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  1. Remember this pretty lady that was attacked by Hillary/DNC paid thugs:

    Rachel Casey, the 29-year-old woman and Donald Trump supporter who was violently attacked by progressive protesters and had eggs thrown into her hair in San Jose, California, earlier this year, gave her first exclusive interview since the revelations in new videos that Democratic paid operatives incited such violence around the country on Sunday.


    • This was on Breitbart News?
      Do you log on to websites like http://www.burgerking.com to get news Joe?
      Organizations like Breitbart and Mother Jones are advertising companies. Not news sources.

      1. If you were struggling to win this election, I mean gritting your teeth knowing what’s coming
      2. And you were down in the dumps and depressed about how Donald Trump is an election disaster
      3. And you have been seeing yourself in your dreams sitting your ass on that Losers Bench…over, and over, and over….JoeBiden sitting on that Losers Bench for 4 years….over and over and over….in your dreams at night,

      ….then why SURE!
      If I was you JoeBiden, I would log on to Breitbart News and read what the Advertiser wants me to hear too! I mean, if you’re a Donald Trump backer, and you need SOMEWHERE to go to believe fantasy stuff, then log on to the best Donald Trump Porn Site in America – Breitbart News.
      You go JoeBiden!!

        • Typical Becker4Hillary nonsense. He even claims that Benghazi and 30,000 missing e-mails aren’t Hillary scandals.

          • (Ha! No mention of either thing. You’re scared JoeB. Should be. Your guy. HE is the reason Hillary is gonna be POTUS. In fact, YOU have done more here, other than Pressanykey, to elect Hillary Rodham Clinton…more than Bandana, more than LKB, more than Classy, more than way in the weeds freakin liberal Ghost. You guys backed a guy that MADE Clinton the next President. So save your pivot and diversion tactics Joe. You earned this.)

          • You been put spot on Joe. ‘ole Prepare to Lose with Trump is pushing you around like youre in a Ganaderia.

          • Joe, it’s sort of childishly creepy the way Becker is fixated on you and Press, but I think it’s just because he wasn’t paying attention in school last year. He even thinks that black is the absence of light, so we know he wasn’t taking basic science.

            He’s probably a Peruvian Poetry major with a minor in social networking.

          • DISAFFECTED, The answer is:

            …these two guys (Pressanykey and JoeBiden) have been making crap up, both of them wildly abandoning their so-called conservative and christian high horse pedestal positions……and sold their freakin’ souls to back a progressive, NYC liberal democrat because that guy shares their “white men nationalist bigot party views.”
            Well, Daddy’s credit card expires on Election Day.
            You don’t like the answer DISAFFECTED, I’m sure about THAT.

            But, it’s 100% accurate.

          • The only missing email and computer files scandals were when your man Cheney destroyed all his computer files that were government property. Yet you said nothing. That right there shows how much you really care about the law. Crying crocodile tears are we now over Hillary’s emails. She turned over more emails that your man did.

          • Now it comes to light, Joe. Becker finally threw his real problem in there with a small case:


          • DISAFFECTED:
            Can you be any more clueless? That is not just a tree. You are standing in a forest. (And I noticed you are trying to change the subject.)

            The small case “c” was a tip off. Dotted lines don’t work for you either disaffected?

            The WHOLE damn point is that these two guys, Pressanykey and JoeBiden, have been making crap up, both of them wildly abandoning their so-called “conservative and christian” high horse pedestal positions……and sold their souls to back a reality TV star for President because that guy shares their “white men nationalist bigot party views.”

            All that crap about Press and JoeB being conservative and christian? Total bullshit. They abandoned that in two seconds when Trump showed up on the scene. NONE of that crap they claimed to believe was ever authentic. They abandoned EVERY value they CLAIMED to hold dear to support Trump…..Sold their souls to back a reality TV star, a progressive NYC liberal Democrat because he shares their, Yes, this: “white men nationalist bigot party views.”

            So the bread crumbs lead here disaffected: Press and Joe never were authentically Conservative or Christian. And today? Well, in-authentic people lose, we all know that.

          • Things you should know about Rasmussen, Joe:
            (and at SOME point, you have to cop to you are being exploited, Sir. This is ridiculous.)

            1. Rasmussen is a GOP/Trump polling firm. Their question in polls is designed to elicit a favorable response for the GOP candidate. Literally, they have an automated call, it says something like, “Do you intend to vote for more of Obama with Hillary Clinton: Push 1. If you want real change and intend to vote for Donald Trump, Push 2.” Even RCP knows Rasumussen is a paid hack. But you are consistent Joe! You go to Breitbart to get your news!! (The Donald Trump Porn Site: Breitbart News).
            2. Matt Drudge tells Rasmussen IN ADVANCE, if you have favorable results for Trump, I will feature a link to you on the DrudgeReport.com. That drives traffic to Rasmussen. And Rasmussen is AN ADVERTISING DRIVEN POLLING COMPANY.

            Election Day is approaching. JoeBiden, you have BIG Daddy credit card bills to pay………OR……you can FILE BANKRUPTCY. I hear your guy is an expert at that.

  2. On the 8th of November the voters get the chance to show Hillary Clinton and James Comey that no person is “above the law” or “to big to jail” in this Country.

    The Clintons have disgraced the office of President of the United States in the past, and then went on to create the most corrupt political machine the United States has ever had to deal with.

    On the 8th of November 2016 we will excise the cancer called “the Clintons” from the body of our Country for ever.

    God bless the United States of America.

    • ……Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels, Pressanykey.
      This wrapping yourself in the Flag thing…..is preposterous.

    • PussyPress

      Are you under the weather? It seems to be taking longer and longer for you to waddle to your desk from the back 40 to Room 302 at the Civic Center. Maybe you should invest in one of those fat ass scooters like at Walmart……

  3. Becker, I can only assume you know Joe and Press personally, which I don’t, and nor do I know you. That also is an assumption because I don’t know any of your identities.
    But I do know the charges you level at them, if you don’t know them, are much more fantasy than anything they post. I have been around long enough to recognize when a person isn’t speaking from an intellectual standpoint, but rather, an emotional one. Emotion is what has gotten Trump to where he is at and unfortunately, no matter who wins the election, America loses.

    It would better serve us to stop the personal petty insults and focus on the lazy electorate which has gotten us to this presidential election travesty.

    • DISAFFECTED…stop the leveling of personal insults thing just because you’ve been shown to be a fool. (Sorry, you throw a hard ball? I’m gonna hit it.)

      These guys are guys I would easily share a beer with, and we’d laugh. And when they’d call me lie like an f’n liberal commie, I’d buy them another one for the audacity of the comment. But disagree vehemently is WHAT WE DO in here…and I have NO PROBLEM, nor do I take it personally when they play hardball with me. In fact, I often compliment them for a job well done when they do!

      Trump’s gonna lose. Big. It’s gonna STING badly for Pressanykey and JoeBiden. I have nothing to do with that….that was THEIR choice to back Trump. Grow up kid.

      • And with that, Faux Republican, you have reached LKB’s level. You are just not interesting enough to share a beer with. You don’t know what black is nor do you know how to play hardball.

        Now, I only have Poseycountydutchman and Regulator on the left to interest me.

        • disaffected…..oh hey. No worries. (I’m a Republican. I doubt you are, Sir.)

          But to the subject……You clearly have no sense of humor and/or self-deprecation, in your mind, appears to be for fools. However many friends you do have with THAT kind of attitude, DisAffected….whew!!

          • (….and elkaybee DOES have a sense of humor, proven here time and again. And you think SHE cares you find her uninteresting DisA? That is your claim to fame? Kind of laughing at you disaffected…..)

  4. Hillary is way ahead in most all the polls. She has a double digit lead with the women voters. She even has a +3 point lead with white men. College educated people are voting more for Hillary than Trump.

    Trumps not doing very well and will lose the election if things keep going this way. He keeps digging his hole deeper every time he opens his mouth. The man is not worthy and will not be elected. He knows this and that is why he is claiming the elections are rigged. He is nuts. It’s clear for any sane person to see that the man has a mental problem and a ego that too big for his own britches.

    • So I get home from a trip this weekend and see where Mop Head said WE will pay to build his Great Wall now. He then will send the bill to Mexico and if Mehico fails to reimburse, he will either turn them over to ACME bill collection agency or quit making his products there.

      Sounds like Goldilocks has them by the pussy.


  5. Pressanykey…..is providing us “news and supposed news links”….written BY TRUMP CAMPAIGN STAFF.

    Unbelievable. I’m serious. The Hillary Florida thing? Written by “Special Projects Director of @Citizens4Trump.”

    Reality Check:

    “As 3 more states flip, Trump’s chances of winning slide closer to zero” (Washington Post, this afternoon.)

    Here you go:

    • Press….it’s desperation, teeth clenching anxiety, revenge time!!!
      Get off your ass…..and POST MORE LINKS!!


    By Kelly Riddell – The Washington Times – Thursday, September 29, 2016


    If Donald Trump becomes the next president of the United States he’ll be more thoroughly vetted by the media than Barack Obama.

    When the junior senator from Illinois became the first African-American president, his background remained largely a blank slate, unexplored by the press, who at the time were swooning over the potential of his presidency

    Joseph McQuaid, publisher of the New Hampshire Union Leader, wrote an editorial headlined “Obama Orgy,” CBS News anchor Katie Couric spoke of the “Obamathon … the non-stop coverage … [that] has stolen most of the limelight from his opponent,” and everybody remembers Chris Matthews’ “thrill going up my leg” reference to the new president).

    So, Mr. Obama’s school records from kindergarten to law school went unchecked and undiscovered. The story of his financial support growing up in private schools, and then eventually Harvard, unknown.

    It was unfashionable to report on Mr. Obama’s 30-year history associating with questionable characters starting with communist Frank Marshall Davis, then with Pastor Jeremiah Wright and terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. For the media considered it all to be rumor and innuendo, perpetuated by the right to discredit the candidate. Conspiracy theories.

    When Washington Post reporter David Maraniss was asked why he didn’t bring up Mr. Davis in his 10,000 word feature on Mr. Obama’s Hawaiian childhood, he told Accuracy in Media he didn’t feel Mr. Davis warranted a mention, and that Mr. Obama’s own book was incorrect in dedicating a significant role to Mr. Davis in mentoring the now-president.

  7. More from Evan “Beltway” Bayh:

    “Democrat Evan Bayh will attend two Washington, D.C., fundraisers hosted by top lobbyists on Monday, according to invitations obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

    The first fundraiser is a “lunch with Bayh” hosted at the D.C. offices of McGuireWoods, the lobbying firm where Bayh has been a partner since he retired from the Senate in 2011. The event costs a minimum of $1,000 to attend, according to the invitation.

    Bayh will then head down the street to headline a $1,000 per plate dinner hosted by some of the city’s top lobbyists. Attendees are invited to contribute $2,700 to become cohosts for the event.

    Among the hosts listed for the event is Jonathan Mantz, the top Democratic lobbyist for BGR Government Affairs.

    Mantz lobbied this year for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal that the Bayh campaign has attacked his opponent, Rep. Todd Young (R., Ind.), for backing in Congress.”


  8. Enough with Trump and Clinton. What p/o’s me is were about to get smacked by Mosby, et al on sewer rates. Water is going up too. I won’t be able to afford to flush. Maybe carry it in a bucket to the penguin pit. They seem to have enough money for that.

  9. Hey! It read do support the FOP and the injuction. How did all of you yahoos get off of the subject? Yes stick to Winky he thinks he is god and and can do whatever he wants. Remember the 25 % raise thy tried to give themselves a fews years back because that pocketpool player Russ Lloyd found. Where did that extra money go after they got 9.9 raise/ I am a teamster an do not det that kind of raise.

  10. Who did Jonathan Weinzapfel go to work for 4 months after shutting the mayor’s door behind him? Only the Indianapolis law firm that does all the bonding work for most EVERY political subdivision in Vanderburgh county, which includes the City of Evansville, and the school corporation. Establishment alert here!

    If this corruption does not cease at the local. state, and federal level, we are headed for another civil war. The alternative is to meekly accept a banana republic for yourself, your children, and your grandchildren.

  11. President Obama and Usher getting down on the White House dance floor to “One Dance”.

    One Dance
    Baby, I like your style
    Grips on your waist
    Front way, back way
    You know that I don’t play
    Streets not safe
    But I never run away
    Even when I’m away
    Oti, oti, there’s never much love when we go OT
    I pray to make it back in one piece
    I pray, I pray
    That’s why I need a one dance
    Got a Hennessy in my hand
    One more time ‘fore I go
    Higher powers taking a hold on me
    I need a one dance
    Got a Hennessy in my hand
    One more time ‘fore I go
    Higher powers taking a hold on me
    Baby, I like your style
    Strength and guidance
    All that I’m wishing for my friends
    Nobody makes it from my ends
    I had to bust up the silence
    You know you gotta stick by me
    Soon as you see the text, reply me
    I don’t wanna spend time fighting
    We’ve got no time
    And that’s why I need a one dance
    Got a Hennessy in my hand
    One more time ‘fore I go
    Higher powers taking a hold on me
    I need a one dance
    Got a Hennessy in my hand
    One more time ‘fore I go
    Higher powers taking a hold on me
    Got a pretty girl and she love me long time
    Wine it, wine it, very long time
    Oh, yeah, she steady on grindin’
    Back up, back up, back up and wine it
    Back up, back up and wine it
    Back up, back up, back up and wine it
    Oh, yeah, she steady on grindin’
    Back up, back up and wine it, girl
    Tell me, I need to know, where do you wanna go?
    ‘Cause if you’re down, I’ll take it slow
    Make you lose control
    Where, where, where
    Where, where, where, where
    Oh, yeah, she steady on grindin’
    Where, where, where
    Back up, back up and wine it, girl
    Where, where, where, where
    ‘Cause if you’re down
    Back up, back up and
    ‘Cause if you’re down
    Back up, back up and
    ‘Cause if you’re down
    Back up, back up and
    I need a one dance
    Got a Hennessy in my hand
    One more time ‘fore I go
    Higher powers taking a hold on me
    I need a one dance
    Got a Hennessy in my hand
    One more time ‘fore I go
    Higher powers taking a hold on me

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