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Todays “Readers Poll”:Do you feel that Council was correct in voting to spend $17 million dollars to renovate North Main area?

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  1. I don’t think the renovation is a question of right or wrong, but can we afford it, and will its returns justify the debt? Most likely it will benefit a select few.

  2. I hope our upgraded anti-discrimination ordinance does not result in the undue loss of livelihood and hearth as it has in other cities.

  3. Weaver seemed to have prescient knowledge of the outcome of the Jacobsville money-dump. He has said previously the vote would be 9-0 and he was correct. They rub it in. There’s really not much, short of outside intervention, that can be done about it now. Watch them work over the next 4 years, closed door decisions on how to spend your money. Well, you won’t really be able to watch them work, but you’ll sure feel the effects of their secretive efforts. Council and administration, conjoined. Hips, lips and fingertips.

    • “Hips, lips, and fingertips.” I have always loved your style.

      In working with church growth groups, we were advised that if a decision is unanimous that we should not do it because it has not been well thought out. Of course with this administration no thought is required.

      • You’re right. Little thought required when you have the votes (I think it’ll be 7-2 or 8-1 going in on most issues now). Only perfunctory deliberation for public consumption, then the ‘vote’. Shouldn’t telegraph too far in advance what the vote is going to be though — it just looks bad. Because it is. Then again, as Weaver knows, nothing we can do about it.

    • I don’t doubt McConnell said every word attributed to him there. He is a sad example of a politician. In a fairer world proclaiming you’re going to ‘do nothing’ would be grounds for no paycheck. Turtle Head has set the bar low and there is no dearth of little politicos willing to emulate him. They used to bury their heads in the sand now they simply withdraw into their carapaces.

  4. The televised charade last night was terrible. Watching citizens voice their concerns about blighted properties in Jacobsville. Kelley Coures jumping up to defend the cities programs and how much better it is going to be “When Brownfields Corporation or whatever we call it is turned into a land bank”. Coures consantly following every speaker with blubber about how the D-Patrick deal was key to making all of this happen. Emoting about his friendship and comradery with Dan Adams. How he took them all to lunch. Talking about this being the hardest task he was given two years ago as DMD Director. Every gasconading word was filled with conceit.
    Current long time residents speaking of murder, vandalism, robbery and the high crime rate concerns in their beloved Jacobsville. Voicing their belief that without crime prevention and increased patrol to deter criminal activity no IU Medical student or family is going to ride a bike path into this area.
    The Jacobsville Neighborhood Association speaking of how good this will be for the area. This all happened in the Finance Committee meeting that lasted until 8pm.
    What was so terrible about all of this was not the genuine concern of the citizens (Lets use the word “constituents”…..UGH!!! Missy Mosby and now Michelle Mercer STOP!) of Jacobsville. What stinks is members of City Council make it all too obvious that the decisions are already made before any of these fine people ever spoke.
    By the way, you will now be paying 50.00 everytime the water company comes to your home to turn your water on or off and if you run over that brand new smart meter with your lawnmower? 600.00 please. IURC has approved it and now the ordinance has been changed. That is going to be a real hardship on areas like Jacobsville where incomes are low but, it will be a real pretty drive down Main Street for the Water Department!

  5. They are now charging to come out and read your meter if you think it was misread. they also charge if you want it tested, services that were included in your bill previously.

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