We hope that today’s “Readers Forum” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?


Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you support the current State GOP political platform that states marriage is between one man and one woman?

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  1. Will the IN Gop platform of non inclusiveness haunt them in November? The country is making a move away from division like this. I dont know why they tinker with this. Once elected , its an issue that seldom pops up. Would make more sense to stir up this stuff during ones term. When you have time to smooth it over. Guess the divided party will become more divided

    • I doubt it will hurt conservatives. We tend to vote with our wallets and liberals tend to vote in a way that allows them to get into our wallets. The state needs to get out of the marriage license business. And I’m sure it will happen in the future. Liberals will destroy the state issued marriage license as they have everything they touch. The Episcopal Church is a prime example of the destructive force of liberals. I’m sure the Boy Scouts are next.

    • Mack, we do on occasion when they are nasty or threatening. That choice has nothing to do with political party. What you don’t know is that the ownership and several writers for the CCO have gotten explicit death threats, we have had people who have intentionally tried to ruin our business. We have been subjected to restraint of trade and our advertisers have been intimidated by people who do not approve of our message for selfish reasons. For these reasons we are very sensitive to aggressive comments that are demeaning. It is never personal.

      • Like any other public forum, the crazies are out there sure. But Dont tell me you dont have a Right wing slant-it insults me. I read here daily. C.mon.

        • Mack, I don’t think the CCO has a right wing slant or a left wing slant. I think the readers and posters have the slant and I’m actually pleased with that. I’m an unabashed Nationalist, I don’t care much for black nationalist or white nationalist but America first type of nationalist is a win win for all of us. And I know that means I lean way to the right.

          • Of course you wouldnt see the slant- its in your direction- it probably looks “ just right” to you

          • newspeak is no republican. fact.
            more of a race first nationalist

            Mack, what he says here….is wholly accurate.
            that’s why he gets such an adverse reaction

      • Admin…..In your opinion, which group, liberals or conservatives seem to be the most violent, intimidating and aggressive toward opinions they disagree with?

        • Honestly: on the right- neo nazis- pro lifers that murder-lock her up crowd- stats and bars crowd—- on the left- BLM- Christian pro life haters-
          The answer to your question- good people of both parties do none of what you descibe. Its the radial sect if each. Media yawns at those who are just tolerant.

  2. frohbieters: Very republican and an American nationalist, which to me is America first. We have immense problems that we need to fix before we invest our time and energy in open borders and illegal immigration. It is sad that liberals call everyone who loves America and wants all of our people to have the first shot at a good life, Racist. We need to fix our opioid and homeless problem first instead of adding new problems with illegals, gangs and sanctuary cities. We need to fix cities that have been under democrat control for many years and we need to find a way to civilize democrats and stop their criminal behavior. Democrats have turned the criminal justice system and penal systems into major economic growth areas. My message to democrats: heal thyself.

    • “heal thyself”

      thy shall November 6, 2018.

      And if thy don’t, just like 2000, we are f___ed bro.

      Thanks to thy greater than us for voting against peace, prosperity and surpluses “as far as the eye can see” in 2000, and voting for an orange dummy that holds your values dear. Multiple marriages, walking in on naked teenage girls and lying like it’s taken the place of American apple pie.

      You are the greatest Newspeak. And Trump is also.

      Matter of fact, in your own minds, you guys are even greater than that.

      And that is why we find ourselves where we are.

      Like the hurricane told the palm tree, “Hang on to your nuts, because this isn’t going to be an ordinary blow job”.

      No sir, it sure isn’t….

  3. It truly amazes me, and the world, that a President Dennison has the power to destroy the world.

    But HELLO!, that would put an end to abortion.

    Ah Ha! And priests and Alabama elites could not pedophile anymore.

    And patriots could melt into oblivion with their guns.

    And then something could start all over.

    Something no doubt more intelligent….

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