We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? 


Todays“Readers Poll” question is: If the election was held today in the District 76 State Representative race who would you vote for?

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Footnote: City-County Observer Comment Policy.  Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.


  1. Trump Has ISIS Running, Media Only Spends 33 Minutes in 21 Months Reporting It

    Analysts for the Media Research Center scoured through more than 10,000 minutes of evening news coverage from the three broadcast networks — ABC, CBS and NBC — that have aired since January 21, 2017, and were related in some manner to President Trump. Of those 10,000+ minutes of Trump coverage on the broadcast evening news, a mere 33 minutes — or about one-third of 1 percent — was spent discussing how Trump’s administration was handling the struggle against the Islamic State group and the purported caliphate.

    Making that matter even worse is the fact that, of the broadcast network coverage of the Islamic State group that mentioned Trump, roughly 77 percent of that coverage was framed in a negative manner, meaning even when Trump has achieved something good that is decidedly nonpartisan, they still felt the need to portray it in a bad light….

    Just a few short months later, a major operation was launched in September to liberate the nominal capital of the caliphate, Raqqa, which was completed in October 2017 and served as a significant turning point in the war that also signaled the accelerated and impending doom of the remainder of Islamic State group territory.

    From Sept. 1 through the middle of October, the three networks combined to provide a mere 13 minutes of coverage to the massive defeat of the terror army’s capital city. Meanwhile, over that same time period, the networks spent a combined 40 minutes discussing the feud between Trump and NFL players over the kneeling in protest to the national anthem issue.


    • Jim acosta was seen dressed as a mailman……………..a little early for halloween………………………just sayin…………………….

      • This is the type of hateful rightwing nonsense that puts everyone in danger. It does not help and just proves people like you are in bed with trump and part of the problem. Veterans like me despise this type of talk

      • Nice post. Good description of the leftist radical, makes Veterans like me extremely proud of the way Trump has fought against the radical leftist. Too bad Trump had heel spurs and was unable to serve, the standards were high back in the 60’s, he wouldn’t have lasted lone in my unit with bad feet. The standards are so low today for entry into the Military that Chelsea Manning was given a key position and a top secret security clearance. No doubt Trump would have risen to the General ranks and helped MAGA. The media has always been tough on great men and women. Proud to have an action biased, make things happen man in charge of our country. When I listen to make democrats I fully understand the poor quality of public education and how they have effectively completed the vaginification of the American male.

      • Just speaking for myself, I thought shar pie’s comment was awesome.

        I believe it is comments like mine and his response that make the “Readers Forum” interesting. Maybe not.

        But I also agree the “Is It True forum” should be about what the CCO was born to inform about, Evansville and Vanderburgh County issues.

        I also believe JoeBiden pisses people off.

        But I like him to.

        So there….

    • Lets see. Crudely packaged Explosive looking devices were sent to the addresses where they were guaranteed to be discovered. The recipients were political punching bags for President Trump, including fake news CNN. The left-wing Democrats that were advocating getting in the faces of Republicans , are now calling for civility. The mainstream media will report any statement made by President Trump at his rally, such as crooked Hillary , to be hate speech. We’ve seen numerous times leftwingers fake alleged hate crimes.

  2. Why is one person constantly allowed to post the same offtopic nonsense every day? I am sick and tired of coming to the CCO to see local topics of conversation, yet we have to endure political hack articles that have no basis locally. It is tiresome and not helping anything

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