We hope that today’s “READERS FORUM” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way? 


Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Who was the most effective Mayor of the Evansville?

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  1. White Nationalist Presidency?

    This is the end. It’s all coming to a head on this wall thing, and it has failed.

    You can’t promise 200 times “Mexico will pay for the wall!” and then try to slip the bill to the US Taxpayer. They’ll tell you to go to hell. “It’s over. Get away from us.”

    FACT: The coalition the white nationalists assembled to elect Trump, made up of desperate old GOP elements and racists, it’s dying. Right now.

    • Democrats will be reviled by Americans as is the Nazi’s by the Germans. Claiming to be a Christian and a democrat nullifies all else that you say.

  2. You tell em Danny. We rely on the ignorance of you people to keep our anti American dreams alive.Sincerely,Barry Hussein Soetoro.

      • what is amazing is they full on embrace it!!

        Daniel is dead on correct today.

        white nationalists are not republicans, they are scum bags folks.

        scum. bags.

        • Agree, white nationalist are scrum. Being a nationalist is as patriotic as you can get. Americans before all others is what made this country great. Being a democrat is a diagnosed condition of a self destructive personality disorder or people who do not care about America or the next generation. Usually unhappy people because of ignorance or being lazy who have not been successful in a country built on success.

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