(EVANSVILLE, IN) – September 7, 2010 – River City Thunderbolt MVCC of Evansville, a chapter of the Military Vehicle Preservation Association (MVPA), announced today that it will proudly host and sponsor the inaugural “River City Veterans Parade†on Saturday, November 13, 2010, at 2:00 p.m. in Downtown Evansville. It is believed that this will be the first parade in Evansville to specifically honor veterans for close to 20 years.
This parade will be an opportunity for our community to come together to show appreciation to and for those who have sacrificed for the protection of our liberties and freedoms. River City
Thunderbolt MVCC intends to make this an annual event on the second Saturday of November.
“This parade is a long time coming,†said Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel, who joined River City Thunderbolt MVCC at Evansville’s Korean War Memorial today to announce the parade. “It is unfortunate that there hasn’t been a veterans parade in Evansville for so many years, and it is my privilege to help resurrect this tradition of coming together to honor and celebrate those who have so nobly served our county,†Weinzapfel said.
Garry Hisel, River City Veterans Parade Chairman, agreed with Weinzapfel that an event such as this is long overdue. “River City Thunderbolt MVCC is excited to step up to host this parade to honor veterans. It’s our way to say ‘thank you,’†Hisel added. All veterans, veterans’ and military organizations and support groups, civic organizations, bands and performing troupes, and other similar entities are invited to participate in this inaugural parade. All citizens are asked to mark November 13, 2010, on their calendars and plan to come and watch this historic event in Evansville.
More information about the parade – including registration information – can be found online at www.rivercitythunderboltmvcc.com or by contacting Garry Hisel at (812) 634-1407.