Sealed With A HISS 

Valentine’s Roaches are back.

This Valentine’s Day, let your special someone know your love is eternal. Name one of Wesselman Woods Nature Center’s Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches for your sweetie.

Tens of thousands of roaches remain nameless each year and would make a great symbol of your love. For your $10 donation, we’ll send you a hiss-worthy digital certificate to present to your loved one that they are sure to cherish for years to come, featuring the name of your Valentine’s roach.

NEW THIS YEAR! – Show your romantic prowess by upgrading to our “Sealed With A Hiss” package. This $40 donation includes a Printed Certificate & Two Chocolate Cockroaches in a Gift Box.

We hope you’ll also come visit your roach in the Wesselman Woods Nature Center, where your loved one’s name will be displayed.

Your donation will also help us protect and care for these misunderstood love bugs, along with the rest of our animals, big & small.

As they say, roaches make the heart beat faster.