We hope that today’s “Readers Forum” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?


Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that the IU Medical school will have a major economic impact on downtown Evansville?

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  1. Pence Calls Space Force Necessary to Protect U.S. from Gay Aliens

    WASHINGTON—Making a major announcement at the Pentagon on Thursday, Vice-President Mike Pence said that the proposed United States Space Force was necessary to defend the U.S. from gay aliens.

    “I’ll tell you what’s to stop them,” he said, pausing for dramatic effect. “Space Force.”

    At the White House, CNN’s Jim Acosta asked the press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, how, exactly, Pence had developed his theory about the existence of gay aliens.

    “No one is more qualified to talk about life on other planets than Mike Pence,” Sanders snapped. – Borowitz

    And since “cost” is only taken in consideration when it comes to porn stars and Playboy bunnies by this administration, it looks like we are off to the races with war in space pilgrims.

    Cool. I was worried I was going to die before getting to see it.

    Never a dull moment with Mop Head and Straight Face in charge.

    OUT WITH OMAROSA, IN WITH SPACE FORCE – MAGA – Make Astronauts Gun Aliens….

  2. This appears to be a brutal hate crime committed against an elderly Sikh. Not so, says the NAACP.
    “The 18-year-old son of a police chief in California’s Bay Area, who allegedly attacked a 71-year-old Sikh man, appeared in court Friday, smiling and waving his middle fingers at media cameras, a report said. Tyrone Keith McAllister, estranged son of Union City police Chief Darryl McAllister, entered the courtroom and flipped his middle fingers at their camera, Sacramento’s FOX 40 reported….He appeared to be grinning, and made suspected gang signs while his hands were cuffed, the Record of Stockton reported….”As to whether it was just a crime or a hate crime, I’m of the opinion that at this point, looking at the videos, that it’s just a crime committed by some young people,” Bobby Bivens, president of the Stockton branch of the NAACP, told FOX 40.”


  3. New rising star in Democrat party with Presidential aspirations:
    “CLEAR LAKE, Iowa (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the self-styled provocateur taking on the president for porn actress Stormy Daniels, told Iowa Democrats on Friday that the party needs a bare-knuckle fighter to take back the White House. It’s a role he is considering filling himself. In a political scene unthinkable just months ago, Avenatti was the closing speaker at the Democratic Wing Ding in Clear Lake, Iowa, a traditional stop for presidential hopefuls.”


  4. The C&P had an interesting article about the racial slur made by a Memorial student, a young man toward a young African American lady. Sad to say the least. I wonder if this comment would have been made public if it was from a public school student? The young lady’s comment was pure class and I predict a bright future for her. I’ll pray for him and all that think that way. Gives a person hope for the future.

  5. Obvious the Dems are not interested in 2020. Really, even mentioning Avenatti is a joke! As far as the med school, will never be a winner. Why, no way to recoup our 57 million donation.

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