Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Are you surprised that ERIC HOLCOMB was elected Governor of Indiana?

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  1. The obligatory SJW tantrums going on in all the liberal urban strongholds. Who didn’t see that coming?

  2. Tuesday was a very damaging blow to the political pollsters who have been influencing elections for the past 40 years. The truth manifested itself by showing the citizenry how wrong the majority of polls were and to what great extent they were wrong.
    The Holcomb/Gregg race was one of many examples displayed Tuesday, so, I am not surprised by Holcomb’s win.

    But, the C&P’s glowing endorsement of Gregg flying back into their editorial face was hilarious to behold. Sometimes, life is just good.

    • The pollsters can try spinning it any way they want, but we all know the reason they supposedly “got it wrong” was because they were paid, bribed, or black mailed into “getting it wrong”.

    • What Michael Moore said was exactly what’s true ..”there are many individuals that feel they have been left behind” ..the democrat party once had this folks ..who are they? …well they are people like those who once worked at the Alcoa works ..because of BAD trade deals ..our country has become a dumping spot for currency manipulators like China that sales its AL at essentially below American cost ..

      • I contacted a company that supplies cable. The product I was interested in manufacturing for them the bu from China cheaper than I can bu the material.

        • Exactly, If Trump is successful in putting our people, i.e. manufacturing back to work …we may pay more for some of our product but more of us will be working and supporting our families?

    • This quote from the C & P may sum up why the DNC, i.e. HRC were on the losing end of Tuesday’s election:

      I think that middle-, lower-class Christian Americans have just had it with the Democrats and all their nonperformance promises,” said Will Statom, chairman of the GOP in Delaware County, which turned red for Trump. “It’s overwhelming support for change.”

    • And the egos of many tv talking heads were hurt so badly on Tuesday evening that they filed for Worker’s Comp on Wednesday

  3. On Monday I was involved in conservation with a woman that said, “After this election the white man will be the minority” ..sadly to say, in my mind I truly believed her ..than came Tues evening and what we all evidenced was those left behind seemingly white uneducated males (the term the main stream media placed on him) and now we find that HRC also lost among the white educated males as well. Question looms ..has the liberals of the DNC lost touch with those folks? Does it seem that they, apparently due to their lack of education are expected to blinding go to the polls and vote for more of the same? Maybe the DNC should consider more emphasis on their jobs or opportunity for better jobs and less on marginal issues as they see it, i.e. bathroom choices, etc.. where in the hell are the Hubert Humphreys of the DNC?

  4. Many opponents some being Republicans thought that Trump was mentally challenged. Wow, like Paul Ryan said yesterday, “nobody recognized the driving issue of the electorate that Donald Trump recognized” ..i.e. the working class guy and gal who lost their jobs many to Mexico, China, India, and hell even Vietnam. Question to both parties: why is it that the elitists have ears but can not hear ..have eyes but can not see?

  5. Maybe the DNC should consider what Dion, professor of political science at U of E quoted:

    Robert Dion, chairman of the political science department at the University of Evansville, said Trump’s success in Northwest Indiana was replicated across the industrial Midwest.

    “Trump exceeded Mitt Romney’s performance by tapping into a sense of unease among white working-class people in distressed areas, and he did well in rural areas one would expect any Republican to do well in,” Dion said. “And that was his path to victory.”

    Dion said Clinton campaigned hard in Northwest Indiana before the 2008 primary against Obama, once famously stopping for a drink with working-class voters at a bar. But he said she failed to reach out to workers in the same way this year.

    Trump, on the other hand, seemed to speak their language.

    “We’ve seen this performance in the past,” Dion said. “The hard-hat-wearing, lunch-pail-toting, solid Democrat who voted happily for Ronald Reagan not once, but twice. We often think of Northwest Indiana as a Democratic stronghold, but if you speak the right language, you can unlock that door.”

  6. What ever happened to the Democratic party float used in past Fall Festival parades?

    • Maybe that question should be addressed to Mr. Weinzapfel? With self serving so-called Dems like Mosby, who has sold out the dems for listings and the Weaver in her shadows and the listing goes on, the local Democrat party probably sold the parts of wagon float to make expenses ..

  7. Both parties, the media, and the political hacks have made the mistake of equating the lack of a piece of paper with being “uneducated”.

    Intelligence and knowledge are not dependent on regurgitating the words of others, rather it requires separating fact from opinion and the ability to recognize when they are the same.

    • Concur. The constant separation via labeling of ‘non college educated…” is a VERY thinly veiled way of calling those folks stupid. “Here is how educated people voted, and here’s how the stupid people voted…”

      It’s not only insulting, it’s ridiculous. I know dozens of guys/gals who are non college educated but carry around a Master’s worth of knowledge about their trade and life in general.

  8. ALSO, happy birthday to the United States Marine Corps! Established by an act of the 2nd Continental Congress November 10, 1775, the Corps is 241 years old today.

    Semper Fi!

    …….is foolishly and preposterously selling the idea today that “the educated are fools, and higher education is for people who merely want to try to show they are better than everyone else…college is waste of people’s time.”

    Will someone other than me call this small-minded thin skinned hack out for writing useless crap driven by insecurity?

    Trump voters stepped up and won the election. They deserved to win…Good for them.
    But that’s no license to sell some dumbass idea people don’t need to pursue higher education.
    C’mon man. DisA…stop with this infantile crap.

  10. I al sharpie have finnaly realized the one thing commie barry hussein the great black flop has done for the betterment of America…………………..it has destroyed the liberal party………….Thanks to all the radical liberal gruber goobers…………………

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