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Todays“Readers Poll” question is Do you feel that Judge Brett Kavanaugh FBI investigation will clear him of any wrongdoing?

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  1. Again, not an investigation. FBI will use 302 forms and will list answers to questions asked by the agents in the background supplement. It is up to the White House and Senate to interpret the supplement.

  2. Bad news for Pelosi Joe Donnelley, who announced his no vote against Judge Kavanaugh even before the FBI investigation started. Republican enthusiasm up 9% in Indiana. Donnelley = Pelosi = Schummer = Booker in opposing president Trump.

    Kavanaugh slugfest could boost GOP in midterms, as polls show voter interest rising

    The historic partisan rancor surrounding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh could wind up helping Republicans keep control of the Senate in November, new polls and on-the-ground data suggest, as the controversy appears to galvanize conservative voters.

    But a new round of Fox News battleground polls, released Wednesday, suggests the 2018 midterms might buck that trend — at least in the Senate, where the 35 seats up for election largely are in GOP-leaning states.

    The surveys show a noticable uptick in Republican enthusiasm across the board in the past several weeks, concurrent with the increasingly heated confrontation between both parties over Kavanaugh’s confirmation and the sexual misconduct allegations leveled against him.

    But Republicans are fighting on already-favorable turf in Senate races. And the Fox News polling shows an overall surge in GOP voter enthusiasm. Compared with early September, the number of Republicans feeling “extremely” interested in the upcoming election is up by 2 points in Arizona, up by 9 points in Indiana, up 8 points in both Missouri and North Dakota, and up 11 points in Tennessee. In each state, Republicans are now just as likely as Democrats to say they are extremely interested — erasing an edge Democrats had in several states last month.

    Pelosi, who had vowed to “avenge Obama” by fighting Kavanaugh before his nomination was even announced, emphasized the importance of voters mobilizing to see results in Washington.


  3. Beautiful spot on article that gives all real non-liberal Americans hope that the Country sees through the Kavanaugh sham by the Democrat leadership to destroy a good man by lies and smears………………………………………………..

    “Brett Kavanaugh is no longer a mere Supreme Court nominee. His name is now a veritable conservative cause — one that has united the right for the first time since the 2016 primary sent Republicans quarreling over Trump and Never Trump.

    Whatever the outcome of the immediate contest, it’s increasingly clear that Democrats and the media establishment made an enormous miscalculation by waging total war against Kavanaugh and his family.

    Liberals set out to cast the federal judge — amiable, well-credentialed, mildly conservative — as a demon. In the process, they have reminded GOP voters and all but the most stubborn Never Trump intellectuals that there are worse things than Donald Trump’s outbursts and the ineptitude of congressional Republicans….

    These forces have combined to turn Kavanaugh into a folk hero, a stand-in for every American who has found himself falsely accused, or railroaded by malicious hearsay, or facing an unfeeling bureaucracy that treats juvenile missteps as unforgivable sins….

    Meanwhile, the original accusation of high school sexual assault remains as uncorroborated and unsubstantiated as it was the first day it was lodged. Last week’s Senate hearing revealed serious gaps and contradictions in Christine Blasey Ford’s account, and soon the entire Democratic-media complex shifted the goal post. Now the concern was Kavanaugh’s temper, which he was expected to suppress even as senators accused him of organizing mass rapes like some African warlord….

    The result of all this: Republicans are now more fired up about the November midterm elections than Democrats. NPR reported Wednesday: “In July, there was a 10-point gap between the number of Democrats and Republicans saying the November elections were ‘very important.’ Now, that is down to 2 points, a statistical tie.”

    Good. Let the folk ballad of Brett Kavanaugh be a warning to the liberal establishment the next time they’re tempted to go this far, this low.


  4. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 67% of Likely U.S. Voters think voters should be required to show photo identification such as a driver’s license before being allowed to vote.

  5. Brett Kavanaugh is no longer a mere Supreme Court nominee. His name is now a veritable conservative cause — one that has united the right for the first time since the 2016 primary sent Republicans quarreling over Trump and Never Trump.

    Whatever the outcome of the immediate contest, it’s increasingly clear that Democrats and the media establishment made an enormous miscalculation by waging total war against Kavanaugh and his family.

    Liberals set out to cast the federal judge — amiable, well-credentialed, mildly conservative — as a demon. In the process, they have reminded GOP voters and all but the most stubborn Never Trump intellectuals that there are worse things than Donald Trump’s outbursts and the ineptitude of congressional Republicans.

    Whatever disputes we have on our own side, the thinking on the right now goes, we have to set them aside and stop a politics of personal destruction, fueled by a moral panic and an uncritical mainstream media that sees itself as an adjunct of the anti-Trump resistance.

    These forces have combined to turn Kavanaugh into a folk hero, a stand-in for every American who has found himself falsely accused, or railroaded by malicious hearsay, or facing an unfeeling bureaucracy that treats juvenile missteps as unforgivable sins.

    Democrats insist they’re merely seeking to smoke out a potential predator who wants a lifetime gig on the high court. But they’ll find few right-of-center voters and, I suspect, independents willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Any reservoir of trust that existed leaked out under the press of the left’s blatantly underhanded moves and violations of norms.

    I’ve written in these pages about a rigged process that began with a secret and (initially) anonymous allegation, kept hidden from Kavanaugh and Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee until the 11th hour, when the judge was poised to be confirmed and it was too late to properly investigate. And though Kavanaugh had already passed six FBI background checks, Democrats insisted on yet another FBI probe before he could clear his name.

    Then the media piled on.

    An allegation about Kavanaugh exposing himself to a Yale classmate, Deborah Ramirez, appeared in The New Yorker, famous for its painstaking fact-checks, though it was corroborated firsthand by exactly zero witnesses. “The magazine contacted several dozen classmates of Ramirez and Kavanaugh regarding the incident,” the authors conceded. “Many did not respond to interview requests; others declined to comment, or said they did not attend or remember the party.”

    So why publish the claim?

    Worse, Michael Avenatti tweeted a declaration from a woman who claimed to have attended at least 10 parties where the punch was spiked and boys lined up in “train” gangs to rape young women.

    The document vaguely implicated the judge in these Caligula-style horrors, senators interrogated Kavanaugh about them — and the media ate it all up. A few days later, Avenatti’s client, Julie Swetnick, went on national TV and her claims collapsed in real-time.

  6. We really need to make sure that the taint of the DNC sticks like glue to the local democrats in Nov. Let’em go levco wants to be our chief law enforcement officers as he stands behind the democrat party platform of guilty until proven innocent applied to men and all women are innocent and to be believed. Even swetnick. Don’t let the democrat foot print grow in this county. In your heart you know what they are, don’t let your emotions overcome your logic and commonsense.

    • Amen! Here’s the types of crazy, dangerous nut bags working for Democrat leaders and what they are doing to illegally undermine the Country. I’m getting p*ssed as heck and will do all in my power to encourage as many people as I can to vote Donnelly out of office. A vote for Donnelly is a vote for the despicable smear campaign against Judge Kavanaugh and his family:
      “A Democratic congressional aide accused of publishing the private information of at least three Republican lawmakers allegedly threatened to leak senators’ children’s health information if a witness told anyone about his activities.

      Jackson Cosko, who recently worked for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, was arrested for allegedly posting the personal information (or “doxxing”) of a number of senators including Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah on Wikipedia — with information such as their home addresses and phone numbers. Graham, Lee and Hatch’s information was published on Thursday.

      According to a sworn statement by Capitol Police Captain Jason Bell, a witness Tuesday saw Cosko at a computer in a senator’s office, where he used to work, a day after two other unnamed senators’ information had been put on Wikipedia. Cosko worked for other Democratic senators including Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., and former Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif. While earlier reports identified Cosko as an intern for Jackson Lee, his lawyer said that he was working as a fellow in her office, paid by an outside institution….

      Cosko is charged with publishing restricted personal information, threats in interstate communication, unauthorized access of a government computer, identity theft, witness tampering, second degree burglary, and unlawful entry. The complaint says that five senators were doxxed. Fox News learned Wednesday that Capitol Hill police were investigating additional doxxing incidents, including one involving Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.

      While it was not clear what the motivation was behind the posting of personal information, Graham, Lee and Hatch have been outspoken defenders of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh amid sexual assault allegations against him. The doxxing began on Thursday, and came moments after Graham had scorched Senate Democrats in a fiery speech for what he called “an unethical sham” in their treatment of Kavanaugh.

      Cosko was dressed in shorts, a t-shirt and tennis shoes and looked uneasy as Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson detailed the seven charges against him, which carry the possibility of more than 20 years in prison.


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