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  1. Drumpf has zero chance of being President. He is an embarrassment to America

    • He has also embarrassed the party that he hijacked to make his flame-out run. It will have to be rebuilt from scratch. The damage is deep. A lot of people have lost their reputations by supporting that crazed racist. Easy to understand how national Republicans got put in a tough spot and did what they thought best for themselves but his support from the penniless can really only be attributed to one or two things. They are both bigotry. He rang the gong and they lined up.

      Drumpf just had to put an exclamation point on his miserable past and present of poly-bigotry, cheaping out on contractors and just generally being a loathsome human being. His ego-driven ‘legacy’ demanded it. He is now a clown of world wide repute. A life poorly lived.

      • Speaking of “cheaping out,” the Trumpster is now being sued by the “Freedom Kids” who did the opening for one or two of his rallies. Apparently the campaign refused to pay their travel expenses, but agreed to let them sell their “fan merchandise” outside the gathering and then reneged on that too. Bilking three little girls may be the worst thing he’s ever done.
        Just yesterday the news came out that the Trump “policy shop” has closed up, after the failure to pay employees. I can see how he would find writing good policy would not be a thing he and his followers would value, though.

        • I saw that about the ‘policy shop’. I agree with you that it would be something he has little use for. His is a personality driven campaign. Right out of the Adolf Hitler playbook. He knows nothing of the issues and doesn’t want to learn.

          Not surprising he failed to pay those little girls he enlisted to further his ambitions. We haven’t seen the worst from him yet though, people like him have never met a depth they wouldn’t sink to.

          I think he might have screwed up with that illegal bribe to Pam Bondi. We won’t hear about it in any local media but The Beast’s people aren’t letting it go. A former federal prosecutor just said he’d never seen a clearer case, complete with paper trail, of quid pro quo.

          • I hear this morning that a lot of Trumpies, who glory in being politically incorrect, are all butt-hurt that Hillary called them a “basket of deplorables” at one of her highly successful fundraisers. That is mild compared to the things she is called by them on a daily basis. The most ignorant and bigoted among the BOD (basket of deplorables) proudly sport T-shirts that say much worse about her. Now, they want to boo-hoo because she called them what they are.
            You’re right about the Bondi thing, too. When SCOTUS let Bob MacDonald walk, they made it a lot harder to prosecute political corruption, but if there has ever been a quid pro quo, this is it. On top of that, Trump has bragged about committing the crime of pay-to-play in front of thousands of cheering BOD occupants at his rallies. That bragging will open the door to a plea of mental incompetence for him, though, and I don’t think there is much argument for his competence.

  2. She knew it was a lie, but she told it anyway. She told the families assembled here that an inflammatory video caused the attack that cost the lives of these Americans.


    Just like her husband, the impeached and disgraced former president, Hillary Clinton can look you straight in the eye and lie to you.

    Do the right thing on the 8th of November and excise the Clinton cancer from this country.

    • ..oh, remember August 9, 1974 ..The “Dick” Nixon was climbing on Marine #1 and turned to the cameras and give us the across the chest solute ..lie after lie after lie ..wonder if old Hilliary is related????

      • “Old Hillary” is younger than your Drumpf dog-pile, but one expects comments like that from the sexist, racist followers of the Demented Orange.

        • There you go again ..did I say that I particularly support Trump ..no ..there are more than two people running for the presidency ..what choices ..???

          • Kinda brings back memories of my father. Many of his friends would say, “if Satan himself was on the Demo ticket, you would vote for him” ..

            Not to insult those Dems which many are my closest friends, but I have repub friends that do the same damned thing.

          • You didn’t NEED to say who you support, Ruffus/Grateful Dead/ Harriet Tubman, etc. We do not have the best people to choose from, but a decent, sane person with a three-digit IQ can’t vote for Trump, and a third party vote is sheer waste.
            I’m guessing that using “There you go again” is an attempt to seem Reaganesque, but I don’t understand why anyone would want to identify with him. He deserved to spend the rest of his days in prison behind his treasonous Iran Contra activities.

        • What in you in HRC’s history convinces you that we will far better with her as president? I sshe suddenly going to change her spots?

  3. The CCO should give this site back to Joe Wallace!
    Spotty IIT’s.
    The readers forums have degraded into a mudslinging, name calling cesspool that would make a third grader saying neener neener seem adult by comparison.
    This site used to be a beacon of light on city government but now is a troll den.

    • My thoughts exactly. I very seldom look at the blather day in and day out lately.

      • +201 I don’t read what certain posters(bandana, Lk, don b, UnclassieE’ville, etc. ) say because I know it’s always the same line of hatred. I simply scroll down until I reach a usually civil poster (Regulator and I seldom agree, but he’s usually always civil and has interesting thoughts) and decide from their comments whether to continue.

        I must say, Laura was usually worth reading, but I feel she has diminished herself over this election. There won’t be a person from any of the three major parties on the presidential ballot worthy of the office and to see anyone degrade themselves intellectually for them is sad.

        • DementedAffected

          Seems like you’re a typical Drumpf right winger. Those of us who post discussion points with facts and figures that prove our point are too much for your precious little mind

          Well, too damn bad. Those of us who support the United States of America are working hard in our individual ways and methods to protect the country we love from right wing demagogues like Drumpf

          If you cannot handle proving a point or debating a subject with actual facts and precedence, then feel welcome to leave. That goes for all the malcontents griping today

          Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out

          • RE: DISAFFECTED
            wishing to stay on the bench…., not read nor participate (pretending he’s on some pedestal, I noticed…kind of funny actually):

            Let’s be clear: It is because he knows Trump is indefensible.
            I mean, “why sacrifice my personal integrity defending this dangerous fool.”

            Either very smart, or cowardly….of “disaffected”
            My guess is he’s gonna sit this one out, that while he can’t stand Hillary, and no way……NO way, he’s gonna vote for or advocate for a dangerous fool, Trump.

            We’re cooking out today. I”ll have a cool Corona w/ a lime thinking about you’all.

        • You probably won’t read this, but I’m going to reply. I think that pointing out that the lesser of the two evils (there is no credible third party) is a far, far better choice than Donald Trump. I believe there will still be a USA complete with the Constitution in tact, after four years of a Hillary Clinton presidency. I don’t think that would be the case after four months of a Trump presidency. I’m an extremely pragmatic individual, so I am supporting her, not for her gender nor party, but for the preservation of America. If that is degrading myself intellectually, then I am guilty.

          • Yes, you are guilty of intellectual integrity degradation, not extreme pragmatism. I am not a Trump supporter nor have I ever been, but, I have been observant over the last 25 years and know full well what the Clintons are. I don’t want my conscience to be burdened by another errant vote for president and feel I was complicit in the further demise of our Constitution by “unfaithful servants”.

          • ‘Unfaithful servants’. That is rich.

            I make you yet another Trump supporter who is too ashamed of him to admit it. You are also a hateful troll of long standing, spanning venues and all bounds of decency.
            Your conflation of a doofuse’s knowledge of our constitution and a biblical parable is indicative of a scattered mind and a gnashing of teeth.

    • Most of the written mud sling is so worthless and flat wrong.

      Makes me want to stop reading and looking. Beyond me how any darn person could vote for Hillery.


    • Meh. I’ve got no issue with dueling posters, but it IS depressing when you really dig into the comments and realize that both sides are essentially arguing that their preferred presidential candidate is merely the LEAST horrible of the two horrible people running. I don’t think anybody is feeling any real joy about our elections this year, on any level.

      ALSO, kudos to our local public safety agencies for dealing with two major fires in the last few days. Multi-alarm, multi-family dwelling fires stretch resources thin, and everybody (FD, PD, EMS) has to be really dialed in to make things turn out okay. Good job to everybody involved!

  4. Personally I enjoy the CCO and very seldom click on to the C&P anymore because I find their comments boring.

    Also I never have to Google any links because there aren’t any left to post after Press gets done.

    If the local politics affected me I may be a little disappointed but they don’t. But for this national election not to take center stage on any forum is what would surprise me the most.

    To each their own….

  5. Come across this writing from the apparent largest serving Supreme Court Justice James Story appointed by Madison:

    Regarding the Second Amendment, Justice Joseph Story wrote in his Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, 1833 (3:§§ 1890–91):

    “The importance of this article will scarcely be doubted… The militia is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpations of power by rulers.

    It is against sound policy for a free people to keep…standing armies in time of peace…from…the facile means, which they afford to ambitious and unprincipled rulers, to subvert the government, or trample upon the rights of the people.

    The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium (defense) of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will…enable the people to resist and triumph over them…”

    Story warned further:

    “And yet…it cannot be disguised, that among the American people there is a growing indifference to any system of militia discipline…that indifference may lead to disgust, and disgust to contempt;

    and thus gradually undermine all the protection intended by this clause of our national bill of rights.”

    • ..sorry about the past v. present ..should be “came across” my English teachers would be disappointed!

    • In addition to Joseph Story (Not James) the following is his take on the first amendment …

      n Vidal v. Girard’s Executors, 1844, Justice Joseph Story wrote:

      “Christianity…is not to be maliciously and openly reviled and blasphemed against, to the annoyance of believers or the injury of the public….

      It is unnecessary for us, however, to consider the establishment of a school or college, for the propagation of…Deism, or any other form of infidelity.

      Such a case is not to be presumed to exist in a Christian country…”

      America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations

      Justice Story continued:

      “Why may not laymen instruct in the general principles of Christianity as well as ecclesiastics…

      We cannot overlook the blessings, which such laymen by their conduct, as well as their instructions, may, nay must, impart to their youthful pupils.

      Why may not the Bible, and especially the New Testament, without note or comment, be read and taught as a Divine Revelation…its general precepts expounded, its evidences explained and its glorious principles of morality inculcated?”

      Story added:

      “What is there to prevent a work, not sectarian, upon the general evidences of Christianity, from being read and taught in the college by lay teachers?

      It may well be asked, what is there in all this, which is positively enjoined, inconsistent with the spirit or truths of the religion of Christ?

      Are not these truths all taught by Christianity, although it teaches much more?

      Where can the purest principles of morality be learned so clearly or so perfectly as from the New Testament?”

  6. My wife wanted to see my cell phone, so I smashed it with a hammer and told he rI had nothing to hide.

  7. Hillary Clinton calls millions of Americans “deplorable”.


    When you have as much toxic baggage as Hillary Clinton, all you can do is demonize people in an effort to make yourself look better. Today it is Trump supporters, tomorrow it will be anyone who does not agree with her. It is another reason why she will lose this election.

  8. – September 10, 2016 –
    Donald J. Trump Statement

    “Isn’t it disgraceful that Hillary Clinton makes the worst mistake of the political season and instead of owning up to this grotesque attack on American voters, she tries to turn it around with a pathetic rehash of the words and insults used in her failing campaign? For the first time in a long while, her true feelings came out, showing bigotry and hatred for millions of Americans. How can she be President of our country when she has such contempt and disdain for so many great Americans? Hillary Clinton should be ashamed of herself, and this proves beyond a doubt that she is unfit and incapable to serve as President of the United States. I will be President for all of the people, and together we will Make America Great Again.” – Donald J. Trump

    • To be fair, ALL of the uber elite of this country have disdain for us commoners. They just do a pretty good job of hiding it (usually) and mouthing platitudes to the masses to make us think they give a damn. They don’t. The only interest the economic, political, and cultural 1% have in us is as a herd to consume their media, consume their products, and provide cannon fodder for their wars. If you think otherwise, you’re a fool.

      • That pretty well covers it. Indoctrination starts early though: civics classes, parents, preachers, elected officials, etc. Plenty of built-in cultural reinforcement along the way. Rewards, encouragement…all at a cost many never know they paid.

        Smart people can be brainwashed and if they don’t find themselves in a situation somewhere along the line that wakes them up they stay that way. Believing until death in the contrived American Dream catches quite a few otherwise non-fools. Maybe by definition they attain foolhood by default if they don’t wise up, no matter how smart they are in other respects. They are lauded at the end as good citizens, they didn’t rock the boat. Or anything else.

        Born fools don’t have a chance. There is a hill or sand dune out there waiting to be taken and a general not yet born waiting to give the order. A metal box and a flag not yet manufactured ready to bring them home. On a slightly less morbid level an onerous mortage to enslave them to an unhappy boss while onward they strive. They just never see the true reason they never really get anywhere.

  9. Hillary was talking about alt-right lunatics, who do make up a lot of Trump voters. It only bothers those who weren’t going to vote for her anyway, so she won’t suffer for it. Romney slammed all Americans, while she and Obama only slammed their opposition.

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