Todays Readers Polls Questions is:  Do you feel that the City of Evansville should continue to pour millions of our tax dollars into the Downtown and Hayne’s Corner area?

Also take time to read “BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.

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  1. I noticed an article in the C&P about the L of WV legislator’s forum is now paying for their refusal to have it in more constituency friendly locations. I’ve attended them and it was so hard to find parking, I finally gave up going. Perhaps now, those living outside of the city limits will start coming. It also said Roberta Heiman must have had a negative impact that drove some of the legislators away.

    Gee, that’s a surprise, isn’t it?

  2. ” Do you feel that the City of Evansville should continue to pour millions of our tax dollars into the Downtown and Hayne’s Corner area?” CCO

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    We asked this mayor, when he was running for the office, to bring some jobs that paid a livable wage to Evansville as his top priority. He said that would be a top priority.

    Instead, we are spending multiple millions again on a downtown project that will not bring any significant increase in good paying jobs, a project that should have been located where the medical school already had a physical presence, the University of Southern Indiana.

    There is no escaping the fact that Evansville has now, and has had in the past individuals elected to run things who were not intellectually up to the task. The pool of candidates seems to me to be carefully controlled. Things could be so much better if citizens would get more involved and find out why we are not getting the caliber of candidates we deserve.

    • Construction jobs are good paying jobs. It also takes more people to build downtown then it would at USI. So he did create some good paying jobs.

      • “It also takes more people to build downtown then it would at USI. So he did create some good paying jobs.” (Stonedreamer)

        * * * * * *

        Could you expand on that statement a little?

  3. The elegant President elect Mr.Trump and his beautiful family will now go on a victory tour to thank the American people and to make America great again…….…………..all that was barry soetoro obama and his anti America administration is now destroyed……………..Thank God………………for Mr Trump……………….PS……….happy days are here again the skies above are blue again.that ol black cloud is gone…………………

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