Rick Davis Responds to Councilman Curt John’s endorsement of Lloyd Winnecke


Rick Davis

By: Rick Davis

From the beginning I have said my campaign is about changing politics-as-usual in Evansville. Curt John’s endorsement of my opponent is about protecting the status quo. They both have a history of secret, backdoor meetings, including the one my opponent called in order to raise Vanderburgh County property taxes by $5.1 million. Winnecke and John served in silence after deciding to raise our property taxes without any public discussion or public input. It is further proof that the political insiders are circling the wagons to try to make sure one of their own succeeds the incumbent mayor and that the open government I have pledged never sees the light of day. But I believe voters recognize that the time has come for real change at City Hall.

After this story broke, instead of making changes in state law to ensure no other community in the state will ever go through this situation again, our local politicians responded by pointing fingers and passing blame. I am the only person who has proposed a solution to ensure this scenario NEVER happens to any Hoosier community again. I have sent a letter to my state representative, my state senator, and our governor, asking that the local homestead credit become an automatic credit unless it is voted down in public. As your mayor, I will drive to Indianapolis in 2012 to ensure the proposed change in law passes in order to protect our homeowners from this type of secret, backdoor government.


    • Isn’t the record player getting louder, stronger in it’s pitch, and clearer in it’s message… ?

  1. Curt John’s endorsement means nothing other than he is scared along with Robinson, Weinzapfel, etc of what skeleton will come out once Rick Davis takes office. PICK RICK DAVIS FOR MAYOR!!!

  2. Kick the machine to the curb in this election. Don’t wait for the state democratic party to slap them down for you.


  3. What a powerful, simple response!

    You can tell that Rick is a truly humble, committed person. There is no anger in his letter, only a conviction to do the right thing regardless of the consequences.

      • Again with the insults. No actual suppport for your choice, just hating on Davis.
        Haters hate for their own benefit. Supports support for the benefit of others.
        You are a HATER.

    • Davis is always mad a someone. By the way, he does keep his promises to some people–he can be bought. Al Lindsey paid a fortune for his daugter’s job in the treasurer’s office.

  4. “After this story broke, instead of making changes in state law to ensure no other community in the state will ever go through this situation again, our local politicians responded by pointing fingers and passing blame.”

    Apparently, Rick still believes that municipal and county governments can change state laws. I would have figured by this point in the game someone would have given Rick a civics lesson.

    “As your mayor, I will drive to Indianapolis in 2012 to ensure the proposed change in law passes in order to protect our homeowners from this type of secret, backdoor government.”

    Typo, love it. Also, why do we need to go that far? It’s pandering! If you are for open government, than have open government. Do you really need to pass a law that forbids YOU AS MAYOR from doing something? It just really doesn’t make that much sense.

    I have also sent a letter to my state representative, state senator and our governor asking them to not waste my tax dollars discussing pointless legislation in the Statehouse.

  5. What right does a small group of democratic party hacks have to nullify the votes of the citizens who voted in the primary for Rick Davis as their pick for the party’s candidate for mayor?

    If this is allowed to stand who would ever want to be associated with such a group of thugs? They have hi-jacked the local party. These people should be thrown out of their party offices on their ear immediately!


    • It’s all good. They will be taken care of on November the 9th. Dan Parker will see to it.
      Don’t worry. They will face their consequences. I just hope I have a big bag of popcorn and a front row seat!

      • What’s Parker going to do? Send out another mass email soliciting money to replace what he’s wasted on Davis? The fact is, that’s about all he can do about it.

  6. Wake up Rick!

    It is not politics as usual. It is very unusual for Democrat City Councilmen to endorse the Republican Mayoral candidate. To my knowledge it has never happen before–never in Evansville. The fact is the Democrat Party leadership thinks so little of your leadership abilities they are backing the the Republican candidate–plain and simple. To state otherwise is make-believe.

    Democrat Weinzapel let the Homestead Tax Credit expire not Winnecke. Anyone who says Winnecke did is lying.

    Republican Gov Daniels later reversed Weinzapel decision. In the end nobody’s property taxes actually went up because of the Homestead Credit.

    Let us not kid one another.

    • In the end nobody’s property taxes actually went up because of the Homestead Credit.”


      Really?…..I got a refund in the mail for the difference, or was that some sort of rebate? How many times does a government agency actually give taxpayers money back that was previously taken?

      As I’ve said before conspiracy to defraud carries the same penalty as actually committing the act…..everyone at the meeting is guilty of conspiracy plain and simple.

      You must live in a apartment or never have paid property taxes because this you have wrong.


      • I standby my statement. In the end, nobody paid a higher property because the mess with the Homestead Credit. Nobody.

        Call and ask Treasurer’s office.

        Gov Daniels allowed it to be reinstated. Vanderburgh County was the only county in the State that did not extend the Homestead Credit. Daniels fixed this problem.

        • “Gov Daniels allowed it to be reinstated. Vanderburgh County was the only county in the State that did not extend the Homestead Credit. Daniels fixed this problem.”


          LOL…..allowed, really, he made a call and they had a vote it’s called LEVERAGE, but you are right the governor did fix the problem.

          I guess you don’t want to talk about the added expense that these fools cost the county either? reprinting property tax bills, mailings, refund checks (how many millions of dollars were they?) and even more mailings of the checks?…your right in the end nobody paid more except the county and the taxpayers who foot the bill for these expenses. 😉


    • I got news for you goldentoe, them democrats are as crooked as it gets and they always have been. They are cottoning up to your boy Winnecke cause they think that he will be easier to “collaborate” with than that bad boy Davis will be. Da trouble with Winnecke is he wants to be friends with everybody so bad dat he cottons up to scoundrels. Make no mistake, these dem dudes that are backing him up today will take him to the woodshed and tell him when to eat and when to crap if he manages to get hisself elected. The reason they are for Winnecke is because he is weak. The reason they hate Davis is because he is strong.

      • Rev – I think you have hit it exactly. In today’s politics, those who compromise or collaborate are seen as weak and therefore easy takeover targets. Winnecke’s selling/PR background is too soft for this political climate and it has won him backing from folks he really should we leery of.

  7. This is for you, Mr. GoldenTow the JFK food booth fame and your handlers:


    The local Central Committee officers were warned by the State Democratic party and in circle the wagons response they signed the “we are family” resolution for Connie Robinson that this matter has been resolved internally. They are playing an amazing game of “chicken” with the State Democrats. The gang of 23 gambles the State Democrats are to chicken to try remove the local party leasdership if the gang of 23 can hold together, with one of the signors and his $750,000 war chest as their ace in the hole. If Mr. Davis wins, as a loyal Democrat, and with the State Democratic party, they will remove the disloyal Central Committee officers for breach of duty. If a Republican wins as they hope, they may cling to power unless Mr. Davis announces election night that he will run again in 4 years under a unified Democratic party. Then Mr. Davis and State party dismantle the disloyal machine and start over with 4 years to create a unified party of honor and purpose. The gang of 23 will do all in their power to keep their local Democrat power, despite knowing their leadership acted against the majority of their own primary voters and in direct subversion of their sworn duty as local Democratic party officers.

  8. One needs to ask if Davis has been loyal to the Democratic Party. Something really bad had to happen for a majority of the Democratic Office holders to turn against Davis. It has to be a lot deeper than the fact Davis announced early and few other minor things that have been made public.

    The State Democrat Party is not going to come to Evansville to bully in and throw certain people out their Party Office as long as the majority of Democrat office holders do not want that happen. I do not care what happen elsewhere. Dan Parker and John Gregg did not get where they got by doing stupid things.

    • Truth is, this is the most screwed up local election in modern Evansville history. I don’t think anything like this has happened in the memory of anyone alive today. Ask yourself, what is the common denominator in all this screwed up mess that’s been going on since 2007? And no, the answer is not Jonathan Weinzapfel since it involves both city, county, and township government and election campaigns. Think. Here’s a clue – a chimp can only throw crap on so many people before the zoo retires him to the funny farm.

    • Loyalty to the machine, All hail the mighty machine!!! Ohh mighty Weinzafel how dare anyone challenge the great one?? Who cares about the people or making E-ville a better place to live??? They don’t give a patoooie about Democratic/progressive values e.g. Transparency, keeping the homestead credit, cost effective government, moving on the sewers, BEFORE they were forced to by the EPA, etc.

      Winning elections and handing out poltical favors is what they value.
      Downtown stadium, $18M softball fields to favor their hand picked favorites, etc. etc.

      If there was loyalty then it should go to the person with the most votes in the primary, Rick Davis, period.

      Do you see Davis supporters, knocking Missy, Johnathan or Connor? Nope, they’re keeping their mouths shut!

      Now who’s loyal and who isn’t???

    • GoldenTow JFK food booth shows the gang of 23 planed to stay united and gambled the State Democratic party is too “chicken” to take them on. Guess what, the State Democratic didn’t blink and their Warrick County representative is not happy with the Vanderburgh County nonsense embarrassing their party statewide. The gang of 23 will soon scatter and what follows will be amazing. News of their unpaid bills is just the start.

      • Truth is Tony Long (“their unhappy Warrick County representative”) would have cut Davis off at the knees the first time he came out against Tony’s machine over there in Warrick.

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