RULES FOR FOOLS: From the Economist


Do we really need a license for all of the things that we are required to license up for?

IN 1941 Franklin Roosevelt added two new items to America’s ancestral freedoms of speech and worship: freedom from fear and freedom from want. Today’s politicians offer a far more generous menu: freedom from unlicensed hair-cutters, freedom from cowboy flower-arrangers and, most important of all, freedom from rogue interior designers. What is the point of enjoying freedom from fear or want, after all, if you cannot enjoy freedom from poorly co-ordinated colour schemes?

In the 1950s, when organisation man ruled, fewer than 5% of American workers needed licences. Today, after three decades of deregulation, the figure is almost 30%. Add to that people who are preparing to obtain a licence or whose jobs involve some form of certification and the share is 38%. Other rich countries impose far fewer fetters than the land of the free. In Britain only 13% of workers need licences (though that has doubled in 12 years)….

Link to Full Story:|mgt|05-18-11|management_thinking


  1. It’s all about the money….fees and fines fill the city coffers, look at the seat belt law put forth to the people as a means of protecting those too foolish to protect themselves…yeah right, if the nanny government was so concern with our public safety why do they not protect our children on school buses with restraints?…too costly? I think not, it’s the children for God’s sake!

    I’ve said it for years as soon as the EPA figures out a way to measure our personal emissions (farts, belches, and carbon dioxide we exhale) they will tax us based on it, after all it is for our own protection and that of future generations. 🙂

  2. Just 30%?

    What’s left, can you still mow grass without being certified? And I hear in some areas you can still have a lemonade stand. The other 69.9% have to work under supervision that is certified.

    If you have hardwood furniture, technically, do you need USDA approval to rearange your living room? “State and federal quarantines were placed on moving material such as hardwood, firewood and ash products across Michigan and its state lines.”

  3. I installed a window in my office…building com. fined me $8000.00. Not joking! Someone at cco should investigate. So much for front door pride. Is this how the city will pay for their arena?

    • Give some details and it shall find its way into is it true. Size of window, cost of window, quotes that you got etc. Unless you installed an aquarium grade window that took out a load bearing wall that is BS.

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