We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? WHATS ON YOUR MIND TODAY? 


Todays“Readers Poll” question is:  Do you feel when U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly announced that he opposes Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the supreme court it will hurt his re-election chances?

If the 2019 City Council At-Large election was held today, what three (3) potential candidates would you vote for?

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  1. Looks like POTUS Trump has ordered the FBI to investigate nominee Kavanaughs background a bit closer. Mmm. If there is somehting there, Kavanaugh knows it and will withdraw by weeks end, thus justifying Donnellys non support. That will be quite a black eye to Trump, McConnell, Grasselly and Hatch, not to mention all the righties that on auto mode for ANY right wing nominee. The left is moving to sweep in November and a withdrawal would create a landslide- just my opinion. Watched the hearing Thursday and must say Kavanaughs temperment will be an issue for the Senate. Some on the right view BK’s anger and weeping as strength….really? To me its a weakness and a disqualifier

    • If, if’s and but’s were beer and nuts we could have a party. The only black mark coming out of this will be on the Democrats. Donnelly is hoping for something to happen. I’m sure Donnelly was promised millions by the democrats to risk this election.

  2. There are only three things for certain in life; death, taxes and the assurance that Kavanaugh supporters would consider a Democratic nominee totally unqualified with the same allegations Kavanaugh is facing. And vice-versa.

    We are certainly a nation of hypocrites.

    And Kavanaugh is no exception. Kavanaugh believes polygraphs are a legitimate tool in background investigations unless it is his own background investigation;

    Most notably in Sack v. U.S. Dept. of Defense, 823 F.3d 687 (2016), a case about FOIA fees, Judge Kavanaugh waxed philosophic about the value of polygraphs in making hiring decisions:

    “As the Government notes, law enforcement agencies use polygraphs to test the credibility of witnesses and criminal defendants. Those agencies also use polygraphs to “screen applicants for security clearances so that they may be deemed suitable for work in critical law enforcement, defense, and intelligence collection roles.” Declaration of Alesia Y. Williams, Defense Intelligence Agency, Chief of FOIA Services Section, at Joint Appendix 226. In Morley v. CIA, we stated: “Background investigations conducted to assess an applicant’s qualification, such as … clearance and investigatory processes, inherently relate to law enforcement.” 508 F.3d 1108, 1128–29 (D.C.Cir.2007) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The Government has satisfactorily explained how polygraph examinations serve law enforcement purposes”. – Kavanaugh

    When asked more than once if he would submit to a polygraph like Dr. Ford did, his answer was that polygraphs were not admissible in court. Which this is a background check, not a court of law.

    Translation; Background checks are only for the unwashed peasants, not us authoritarian enabling corporatist.

    Kavanaugh is an unabashed liar. Mop Head succeeded in nominating someone in his own image….

    • I think Brett Kavanaugh knows the law better then any of us ,,,he knows the lie detector is inadmissible in a court of law,,,,I’m not saying he or she is lying cause I don’t know ,,sadly I think both are being used as pawns

  3. Sex crime investigators might tell you a different story simply by judging the body language from Dr Ford. Her story, or lack of it, and her facial and body movements tell another. Now, the Dems got what they wanted because of a RINO, no spine or balls, senator from across the aisle. He has never been a Republican since Trump was elected. He was the perfect tool for the Soros backed protesters in the hall. It is especially so since he is not running again. Lastly, the Go Fund Me pages set up for Dr Ford are in especially poor taste. Like McCabe, Strockz and other victims of the mean old Trump in the Whitehouse, it is a shame. Like many, I am sickened by what has happened to our legislative branch. It is my opinion, bipartisan legislation will never happen again. Like the country, is is divided by red and blue. Not the way it was designed by our founding fathers.

  4. Judge Kavanaugh will now have his 7th fbi investigation and once again it will be found he is a good man…… so i am sure all the demon dems will then vote for Judge Kavanaugh……………. NOT………………this is nothing more nothing less than a duke lacrosse railroad job for all the world to see once again………………….

  5. It now appears Dr Ford’s attorneys may have violated ABA rules in their quest to destroy a man and his family. Since they are all Democratic liberal backers and the one represents McCabe. it is no surprise. Looks like DiFi could have herself some questions to answer. Ugly state of affairs we find our country mired in.

  6. By the way. Debra Katz, Ford’s attorney and Democratic hack calls us “deplorables” and Trump supporters “MISCREANTS”. I need say no more about the treason committed by the blue side of the aisle.

  7. In a new twist. Avennati has his briefs in a wad because the FBI WILL NOT investigate his client’s bullshit claim!!! Finally some reason in this story of how bad politics are in the USA.

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