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    Last night was so wonderful when FOX NEWS interrupted their entire news programming with the Military Honor Ceremonies showing the arrival of Senator John McCain’s remains in Washington DC flanked by all of his US Senators, all of his Staff and members of the US Army, Air Force, Marines and Navy.

    Senator McCain is a national hero who sacrificed so much in service to the country in the US Armed Forces, including over 5 years of imprisonment in Russian backed Communist Vietnam choosing to send home his fellow servicemen as the soldiers were released.

    Senator John McCain is a perfect example of truth, justice and honor in service to our Country, and I was proud of our Country and FOX NEWS for honoring John McCain. It was such a contrast to show that, and it reminds us that America will get through the lies, the prostitutes, the conspiracy with Russia, the crime and fraud rippling through the entire Donald Trump Presidency. The contrast with Senator McCain and Trump couldn’t have been more clear last night, and I was embarrassed for Evansville. We were stained yesterday with the tragic Trump Presidency visiting Evansville. The perfect example of fraud, treason with Russia and crime given a podium at the Ford Center! Such a sad day in Evansville.

    • Ann, apparently your fellow liberal teacher protesters from Arizona don’t share the same opinion of Senator McCain. In fact their comments about the Senator, sound similar to the typical liberal claims against President Trump.
      Derek Harris, a lead organizer for Arizona’s #RedforEd teacher protest, which presents itself as a bipartisan movement but has closely aligned itself with Democrat David Garcia, has been celebrating the death of John McCain, suggesting he be replaced in the Senate by an “empty rusted bucket.”…
      Harris, a member of #RedforEd’s leadership group who was highlighted by the Free Beacon earlier this year for his highly partisan social media posts, has stated in the week since McCain’s death his opinion that the Arizona senator was a “racist” and criticized those who disagreed with him.

      He first responded to a fellow Twitter user by calling McCain an “old bigot,” saying, “He’s no jerry Falwell, but I’m not sorry he’s gone… more worried about who’ll get appointed in his place.”

  2. I can understand parents wanting to take their children to see a POTUS. They dont know any better, the children I mean. What lies ahead will be tough on all Americans. We have to know if Trump and his group are guilty of anything before we can move on. Nixon fought until the end – wouldnt expect less from Trump. Its not looking good though

  3. Have to admit the people that came far and wide to see or support President Trump were a most courteous and respectful group. Patiently waiting line civil, and cooperative. Very impressive turnout, with many with entire families. Evansville shown well in the national spotlight. Even the protestors at the Teachers Credit Union were orderly, but too profane. F this and F that signs, shirts and chants, doesn’t change many hearts and minds. But the old hippies, public school teachers, pro-abortion and rainbow flag people seemed to be enjoying the media attention.

    • agree MSD……..it was easy to see why President MAGA won 11,500 civil cooperative and respectful Americans turned out for support of MAGA not counting the 1000s turned away……………economy is without a doubt roarrrrrrrrrring under MAGA………..as the commie libs continue to replace reality with their hope my hope is they continue their off the wall lunatic fringe insanity…………….Special thanks to all Law Enforcement Great Job……….

    • The mosh pit of Trump protesters always looks like a human zoo filled with a cornucopia of malcontents. These hate fests are filled with people who dye their hair with Skittles, seldom bathe, have a fondness for screaming the F word, parading around nearly nude, and escapees from hippie communes. If there was a job fair going on none of these “woke” numb skulls would even get an interview. Are they literally trying to make everyday Americans think they belong in an asylum? Circus indeed.

  4. Behold the threats by an elected Democrat Congressman to our law enforcement and their families. This is similar to threats the Cartels make against the Border Patrol and ICE.

    A Democratic lawmaker issued a startling warning to government officials involved in “illegal” deportations that they “will not be safe” from future punishment when Donald Trump is no longer president.

    “If you are a US government official and you are deporting Americans be warned,” Arizona Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego tweeted early Thursday. “When the worm turns you will not be safe because you were just following orders. You do not have to take part in illegal acts ordered by this President’s administration.”…

    Chris Crane, the president of the National ICE Council, which represents thousands of ICE employees, accused Gallego of inciting violence against them as they “enforce the nation’s laws and keep our communities safe.”

    “It should be frightening to every American that a sitting member of Congress would threaten the safety of any person and their family, and incite the public to take acts of violence against them, let alone the lives of those whose job it is to protect us and keep us safe,” Crane said in a statement.

  5. New Film on American Moon Landing Deletes American Flag to “Transcend Borders”. Hollywood and a Candian Actor promoting that the American Moon Landing should not be about American greatness. What Democrat party leader directed this? Coumo, Waters and Pocahontas?
    “If one were to point to an iconic moment during the first moon landing in 1969, the primary moment to come to mind would probably be Neil Armstrong’s legendary words, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” However, a close second would probably be the planting of the American flag on the rock orbiting the third rock from the sun.

    The flag was a sign that we had achieved a goal declared at the beginning of the decade by John F. Kennedy. The flag was a sign that American ingenuity had triumphed over collectivist ideology in the space race. The flag was a sign that we had set our aim as high as possible and hit it head on.

    But alas, that sort of thought is too divisive in 2018 — at least according to Hollywood.

    According to the U.K. Telegraph, “a new film about (Neil) Armstrong has chosen to leave out this most patriotic of scenes, arguing that the giant leap for mankind should not be seen as an example of American greatness.””…

    “Let’s dissect this nonsense. I agree, I don’t think most American heroes view themselves as American heroes. That’s what makes them American heroes.

    Now, was [Neil Armstrong] humble? Of course. Was he just the tip of the iceberg? Yes, absolutely. Did he defer “the focus from himself to the 400,000 people who made the mission possible?” Absolutely.

    He is the very humble tip of a 400,000-person iceberg… that was American. Really, what’s so hard here?”


  6. Well, I must say at least Trump filled the Fraud Center. Never been full before!!! Check out the C&P, new indoor football team coming to the city. The Indiana Firebirds. Are playing starting in 2019 at the Fraud Center. After all, the Bluecats were such a success, they folded their carpet and fled. Another failed attempt at sports, like say, the Dunderbolts. Still money circling the drain. Oh, and Yoda, those people who attended the rally, are the same “deplorables” who elected Trump. Look around, this is not a white collar city. It is a blue collar laborer city!!!

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