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  1. IS IT TRUE it has been over 3,000 days since a group of elderly people were marched up street to make room for a political crony to refurbish the McCurdy Hotel into 93 luxury apartments?…the project is still not completed, the political crony didn’t have the juice to make it happen, and thus far no one else has either?…it does have hope though?

    • The scariest Trumpers are the ones that look like normal people and believe they are patriots.

    • And then the Trump kids could rebuild it for a few trillion dollars and stiff the subcontractors and their undocumented workers.

    • She has NO NEED for Ohio. The demography there is no longer representative, much the same way Indiana isn’t. Trump HAS to have Ohio, Florida, and a number of other states he’s trailing and losing ground in.

    • Don’t count on it. Pennsylvania has long been considered her firewall. She is up 10 pts in the latest poll there, at 50% in a four way race. She’s even gaining on Trump among men.

    • There is no end to the corruption of the Clintons and the Obama Administration. They have managed to destroy the United States Department of Justice, and no one seems capable of bringing them to justice.

      • Press, not only will the FBI not prosecte the crimes of Hillary and her aides, the FBI is destroying the evidence so no future charges could ever be brought.

        “The FBI agreed to destroy two Clinton aides’ laptops after granting them immunity as part of a “side agreement,” according to a letter from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte to Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

        Goodlatte alleges that the FBI promised to destroy the laptops of Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s former chief of staff, and Heather Samuelson, an ex-campaign staffer and deputy to Mills, after conducting its search.”

  2. And in other news, Kim Kardasian West, aka Kimye, tired that more attention was paid to the U.S. Presidential elections by the print and video media instead of her family, was relieved of $10 million (U.S.) in jewerly while in Paris (France, not Illinois) and immediately fled to the U.S. by private jet. She was met by her hubby Kanye the Genius and a platoon of security to assure Kimye and her offspring, North and South, were safe. Afterall, we can’t let a little thing like the U.S. Presidential elections keep us from keeping uo with the Kardasians, right Kris and (formerly) Bruce?

    • Funny how this report gets traction but that Hillary and the NYT used the same law does not.

  3. Too late to help:

    While it’s nice to have this new highway to bypass the center of Boonville, IN the shut down of the smelter at ALCOA will reduce the amount of energy needed by ALCOA and thus the amount of coal being hauled to the plant on a daily basis. Smelting the aluminum took up to half the electricity produced by the entire Culley Power Plant in Warrick County, IN. So now that they are not using so much coal the new highway is not quite as needed as before the shut down. Maybe they will increase the amount of electricity they make and use it for the people living in this area and not the production of aluminum.

    • Political pundits/analyists are saying Pence (Dense?) “won” the first 70 minutes and Kaine the last 30 minutes. Their opinion was Kaine was too aggressive at the start and interested in getting in his canned “talking points/catch phrases” and Pence wouldn’t take the bait. Kaine’s “facts” were more accurate than Pence’s and Pence didn’t delve into much detail about Trump’s strategies and tactics whereas Kaine pretty much toed the Clinton line. Pence came off as a Washington Beltway outsider intent on changing the way things are done in Congress; Kaine came off as a career politician.

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