We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? 


Todays“Readers Poll” question is: If the election was held today in District #2 for the Vanderburgh County School Board which two (2) would you vote for?

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  1. October 25, 2018
    Explosive Packages a False Flag?

    The blame is already being put on those whom Hillary called “deplorables” and a package sent to CNN will be blamed on President Trump for those “CNN sucks” chants at Trump rallies.

    Somehow it is all too convenient, this “October surprise”. None of the named targets were really in danger, although others could have been hurt touching, picking up, or opening a package. The same could not be said when a Bernie Sanders supporter showed up at a baseball field in Alexandria determined to kill Republicans….

    Pelosi especially should remember her own words as reported by the Washington Examiner:

    With less than one week until Obamacare enrollment concludes, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi used congressional Democrats’ inaugural weekly address to warn of the catastrophic effects repealing the law would have on the public. Tragically, repeal of the Affordable Care Act will lead to death, disability and suffering.

    Imagine that. Quite a call to arms for the assassination of the Congressional leaders who would impose “death, disability, and suffering” on the American people. Similarly, Bernie Sanders can disavow the shooter, but he can’t disavow his own inflammatory rhetoric. As CNN Politics reports:

    Sen. Bernie Sanders did not hold anything back Thursday when he condemned the House passage of the Republican-backed bill to replace Obamacare.

    “If the bill passed today in the House became law, thousands of Americans would die, because they would no longer have access to health care,” Sanders told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on “AC360.”

    The Arlington shooter no doubt saw this as a call to lock and load. And not to be outdone on the “people will die” list of GOP policies decried by Democrats is Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord. As California Gov. Jerry Brown proclaimed:

    Thursday on CNN International, Gov. Jerry Brown (D-CA) reacted to President Donald Trump decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement on climate change by calling it a “crazy decision.”

    Brown said, “Well immediate reaction is this is a crazy decision. It is against the facts. It is against science. It is against reality itself. We know we have to decarbonize our future. If we don’t, it is a horror. People will die. Habitat will be destroyed. Seas will rise. Insects will spread in areas they never have before.

    Somehow shouting “CNN sucks” at a rally while complaining about documented instances of fake news does not compare to constant claims that people will die if you elect Republicans.

    The packages may be found to be a real threat from an obviously unbalanced individual or individuals, but it may very well also be a false flag designed to reaffirm the Democrats’ continuous slander against the GOP.


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