selling this preposterous line. Go back to the candidate health issue Pressanykey. You’ve TOTALLY LOST this pretend line that “Trump is not the King of Debt after all!”)

        • It was Trump who proudly claimed the title of the “King of Debt” and he would probably have your tinfoil “Make America Great Again” cap revoked if he knew you called POTUS by his title. It may surprise you to learn that all US spending has been done at the behest of a REPUBLICAN CONGRESS.

        • Pussified Press

          And there needs to be at lease one facts placed for clarification immediately.

          One of the major budget and debt issues under President Obama is that soon after he was elected he stopped the budget lies and debt obfuscation under President Bush when he kept the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan hidden. Bushie pretty much put the costs of the two wars, wars that killed many thousands of brave American soldiers and hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of foreign citizens, on Americas credit card and under the “black budget” method of hiding things.

          The end result of that was that the trillions of dollars in war costs that had been hidden from the federal budget were placed into the public record so that Americans finally knew what the financial cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This includes the billions of dollars in bribes, the billions of dollars that Dick and Bush LOST when it privatized war related and “rebuilding” costs to the two illegal wars that the various private contractors put in their pockets and coffers, and the TRILLIONS of money that Dick and Halliburton stole from taxpayers.

          Do us a favor, Pussifed Press, DON’T go there! President Obama took the multiple lies and the trillions of dollars of costs that Dick and Bush tried to hide from taxpayers, and especially in the case of Dick he pocketed billions of Halliburton money by being nothing more than a war profiteer, which makes him a treasonous traitor by making money from the deaths of Americans and foreign citizens.

          Finally, we all know that Trump will be the same or worse than Dick and Bush. The economic honesty and recovery we have seen under President Obama would be not only erased, Trump would devastate America and her prosperity, and our standing of being a beacon of success and freedom in the world would be destroyed. Letting Trump in the White House would be the worst thing to happen not only in the history of America, but probably in the history of the world.

          Your continued lies and falsehoods about Trump disgusts me

          • You know zip. this country has had a black military budget since WWII and each administration has contributed to that debt in order to keep this country on the cutting edge of military technology, and guess what, that is not going to change. I saw, first hand how are tax dollars were spent during a war, not just on the battlefield, but in propping up a government, during a democrat administration and the republican one that followed it. Developing the best airplanes, surface ships, and submarines is costly and for obvious reasons these budgets are not always made public.

            You are a typical liberal democrat who thinks everything can be cured by a group hug. If you were in charge of the security of this country, we wouldn’t have a country.

            President is projecting the same weakness that Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter projected, and to the same people, and we have already paid a price for that weakness. Although you may find no pride in this country because of its status as the world’s only super power, I and many others do.

            Your candidate, Hillary Clinton, does not give a damn about anything other than her own power to rule and to acquire more wealth for her and her disgraced husband. War to Hillary is just another opportunity to screw the taxpayers at her expense by shoveling contracts out the back door of the White House to her cronies. Its what the Clintons do. Its the way they roll.

            Your continued whining that Donald Trump is the boogyman sounds childish. We know who the real threat is, its the one with a 30+ year history of lies and scandals, it is Hillary Clinton and her disgraced husband Bill Clinton.

          • (This is a childish, uninformed, angry at something else other than the subject, RANT post by Pressanykey.)

      • Even her own people had her pegged:

        She lies about anything and everything just for the pleasure she gets from lying.

        Dead Broke – In an interview, Clinton stated that she “came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.” Something even the left-leaning Politifact found to be false.

        Sniper Fire – During the 2008 campaign, Clinton said she came under sniper fire in Bosnia during the ’90s. She went so far as to claim her group ran “with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.” Video of her actual arrival surfaced showing a very calm scene instead, and the Democrat would quickly say she simply misspoke.

        Immigrant Grandparents – When discussing immigrant stories, Clinton asserted that “all my grandparents… came over here.” It was another story Politifact said was false, as only one of her grandparents was an immigrant.

        Sir Edmund Hillary – Seems Clinton can’t even bring herself to tell the truth about her own name. She claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first men to climb Mt. Everest. One small problem though, the explorer didn’t climb Everest until Clinton was 6 years old.

        The Few, The Proud, The Marines – Very recently, Clinton claimed to have been turned down by the Marines when she applied in 1975. Washington Post fact-checkers quickly realized the absurdity that a rising legal star at the time, and soon to be wife of Bill Clinton, would drop everything and ship off with the Marines. They gave her a couple of Pinocchios for her tall tale.

        Secret E-Mails – Former Secretary of State Clinton claimed her infamous private e-mail server was set up in “accordance with the rules and the regulations in effect.” A federal judge disagreed, saying Clinton “violated government policy” when she used a private server to store official State Department messages.

        Benghazi – Clearly the most reprehensible lie of them all – Clinton failed to tell the truth about a terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi. She claimed for weeks, standing over the flag-draped coffins of murdered Americans, that an insensitive YouTube video had incited the violence that occurred that night. Why? Because a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11 – which it was – would have destroyed President Obama’s re-election chances. But hey, at the end of the day it’s worth it to Clinton to tell a politically expedient lie, so long as her party can stay in power.

        • …but not because of bigotry. LKB shares nearly every value HC offers, not all, but most.

          Indiana Enoch, I don’t know of ANY values you share with Donald Trump (before his fortuitous change of heart when he changed his positions to exploit you). Not even Christian values!!!

          Except…..Trump holds many bigoted positions you agree with I-E.

          But LKB? It is not because of bigotry.

          • Yawn, same old playing the race card and calling people bigots who are not. You are so Hillary.

          • Donald Trump said he was the King of Debt. He is in debt to the Russians which is why he won’t release his tax returns as they would show his debt.

            I read the discussions above up to about 11 am this morning. One Trump supporter talks about his main concern with the US today is our debt. Another Johnson supporter says that Donald John Trump is the King of Debt. But the Trump supporter totally ignores that in his next reply to the Johnson supporter. Do people just talk past each other in here all the time?

            This is the problem with American discussion forums IMHO. We talk past each other and not to each other. We don’t discuss the issues we just shout talking points at each other.

            I wish all this would be over with come Nov and after all the ballots are counted but I know it won’t from past experience. There will be claims of cheating or voter fraud at first. Then the losing party members will be attacking the winner for the next four years and then the cycle of talking past each other will begin all over again.

            I find it funny in a way that the Trump supporter won’t acknowledge that Donald Trump loves Debt and uses it as a tool. The Trump supporter claims that national debt is his main concern but to me it doesn’t appear to be true.

          • IN FACT Indiana Enoch……Trump’s approach to debt is worse than the US Government’s approach. But let’s not mince any words here………Debt is like candy to Donald Trump. It’s catnip. IF TRUMP GETS ACCESS TO US DEBT PEDALS…….you can fully expect so much debt to be piled on that the US Dollar will cease to be the global standard.

            I mean……Trump has shown he can’t manage debt. He filed bankruptcy four (4) times.
            That is your King of Debt alright.

      • It would restore your integrity if Sanders or Kaine became the nominee. Only those swimming in an Egyptian river believe Hillary does not have serious health concerns.

    • I read the article. I do not believe pneumonia is a reason to replace any candidate for any office. I would not be surprised if there are some insiders in the party questioning what other ailments may be in play. If such an action is seriously considered, you can bet it will be something far more dangerous than something that an antibiotic and a week of rest will cure.

      • Pneumonia is the latest word out of the Hillary camp, but it is not a good fit with what we have been witnessing since she fell and hit her head and had the blood clot in her brain. This would have to be one very “extended” bout of pneumonia going all the way back to 2005.

        • If she had a blood clot in the brain that would have been a STROKE. I don’t believe she has had a STROKE. So maybe the blood clot was stuck some where else in her body? Legs are a common spot to develop blood clots. Coumadin can be used to slowly dissolve the blood clot and she is still on this medicine. I have a blood clot in my heart a few years back and had to take Coumadin for three months to dissolve it. My mom had a blood clot in her right calf and took Coumadin for three months to dissolve it. Coumadin is used successfully ever day for many people these days. She may have had a hematoma if she fell and hit her head. But that’s not always the same as a blood clot. A blood clot in the brain would be very dangerous and could cause death or paralysis.

          • I had a blood clot in my celiac artery and I took Jack Daniels to dissolve it.

            That’s why the mental thing is way more important.

            Saudi Arabia with nukes anyone?….

    who said this:

    “If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller.”

    Who said it, and what book?

      • Nope. I’ll give you a clue Press:

        James Dobson says the guy whose quote this is, and who wrote this in his book, James Dobson says this guy is a born-again Christian. Someone who all born-again Christians should emulate.

        And I didn’t know that born-again Christians were adulterers who slept with many very happily married women….many, many experiences.

        Did you know that Pressanykey?

      • Bubba Clinton’s blow jobs in the oval office as President of the United States can never be topped, and will remain his legacy for all time.

        • Can we stipulate:
          That will look as boring as white rice if Trump ever makes it to the White House.
          It will be “Caligula, Blackjack and the Stripper/Whores with Donald Trump.”

          • Just take a look at his porn princess wife, who will likely be replaced by the spokesperson/moron Katrina Pierson.

          • Oh my, you guys are in full panic mode today. aren’t you? No one can ever top the immoral Clintons. Just ask some members of their Arkansas security team, they can tell you stories that will curl your hair.

  3. I expect that all four of the candidates for president will increase the national debt. The last time any president didn’t increase the public debt as I recall was roughly 90 years ago.

    The real question is what does one get for the debt incurred? Do we invest in infrastructure at a competitive price that fosters prosperity, or do we just squander borrowed money on overpriced consumables. Some debt can be good. The government seldom gets value for what is put on its credit card.

    • I do think that Donald Trump understands debt much better than Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. If he did not, he would not be where he is today. To the other two, debt is more of an academic exercise, which has had little to no implications for their lives.

      • ……AT LEAST Pressanykey has acknowledged that Trump loves debt, and will increase the debt, and will use more debt as a tool, after all.
        Jesus Christ.

      • Au contraire, PAK. He has filed bankruptcy at least four times. He understands how to slip out from under debt, which is not something one would want to do to the “full faith and credit of the United States.”

    • Our infrastructure would be in amazing shape if we had created 50,000 new jobs in construction and engineering. Instead we created the TSA.

      • ….well, I think Bush knew construction and engineer employees didn’t know anything about airport security.

        (Stonedreamers’s comment is kind of like showing up for Gma’s chicken dinner and saying “we never have donuts for dinner at Gma’s house. Donuts are pretty good.” )

      • My point precisely. That would be in the squandering on overpriced consumables category. What do we get for it. We get to take off our belts and shoes at the airport. There are plenty of bridges to nowhere, $700 hammers, and Solyndras out there too. I guess there are a few things that we get fair value for but they are few and far between. Even the $12 muffins at a GSA party piss me off.

    • Clinton had a surplus when he left office. He decreased the national debt and had a surplus Joe. That was less than 90 years ago was it not?

      • A lot of misinformation about the Clintons put up lately. It all bears fact checking and generally comes up wrong.

    • The asinine and hypocritical faux outrage after a comment by Hillary Clinton that half of Donald Trump’s supporters belonged in a “basket of deplorables” at a campaign event is ridiculous. Trump’s entire campaign is couched in white supremacist nationalism. He’s spent the last year denigrating Latinos, Muslims, African Americans, immigrants, and everyone who isn’t white. There’s a reason why the drooling simpleton “alt-right” bigots and the Klan love him.

      Deplorable is used to describe something extremely bad or unfortunate, meaning something is so bad, there is no hope of improvement. Deplorable is defined as worthy of severe condemnation or reproach, lamentable, wretched, worthy of censure, pitiful, distressing, reprehensible, having undesirable or negative qualities, disgraceful, shameful, scandalous, disreputable, dishonorable, dreadful, miserable

      Watching and reading what has been yelled and screamed by Trump fanatics about Hillary Clinton has been done thru the inspiration of Trump himself! Look at all the vile nicknames he has called Hillary and his former Republican opponents: Crooked Hillary, Incompetent Hillary, Crazy Bernie, Little Marco Rubio, Lyin’ Ted Cruz, Low Energy Jeb Bush, Pocahontas and Goofy Elizabeth Warren, Psychopath Ben Carson, Corrupt Kaine for Tim Kaine, Mentally Abused John Kerry. Trump has called and inspired his supporters by calling women pigs, dogs, disgusting animals, bimbos, and gold diggers.

      With Trump as their inspiration, and based on the complete lack of respect he has for women or anyone that disagrees with him, it just shows that a passing remark that “half” of the Trump supporters could be placed in a “basket of deplorables” is not an unethical slight in even a minor fashion.

      The problem is that Trump’s supporters are exactly what Hillary called them. They are deplorable racists who have stooped to bottom of the barrel politics. They have called for killing or imprisoning Hillary and have committed violence against black people at Trump rallies all while disparaging Latinos and calling President Obama a terrorist.

      To be honest about the whole situation, the truth hurts. I don’t know that it’s half of Trump supporters, but you can’t deny the fact that you’ve got the David Dukes of the world in Trump’s camp backing him strongly. You can’t deny the fact that if you go on white nationalist website Stormfront, they love their glorious leader Trump. You can’t deny that when you go to his rallies you hear the N-word thrown around casually and Hillary Clinton referred to as the B-word and C-word.

      Trump has tapped into this very ugly stream in America, and it’s frankly important to point out the kind of company you’re keeping if you’re going to back somebody like Trump. His campaign is a sea full of racist bigots who hide under white sheets, think we should persecute Muslims, and think women should submit to the will of men.

      In fact, polling data backs up Hillary Clinton’s remark. Polls show that two-thirds of Trump’s supporters think President Obama is a Muslim, which is both Islamophobic and racist. Furthermore, 40 percent of Trump’s supporters think black people are “lazy” and another 50 percent think black people are more violent than whites. One-third of them think putting Japanese-Americans in internment camps was a good idea. 20 percent think Lincoln should not have freed the slaves and 30 percent of Trump’s fans in South Carolina want to ban gay people from living in the United States.

      So when Hillary Clinton said that half of Trump’s supporters are deplorable she was damn spot on. Except that Trump and his supporters already regularly accuse Hillary Clinton of being a communist and have repeatedly blamed her and President Obama for the deaths of police officers. And unlike Trump, Hillary Clinton has never called for the assassination of her political opponent.

      It should also be pointed out that in addition to Hillary slamming Trump’s deplorable supporters, she did express empathy for Trump supporters who have legitimate concerns, “people who feel the government has let them down, the economy let them down, nobody cares about them, those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well”

      Trump supporters are exactly what Hillary called them. They are deplorable racists who have stooped to bottom of the barrel politics. They have called for killing or imprisoning Hillary and have committed violence against black people at Trump rallies all while disparaging Latinos and calling President Obama a terrorist.

      To be honest about the whole situation, the truth hurts. I don’t know that it’s half of Trump supporters, but you can’t deny the fact that you’ve got the David Dukes of the world in Trump’s camp backing him strongly. You can’t deny the fact that if you go on white nationalist website Stormfront, they love their glorious leader Trump. You can’t deny that when you go to his rallies you hear the N-word thrown around casually and Hillary Clinton referred to as the B-word and C-word.

      Trump has tapped into this very ugly stream in America, and it’s frankly important to point out the kind of company you’re keeping if you’re going to back somebody like Trump. His campaign is a sea full of racist bigots who hide under white sheets, think we should persecute Muslims, and think women should submit to the will of men.

      In fact, polling data backs up Hillary Clinton’s remark. Polls show that two-thirds of Trump’s supporters think President Obama is a Muslim, which is both Islamophobic and racist. Furthermore, 40 percent of Trump’s supporters think black people are “lazy” and another 50 percent think black people are more violent than whites. One-third of them think putting Japanese-Americans in internment camps was a good idea. 20 percent think Lincoln should not have freed the slaves and 30 percent of Trump fans in South Carolina want to ban gay people from living in the United States.

      So when Hillary Clinton said that half of Trump’s supporters are deplorable she was damn spot on. Except that Trump and his supporters already regularly accuse Hillary Clinton of being a communist and have repeatedly blamed her and President Obama for the deaths of police officers. And unlike Trump, Hillary Clinton has never called for the assassination of her political opponent.

      It should also be pointed out that in addition to Hillary slamming Trump’s deplorable supporters, she did express empathy for Trump supporters who have legitimate concerns, “people who feel the government has let them down, the economy let them down, nobody cares about them, those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well”

      As Hillary points out, there is a long list of deplorable thoughts, words, and deeds by Trump and his fanatical supporters. It’s deplorable that Trump hired a major advocate for the so-called ‘alt-right’ movement to run his campaign and that David Duke and other white supremacists see him as a champion of their values. It’s deplorable that Trump has built his campaign largely on prejudice and paranoia and given a national platform to hateful views and voices, including by retweeting fringe bigots with a few dozen followers and spreading their message to 11 million people. It’s deplorable that he’s attacked a federal judge for his ‘Mexican heritage,’ bullied a Gold Star family because of their Muslim faith, and promoted the lie that our first black president is not a true American.

      So it’s no surprise that Trump is defending his most offensive views and extremist allies. This is the man who has spent 15 months insulting nearly every group in America. African Americans, Muslims, Latinos, Native Americans, immigrants, women, veterans, people with disabilities, and the list goes on.

      Folks that are trying to make this comment into some major affair are kinda delusional. Trump has spent over a year calling people and segments of America and the world insulting and demeaning names, and so a single time that someone calls parts of his supporters an accurate description is simply giving him and his a taste of their own medicine.

        • Thank you. It is “one of those days” and I am tired of some of the BS we keep seeing.

          You know how it goes, sometimes you reach the point of saying “ENOUGH!”

          • Bravo, Classy! The T-shirts that Trump supporters happily sport and the ugly chants they do at his “Fear and Loathing” rallies tell the story that Hillary was being kind when she estimated that only half of them are deplorable. I would put it at about 90%, and 10% are just poor frightened, sick souls. (My penchant for calling it like I see it is one of many things that has kept me from running for public office.)

      • The beliefs that you describe are indeed deplorable beliefs. I do not believe, nor do I want to believe that tens of millions of people (50% of Trump supporters amount to 25 million or so) are beyond hope. There is always hope to educate people out of misplaced beliefs.

        You have to admit some of those nicknames are funny. I chuckle everyday when Regulator posts something about “Mop Head” or someone else calls Trump the Orange Buffoon. We all need to lighten up and get a bit of humor from this joke of an election.

        • Joe

          I think you and I can agree that when Secretary Clinton said “half” it was more rhetorical than anything. Neither campaign has an absolute certainty on how many supporters or voters they have.

          How is her comment any different than the countless thousands of times he has insulted voters with his vile and crass commentary? She made ONE comment, and she is vilified for it? Come on!

          Trump uses all sorts of vile rhetoric and commentary, which is why he is a demagogue, someone who capitalizes on popular prejudices, makes false claims and promises, and uses arguments based on emotion rather than reason.

          Trump appeals to voters’ fears by depicting a nation in crisis, while positioning himself as the nation’s hero, the only one who can conquer our foes, secure our borders and “Make America Great Again.”

          Trump’s self-congratulating rhetoric makes him appear to be the epitome of hubris, which, according to research, is often the least attractive quality of a potential leader.

          We can safely call Trump a demagogue, and as a voter my fear of having a demagogue actually attain real power is that they’ll disregard the law or the Constitution. Hitler is a worst-case example, and Cheeto Hitler perfectly mimics what happened to the world so many decades ago.

          Hell, one of Trump’s very arguments is that he won’t be controlled, just like Hitler. But voters would never want an uncontrollable president, would they?

          Trump uses fallacious and divisive rhetorical techniques that prevent him from being questioned or backed into a corner. He often uses ad populum arguments, which are appealing to the crowd like “polls show” or “we’re winning everywhere”

          In this one instance where Secretary Clinton questioned the views and actions of his so-called supporters, he has dropped back to using ad hominem attacks and criticisms of Secretary Clinton, rather than the argument.

          His speeches are often peppered with ad baculum arguments, which are threats of force like “when people come after me they go down the tubes”). As a demagogue he has made arguments based on false claims and appeal to emotion, rather than reason.

          Trump has employed a rhetorical technique called paralipsis to make claims that he can’t be held accountable for. In paralipsis, the speaker will introduce a topic or argument by saying he doesn’t want to talk about it, but in truth, he or she wants to emphasize that very thing.

          As much as I don’t want to descend into the muck and mire, calling many of Trump supporters “deplorable” is just a sad commentary on the truth of this election. But she is not wrong

      • Well Said and complete. Donald Trump can dish it out but he can’t take it!!! He’s a cry baby bully idiot.

    • Speaking of propping up Hillary Clinton, did you notice that there was no mention of Hillary’s fainting spell yesterday in the print version of today’s Evansville Courier&Press?

      WOW, how surprising is that?

    • Viral pneumonia is very contagious. Bacterial pneumonia that has been treated with 48 hours of antibiotics most probably is not. That is probably the kind she has, as it is often brought on by weakening of the immune system by respiratory allergies. More importantly, I suspect the grandchildren have been vaccinated for it with along with all of the other infant and childhood vaccinations.

      • Well ..Well ..Well ..Nurse Laura is in the house ..She must have hacked into the medical records of Hilliary’s grandkids ..apparently, Hilliary’s as well.

        • Not at all. It is simply a vaccine that is routinely given to infants and children. That’s why I said “probably.”

          • Many of my health professionals have said probably. You are probably a professional health care provider???

          • I think she was an Registered Nurse but it retired now. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I saw where she said that one time in the past in here. Either way she is right.

    • Press,

      It has been said that Hilliary would rather climb a tree to tell a lie then stand on the ground and tell the truth. The truth is simply. She wants to deceive the American people concerning her health situation. She says if Trump releases his tax returns she will release her medical records. We should be more concerned about whoever occupies the White House that their health is reasonably assured. Trump should release his returns but Hilliary needs to release the transcripts of the Goldman Sach speeches as well. In addition, Trump should release his medical records and Clinton’s as well.

      • Good post.

        Anyone wanting to acquire the position and power to be able to turn Earth into a coal clunker should not be able to hide anything remotely relevant to gaining that awesome responsibility.

        They both need to cough up more info pronto.

        Pun intended….

  4. If walking pneumonia is a disqualifier in the presidential arena, then how did Cheney make it through the process?

    This squirrel stole more hearts to survive than cupid.

    I’ll never forget how pissed Cheney was when they dumped bin Laden’s body at sea because bin Laden’s heart would have been a perfect match.

    If Trump comes down with the flu, I’m sure his quack doctor will say it’s a type of flu that actually makes you stronger than any other president’s flu ever did.

    Come on November the 9th, maybe 2020 will get Americans Thinking again….

    • See, now this was good fun with just a little twist of meanness. Not deplorable in the least, unless you take it so seriously to believe Cheney really wanted the Couer de Bin Laden beating in his chest. quack quack, couer de Bin Laden, Mop Head, Orange man, and nutty squirrel are all in fun.

    • Come on Regs …Cheney was the VP ..don’t give us the crap that that the vp means a Sh**&^&*t>


      Every few weeks the Trumpeteers are energized by the threat of an indictment, Gowdy’s ironing board head popping up & off, or some fairly minor health issue with Hillary. Although some state races are tighter, she has a pretty safe lead in electoral votes and will be the next president. The Republican party would have been better served by putting their efforts into finding a decent candidate rather than pinning their hopes on some catastrophe befalling Hillary. The Republicans are running an abomination, a freak.

      The Hildebeast will deal with the walking pneumonia and it will be over. On the other hand, The Beet has the boogie woogie flu, a virulent case that causes Tourette’s when in front of a microphone and an odd discoloration that proscribes him from holding public office. He is also, as evidenced by his draft dodging, a chickenshit and unfit to be commander-in-chief.

  5. Where were you and what did you do when the Twin Towers fell? The Guardian newspaper and Daily Beast online recently ran two excellent articles, the Guardian focused on what Hillary Clinton did both during and after and the Daily Beast covered the story that Donald Trump has peddled about his actions.

    It is an especially relevant question for Hillary Clinton, then a New York Senator, and Trump, a New York celebrity. Their actions during that terrible time speak volumes about their empathy and ability to cope in major crises.

    Clinton was especially upset about how the Bush government misled the first responders about the air quality at Ground Zero. EPA Administrator Christine Whitman pronounced it fine. She was utterly wrong and Clinton called her on it.

    Then Senator Clinton told citizens “I don’t think any of us expected that our government would knowingly deceive us about something as sacred as the air we breathe. The air that our children breathe in schools, that our valiant first responders were facing on the pile”

    Clinton went to Ground Zero on September 12, 2001. Trump visited a day later A few weeks later Clinton, deeply impacted by the visit and major concerns about the air being breathed arising said, “I am outraged. In the immediate aftermath, the first couple of days, nobody could know. But a week later? Two weeks later? Two months later? Six months later? Give me a break!”

    Richard Alles, a New York fireman, was on the rubble on September 12, when Clinton was among the first politicians to show up and stated, “This attack on New York is an attack on America, it’s an attack on every American.”

    Clinton made a huge impression on the desperate firefighters searching for their comrades, including Mr. Alles, who told people “She really went out of her way to speak to the first responders on the site to reassure them. I never forgot it. And we all knew from the get-go that the air was contaminated, but we had a job to do so we kept on working. Senator Clinton was at the forefront over dealing with it, she showed herself to be a fighter.”

    On 9/11, Peter Gorman was president of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association of New York City. He was also amazed by Clinton’s support and told news outlets “One time I was pumping gas at a Texaco station. It was Christmas Eve, and she wanted to know how things were going. When a Senator calls someone on my level, that’s impressive”

    Clinton never forget the victims either. Lauren Manning was seriously burned all over her body. She suffered dreadfully but one day in a rehab center she had a surprising visitor, New York Senator Hillary Clinton.

    Ms. Manning stated Senator Clinton “embraced me as best she could. She was kind and gentle, and she very specifically said to me that she was here for me and that she would remain at my side.”

    Manning said that her most vivid memory was of Senator Clinton and the look in her eyes. “I was covered and swathed in bandages, dealing with a great deal of pain, but she captured me with her eyes. They were wide open and expressive, and they remained on mine. She didn’t lose sight of what I was saying to her. To me, that was the mark of somebody who is sincere, who you want on your side”

    Clinton was also the politician who broke the conspiracy of silence over the death filled air at Ground Zero. Ben Chevat, chief of staff to Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney of New York on 9/11 and now the Executive Director of 9/11 Health Watch, recalls the impact.

    “The Bush administration was saying, ‘There’s no problem, move along’, and so it was hard work getting any traction in the media. Yet we knew there was a problem because people were getting sick with respiratory diseases and cancers. It took Clinton to put a spotlight on the issue and change the frame”

    Hillary Clinton fought to have more funds given to those who were suffering from working on the pile. The $4 billion Zadroga Act passed by her successors was a key piece of legislation she led on while in the Senate.

    Health official Philip Landrigan credits Clinton with much of the progress made. “She was angry at the Washington political leaders who would come to Ground Zero, have photos taken and then go back to D.C. and do nothing”

    “Hillary Clinton became deeply knowledgeable on the Ground Zero air quality subject, not just fiscal and administrative details, but also about medical and mental health problems. She was a sponge for knowledge”

    In contrast, Trump’s contribution looks meagre, downright miniscule (or non-existent). He even profited from 9/11, securing at least a $150,0000 subsidy for a Wall Street building for one of his companies. The money was originally voted for small companies hit badly by the disaster.

    On the campaign trail Trump continues to tell misleading tales and lies from 9/11, claiming to have lost “hundreds of friends” in the 9/11 attacks, but has refused to name even one.

    A Port Authority police officer who has become a 9/11 historian has felt a duty to learn as much as he can about as many of the victims as possible. “If Trump had hundreds of friends lost from 9/11, he should be able to tell us about them. If he can tell us about the hundreds of friends he lost, who they were, what kind of people they were, I might have some respect for him”

    Trump did go to Ground Zero two days after the planes hit. Here is how Newsday reported his visit:

    “The workers are so worn out that they barely glance at the sight of Donald Trump, every hair in place and impeccably dressed in a black suit, pressed white shirt and red tie, walking into the plaza with his cellular phone to his ear. ‘No, no. The building’s gone,’ he says into the phone.”

    Trump even claimed to have helped shift some of the rubble which no one can remember, and supplying men to clear the site which no one has proved.

    He claimed he saw people jumping from his apartment from four miles away, giving him better eyesight than a golden eagle who can spot prey from a mile away. Donald apparently had extended the range to four miles.

    “I have a window in my apartment that specifically was aimed at the World Trade Center, because of the beauty of the whole downtown Manhattan. And I watched as people jumped, and I watched the second plane come in,” he said during a campaign stop in Columbus, Ohio, in November 2015. “Many people jumped, and I witnessed that. I watched that.”

    He also claims he saw thousand of Muslims cheering in New Jersey which no one else remembers, so his eyesight can really be said to border on the fantastical. He did present a check for $100,000 from his foundation, and Rudy Giuliani claims he gives money anonymously to victims, but few are buying that. Donald Trump does not do anonymity.

    Two candidates, both with massive New York ties, have been seen as witnesses to the ugliest event ever to hit the city they call home.

    There seems little doubt however who did more for their city when the planes hit. Hillary Clinton took it to heart. Donald Trump secured an interest free loan

    • I doubt that Trump ever had one REAL friend. I’m quite certain he never had “hundreds” of them.

    • That was an excellent treatise on how to never waste a tragedy. And never once did the author insult Muslims by wrongly identifying Muslim extremest as the enemy but correctly identified the Bush administration as the true enemy and air quality as the greatest danger. How fortunate we were to have then Senator Clinton standing knee deep in the rubble while others slept.

      And as always Trump shows up a day late and dollars short behind Hillary who was occupied in comforting the injured and batting away rubber necked DC gawkers like she battted away sniper bullets with her golden bracelets. What a Wonder Woman she is!

      Great article and timely for this election. A tragedy well played indeed. But is it not likely that her current allergies and pneumonia is the price she has paid for standing on top of the rubble of the twin towers to shine the HRC light in the sky over Gotham city while Orange sneered to let us all know that HRC has made us safe? It would be deplorable of one to think otherwise, but then over half those people are deplorables.

  6. Blah blah blah yet one more fairy tail from a Gruber goober gubmit worker………..more than likely posting this shit on our taxpayers dime………

      • Pathetic efforts on the part of the usual suspects saying that Donald Trump is no different than Hillary Clinton. We all know that is a load of horse shit. Donald Trump is head and shoulders above old lying Hillary in every respect.

        That is all that is left to these bozos. Hillary Clinton is so terrible a candidate that they can only try to make her opponent look as bad as here.

        Only weak minded people who refuse to think for themselves buy into that type of propaganda.

    • Hang onto the trash polls, PAK, because they are all you have. RCP and FiveTirtyEight are both reliable and use all of the real polls that are done with proven methodology. You should look at them instead of cherry-picking.

    • After reviewing this clip , anyone who votes for this GD liars needs their head examined. Nixon and her must be related.

  7. Mr.Trump is without a doubt a true American and gentleman in wishing hillary the best of luck in her fight with serious health issues and hoping to see her in the debates………….Mr.Trump cares more about the sick bitch than hillarys own handlers……….

    • Mr. Trump lies 76% of the time tommy.

      It just hit 77% by wishing Hillary well. He showed by being the ultimate birther that form of common decency escapes him.

      Mr. Trump cares about Mr. Trump tommy. And he’ll lie 78% of the time if be to keep his love of himself intact.

      Just thought I’d offer a different perspective bro.

      Haven’t had the pleasure of conversing with you for awhile. XOXOXOXO….

  8. You’re expecting some kind of obligatory 9-11 post, aren’t you?

    Here it is, but you’re not gonna like it.

    15 years ago 19 shitheads attacked America.

    They killed 3,000 of us.

    And then … America got its revenge for 9-11.

    Yes we did. Many times over. We killed them. We killed them all. We killed their families. We killed their wives and their kids and all their neighbors. We killed whole nations that weren’t even involved just to make goddamned sure. We bombed their cities into rubble. We burned down their countries.

    They killed 3,000 of us, we killed 300,000 of them or more.

    8,000 of us came home in body bags, but we got our revenge. Yes we did.

    We’re still here. They aren’t.

    We win. USA! USA! USA!


    You goddamned right. We. Win.


    Every year on 9-11 we bathe in the blood of that day yet again. We watch the towers fall over and over. It’s been 15 goddamned years, but we just can’t get enough. We’ve just got to watch it again and again.

    It’s funny how we never show those videos of the bombs falling on Baghdad on 9-11. Or the dead in the streets of Afghanistan. We got our revenge, but we never talk about that on 9-11. No, we just sit and watch the towers fall yet again.

    Somewhere out there on the bottom of the sea are the rotting remains of the evil son of bitch who masterminded the attack. It took a decade, but we hunted him down and put a bullet in his brain. Sure. We got him. Right? That’s what we wanted. that’s what our leaders promised us, 15 years ago on 9-11.

    And on 9-11 those howling the loudest for revenge shrug and say, well, yeah, that. That doesn’t matter, because, um, yeah, the guy in the White House, um, see, well, he’s not an American, he’s the enemy see? He’s not doing enough. So, whatever. What about that over there? And that? And…


    15 years ago our leaders, left and right, stood on the steps of the Capitol and gave us their solemn promise to work together, to stand as one, for all Americans.

    How’d that promise work out?

    How much are their words worth, 15 years later?

    It’s 15 years later and we’re STILL afraid. We’re still terrorized. Still wallowing in conspiracy theories and peering suspiciously out of our bunkers at our neighbors. Sure we won. Sure we did. We became a nation that tortures our enemies, and our own citizens for that matter. We’re a nation of warrantless wiretaps and rendition and we’ve gotten used to being strip searched in our own airports. And how is the world a better place for it all?

    And now we’re talking about more war, more blood.

    But, yeah, we won. Sure. You bet.

    Frankly, I have had enough of 9-11. Screw 9-11. I’m not going to watch the shows. I’m not going to any of the memorials. I’m not going to the 9-11 sales at Wal-Mart. I don’t want to hear about 9-11. I for damned sure am not interested in watching politicians of either party try to out 9-11 each other. I’m tired of this national 9-11 PTSD. I did my bit for revenge, I’ll remember the dead in my own time in my own way.

    I’m not going to shed a damned tear on 9-11.

    We got our revenge. Many times over, for whatever good it did us.

    I’m going to go to a picnic and enjoy my day. Enjoy this victory we’ve won.

    I suggest you do the same

    • Could have been said in a lot fewer words:

      Every year we reaffirm that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Freedom has never been free.

    • Yes, many died, but to do nothing would have sent a message to our enemies that we are weak and as a result, more Americans will be in danger. Any nation that sits back and allows it’s citizens to be killed and do nothing desires the repercussions. That simple ..God Bless America!!!

  9. In retreating from the national political scene, we witnessed the opening of the NFL season and coincidently, it was on the 15th anniversary of 9/11 only to see those millionaire NFL players not honoring at least showing basis manners and refused to stand at the National Anthem ..of course, this is their constitutional right, but the NFL seems to lay back and tolerate this behavior or lack of manners such, we the viewers of those NFL broadcasts have our choice as well ..we, who believe in those who fought and died for our freedom should seriously consider boycotting those advertisers ..indirectly, it is those advertisers that are paying the high salaries of whose who dishonor those who died so they can play football.

    • Mr. Arnold, I totally agree with your perspective. Enough is enough, they have their constitutional rights and I have mine. I will boycott those advertisers and NOW!!!

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