Evansville Water and Sewer Utilities Acquires Park At 4th And Main Street For $450,000


City of Evansville Press Release

(In February 2018 The Prior Sale Purchase Price Was $104,000)

One of the key components of the Evansville Downtown Master Plan Update is moving forward with the installation of fencing around the park at 4th and Main streets. Fence Pros began enclosing the astro turf covered park today to ensure public safety and in preparation for site work this winter to stabilize the infrastructure and remediate possible issues underground.

The park property was acquired from a private owner this year by the Evansville Water & Sewer Utility as part of a land exchange with the Evansville Department of Parks and Recreation for Sunrise Park on Water Works Road. Sunrise Park, where Kids Kingdom playground is located, is adjacent to the East Side Waste Water Treatment facility on land that is needed to comply with federally mandated sewer infrastructure improvements.

The Master Plan Update envisions a “thriving Main Street” as the “core of downtown” that can become more active and vital with the addition of local and independent retail shops and restaurants. The park at 4th and Main streets will serve as an anchor and focal point for activities.

“The first step is to make sure the area is safe and then prepare the site,” said Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke. Next, the Parks Department will work with the downtown Economic Improvement District to develop more specific plans for the green space.

FOOTNOTE: Attached below are three links that gives you an idea on the entire transactions Of The 4th And Main Street Park. We wonder how the 4th and Main Park increased in value by $346,000 in just 7 Years.


