We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? WHATS ON YOUR MIND TODAY? 


Todays“Readers Poll” question is: If the 2019 City Council At-Large election was held today, what three (3) potential candidates would you vote for?

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  1. “Americans spent almost $100 billion to support 606,000 poor refugees in the 10 years up to 2014, according to a State Department report.

    The $96.6 billion cost rises to $126 billion when officials count the extra cost of paying for the refugees’ spouses and children, including U.S.-born children.

    The $126 billion bill is just for programs managed by the Department of Health and Human Services. It excludes additional taxpayers’ spending via state programs, as well as federal spending on Social Security, education, and housing programs, plus tax credits, says the State Department’s annual report to Congress on the refugee program.”


    • So based on a budget of $4.127 TRILLION dollars (in 2017), your numbers means jack squat.

      For sake of argument, $100 billion over ten years is $1 billion per year, means that you are griping about 0.02% of the federal budget.

      Once again you are posting breitbart sewer news, especially with the header picture of Muslims. Hate and race bait much, Joe?


    • Anybody else notice that joe NEVER uses any credible news websites? Everything he publishes is right-wing hack sites peddling conspiracy and other BS. This website is a perfect example

      “A Media Matters study found that Facebook pages of some mainstream conservative media outlets, Republican media figures, and even apolitical clickbait sites are part of promotional campaigns involving websites with a history of promoting anti-Islam fake news and conspiracy theories.

      Liftable Media owns three sites that have pushed anti-Islam pieces: Conservative Tribune and The Western Journal, both right-wing propaganda sites, and it’s inspiration content site Liftable.com. Media Matters tracked links from Facebook to one of the sites, Conservative Tribune, and found 74 pages posting URLs with codes indicating that the links were part of a promotional campaign seemingly coordinated with Liftable Media. They included pages for former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Fox News contributor Herman Cain, former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, and conservative commentator Dick Morris, among others”


  2. Caught a train in Evansville this morning doing a favor for a neighbor and after waiting around 10 minutes for the train to clear, it seemed to take about another 10 for the backed up traffic to clear before I could cross.

    The Indiana Supreme Court ruled yesterday that trains do not have to worry about the 10 minute rule blocking a street anymore in Indiana because federal law on trains trumps local ordinances.

    Pulled up Illinois and their Supreme Court ruled in 2008 against the localities restrictions;

    “The court ruled that the state law and similar local ordinances, such as those in Mundelein and other communities, can’t prevent trains from sitting at grade crossings for long periods because federal authority trumps such restrictions, even though there is no U.S. law limiting blockages.”


    • Yeah, we seriously doubt that an article from almost a month ago means a darn thing. And we doubt that anybody is talking to breitbart about this topic from the Democrats

  3. Do a vote now and watch Donnelly vote for Kavanaugh or lose in Nov. Hope they do a vote Friday and put the lady from ND in if Kavanaugh doesn’t get the nod. Do a fast track. Conservatives still have the court and it’s time to do a personhood lawsuit. Let the supreme court decide when personhood starts and any abortion after that date is murder.

  4. Slick Willie, Mop Head Trump, Roger Ailes, Harvey Weinstein, Bill O’Reilly, John Conyers, Roy Moore and Anthony Weiner walk into a bar and say, “Give us an I DIDN’T DO IT”

    Bartender; LOL! We quit carrying that drink right after the O.J. trial. What’s your second choice?

    Group of Liars; How about a “KAVANAUGH on the ROCKS”

    Bartender; DAMN! We have honestly ordered that but the ingredients come from Russia. And the middle men, Russian Republicans, are holding up one ingredient.

    Group of Liars; And what’s that?

    Bartender; Who cares? The Fall Festival starts Monday. Do you really believe Trump would be president if that ingredient was more important than the Fall Festival?


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