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  1. I see where an ultraliberal from South Bend wants to tax Indiana workers to death with a bill he’s introduced for free tuition at state schools for Indiana residents. The clown lawyer hits all the buttons for a California liberal and thinks us dumb Hoosiers should support his run for Congress with a piece of legislation he knows has a snowball’s chance in hell of passing. I can’t imagine my agony of people thinking of me as a liberal Democrat, but fortunately, I’ll never have to.

      • Check this article out. Democrats predictably whining that enforcement of voting laws is “mean spirited” and “intimidation”. Waaaahh.

        After a federal court stuck down North Dakota’s voter ID law last year the state was forced to go back to an old system of letting people without valid ID’s cast their ballots using affidavits attesting to their identity. Today lawmakers took up HB1369 (see it below) which seeks to implement a more secure sort of ID requirement for voting while staying in line with what the federal courts have asked for.

        Rep. Scott Louser (R-Minot) was the bill carrier and pointed out that the legislation still allows people to vote without proper ID, only their ballots aren’t counted until they can prove their identity with valid ID. Their ballots are set aside. Those casting them have until ballots are canvassed to get their ID’s to the proper officials. Among other changes, the legislation also raises the penalty for intentional voter fraud to a Class C Felony

        “We don’t have a voter fraud problem in North Dakota,” Rep. Mary Schneider, a Democrat from Fargo, said during the floor debate. “We have never had a voter fraud problem.” She went on to say that raising the penalty for voter fraud to a felony is “mean spirited” and “voter intimidation.”

        But Rep. Chris Olson, a Republican from West Fargo, laid out some data to suggest otherwise. He told his fellow lawmakers that Cass County was still working on verifying affidavits used to cast ballots in last year’s election, and that among the thousands of affidavits found they found numerous problems including 86 Minnesota addresses, 2 Wisconsin addresses, 102 affidavits “returned underliberable”, and 5 people who denied having executed an affidavit to vote.

        “If this isn’t a problem I don’t know what is,” he said.


  2. The local tributary of the national river of Fake News is reporting today that, since State revenue from casino taxes is down, the State will have to dip into the general fund to maintain the same amounts of casino tax monies returned to Indiana cities. Say what? Absurd. Meanwhile, the mayor (and other mayors from across Indiana) is in Indy pleading to maintain the flow of addictive Casino tax money.

  3. liberalism is without a doubt a mental disorder………..radical libs support muslims that treat woman as 3rd class citizens that kills gays they denounce Israel that is the only country in the middle east that treats women as equals……………..yes without a doubt the libs have a serious mental disorder and Mr Trump just sent them over the wall…………….what do you believe liberals is it gay rights women rights or muslim rights………….President Trump Law And Order 2017 and beyond…………………..

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