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  1. Wacko liberal Hollywood types cast a Canadian actor and director for the Moon Mission and guess what happens, no American flag on the moon:

    Buzz Aldrin slams ‘First Man’ movie controversy, posts photos of US flag on moon with ‘Proud to be American’ hashtag

    Legendary Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin took a swipe at the upcoming movie “First Man” late Sunday for its director’s decision not to show the planting of the American flag on the moon during the historic 1969 mission.

    Aldrin, 88, who was the second man to step on the moon, behind crewmate Neil Armstrong, posted historical photos of the flag-planting and added the hashtag “Proud to be an American.”…..

    “The American people paid for that mission, on rockets built by Americans, with American technology & carrying American astronauts. It wasn’t a UN mission,” Rubio tweeted.”


  2. Left coast idea moving across the US via Democrat controlled cities:
    “NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Once upon a time, in 2015, a writer in San Francisco named Michelle Tea got the idea for “Drag Queen Story Hour”: men in full drag reading children’s books to kids and parents in programs aimed at providing “positive and unabashedly queer role models.”

    Since then, Drag Queen Story Hours have been held at libraries or book stores in big cities including Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, and costume-loving New Orleans — where over-the-top hair, makeup and gowns and stories about gender fluidity aren’t exactly new.


  3. Finally, Russian collusion proven! And the New York Times reported a staggering $145 million was paid by the Russians to American organized crime, also known as the Clinton Foundation:
    Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager John Podesta (and his former partner in their lobbying business), was paid $180,000 by the Russian-owned company Uranium One to push for Clinton’s approval of its acquisition of 20 percent of the U.S. uranium mines, a project near and dear to Vladimir Putin’s heart.

    So let’s detail Moscow’s efforts to get the Clintons to approve the uranium acquisition:

    1. The Russians paid Bill Clinton $500,000 to give a speech in Russia a few weeks before Hillary Clinton had to vote on the acquisition.

    2. Moscow directed ten spies in America to infiltrate Clinton’s political apparatus to push her to back the uranium deal. The operations of these spies, disguised as Americans, are the theme of the TV drama The Americans.

    3. Tony Podesta was paid $180,000 by Uranium One to push for the deal.

    4. The New York Times reported that “in total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatom.”

    • Joe, you’re just like Trump.
      You’ve posted lies so often, fueled by websites put up by russiatoday.com, no one believes a damn thing you say.

  4. Happy Labor Day to all………and it is without a doubt a very happy day as under PRESIDENT MAGAS tax cuts big gubmint regulations roll backs oil pipe line approval stopping the shitty smelling elite fuk the middle class workers nafta agreement…………..on and on and on…………….MAGA risked billions to save the AMERICA that he loves to save hard working middle AMERICA JOBS he loves…….unemployment lowest in 50yrs……………GOD BLESS PRESIDENT MAGA AND HIS FAMILY……..now little regTator insert one of your elementary responses………………orange joke fat joke blah…………blah…….blah………..ruskies……….stormy…………lyin lanny…………..blah blah blah…………happy days are here again that little black cloud has lifted………….now without a doubt time to head to lamasco for a few bourbons…………….on ice………

  5. Happy Labor Day to all………and it is without a doubt a very happy day as under PRESIDENT MAGAS tax cuts big gubmint regulations roll backs oil pipe line approval stopping the shitty smelling elite fuk the middle class workers nafta agreement…………..on and on and on…………….MAGA risked billions to save the AMERICA that he loves to save hard working middle AMERICA JOBS he loves…….unemployment lowest in 50yrs……………GOD BLESS PRESIDENT MAGA AND HIS FAMILY……..now little regTator insert one of your elementary responses………………orange joke fat joke blah…………blah…….blah………..ruskies……….stormy…………lyin lanny…………..blah blah blah…………happy days are here again that little black cloud has lifted………….now without a doubt time to head to lamasco for a few bourbons…………….on ice………


      TAMPA – In a blistering attack on the media, President Trump said on Monday that the press has consistently refused to report the voices he hears in his head every day.

      Trump praised the “really terrific information” he gets from the voices, which often speak to him when he is roaming the White House in his bathrobe in the middle of the night.
      “They tell me that I won by the most votes ever and had the biggest Inauguration crowd ever,” Trump said. “These are fantastic voices and they’re doing a great job.” – Borowitz

      Had no desire to comment today shar pie, but you seem to bring out the best in me.

      By the way, do you still believe Mop Head was more courageous dodging std’s in New York while McCain was getting his arms re-broke in a North Vietnamese prison?

      Sure you do.

      That is why this country has got to get off its’ ass and out vote you from now on because we are one Mop Head away from asinine oblivion.

      Good God son,

      Oh well….

  6. PICTURES: Germans Stage ‘Mourning March’ in Chemnitz for Victims of Killer Migrants

    Thousands of protesters staged a ‘mourning march’ in Chemnitz for people believed to have been killed by migrants, following the fatal stabbing of Daniel Hillig.

    23-year-old Alaa S., from Syria, and 22-year-old Yousif A., from Iraq, were arrested following Mr Hillig’s death.

    Revelations that the Iraqi suspect had a string of convictions for crimes including fraud, drug dealings, and serious bodily injury — which earned him a two-year suspended sentence — and was supposed to be deported sparked public outcry…..

    Participants carried placards bearing the names and likenesses of people believed to have been killed by migrants, including medical student Maria Ladenburger — the daughter of an EU official who was raped and drowned by Hussein Khavari.

    Khavari had allegedly raped a 12-year-old girl in his native country before coming to Europe claiming to be a ‘child refugee’.

    He was subsequently given a ten-year sentence for throwing a woman off a cliff in Greece, but spent only a very short time behind bars before being paroled — and promptly moved on to Germany, where he killed Miss Ladenburger.

    While his true age was never determined, his father indicated that he was in his thirties.


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