Reagan Day Celebration


Reagan Day Celebration At The Centre
November 5th at 7:00pm

Evansville, IN – Reagan Day Celebration with Keynote Speaker Dinesh D’Souza will be held Monday, November 05, 2012 at The Centre. The program begins at 7:00pm.
Dinesh D’Souza, bestselling author, FOX News commentator, and producer of the critically acclaimed film 2016: Obama’s America, will be the keynote speaker. D’Souza has been called one of the “top young public policy-makers in the country” and served as President Reagan’s Policy Analyst. His recent film has risen to the second-highest grossing political documentary ever made. Additional attendees include Republican candidates, officeholders, and activists from across the community.
The evening’s schedule consists of Candidate Introduction, Office Holder Introduction, Speakers, Congressman Larry Bucshon and Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock, followed by Keynote Speaker–Dinesh D’Souza.
Tickets for the program from 7:00pm to 9:00pm are $16.50 and $36.50. Tickets for the D’Souza Reception and the program are $151.50. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 WILL BE THE LAST DAY TO PURCHASE TICKETS.