“Right To Work” Field Hearing Scheduled For Sunday


Indiana House Democrats will conduct a field hearing in Evansville on Sunday, January 8th to allow area residents to make their feelings known on the proposed “Right to Work” legislation currently before the Indiana General Assembly.

The hearing will be from 2-4 p.m. Sunday in the CK Newsome Center, 100 E. Walnut St., Evansville.

The hearing will be led by State Reps. Gail Riecken (D-Evansville) and Kreg Battles (D-Vincennes).

“To date, there has been no effort to give the people of Indiana a chance to speak out on this radical idea that will cost us jobs, reduce worker pay, and make workplaces unsafe,” Riecken said. “This hearing will allow the people who will be most affected by the idea to discuss its impact upon them.”

For more information, contact Rep. Riecken at 812-568-9505.


  1. No opportunity other than a myriad of hearings in the Study Committee this summer that reportedly let anyone who wanted speak to the House Members. No opportunity other than the hearings this session. No opportunity other than a multitude of legislative meets by virtually every representative over the past year.

    This is a Union Democrat Dog and Pony show worthy of no notice.

  2. Please read the bill!
    The bill will not cost jobs–it will bring jobs to Indiana. The bill will not reduce worker pay. The bill has nothing in it about safety whatsoever and will not reduce safety. There already been many hours of hearing on the bill. The bill simply states a hourly worker does not have to pay union dues if the worker does not want to pay union dues. It is a very simple. The bill takes nothing away from the hourly worker.

    • Democrats are pro-choice when it comes to the abortion of an unborn child, but Democrats are opposed to RTW which allows the worker to chose whether to pay union dues (which dues support union officials and Democrats).

  3. Gail, that has not been the case any RTW state, not one! Have your union love in, then get back to your seat come Monday. You’re not Bauer’s representative, and you are not just the union’s representative. I don’t expect statesmanship from you or for you to do the right thing for all working people by voting for RTW. All you need to do is maintain a body temperature above room temperature and let others do the right thing.

  4. Looking at statistics, rtw states make lower wages and have less work coming to them. That is the facts not opinion. Previous replys on this pg obviously have not researched it or are large business owners hoping for the law. This cuts unions out which is the only group who fights for the working class. Union or nonunion it will definitely hurt as it has to other states. There are places rtw would help in the south but not Indiana. Look into labor history and see how it was like before unions. Thank you for the walk out and thank you to the union and nonunion workers that stand against this.

    • Of the 22 RTW states, 12 have higher wages the Indiana. The two most recent adopters have had more wage growth than Indiana and Oklahoma had far more. Even the lowest, Mississippi, had about the same growth as Indiana. If RTW would help in the south, why wouldn’t it help here?

      • Your statistics are far from any I have seen. The closest rtw state is still 3 percent lower and missippi is nearly half. Rtw might work in south America. But I law that lowers wages as this did when passed in the 50s is not good for growth. Ck new some center would have educated you today on clearing up some facts. The only wage growth is to the large company owners that has skewed the board. I know no one that the trickle down effect has benefitted.

        • You have to get out of union boxes to find better information. There are 22 RTW states. Indiana ranks 18th from the bottom So not every RTW state can be below us. The fact is that there a 10 lower and 12 higher in median wage. It’s a simple matter of google to find that information.

          RTW does not lower wages. That is some acrobatic math from EPI and even they admit to some problems in their conclusions. I am sure you have the EPI study if you are informed.

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